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June UltraViolent Wrasslin' |OT| This is Small Potatoes!

You can buy this




Just found out about Dusty. Really sad nes.

The fact that he had that big storyline with his kids is nice in retrospective. Makes it bittersweet too.
Ahh fuck. I like Roddy and all, but I cannot get myself as hyped for that as for Ricochet/Nak.

I'm actually kind of the opposite, Ricochet/Nak would have been spectacular, but I'm expecting Roddy/Nak to be more suited to my tastes. Great work on RevPro's part, getting Strong in so quickly.
Tournament of Death IX Part 3
(Part 2 here)
Get hype my friends, it's time for the semifinals of this spectacle!

JC Bailey vs Abdullah Kobayashi in a 3 out of 5 Barbed wire board and Light Tube Log Cabin Death Match


*actual tube cabins may not match illustration*

What the heck kind of match is that? Well seeing that the ring is already prepared with wads of light tubes in structured form I have a vague idea , I’m just saying they look like the perfect things for someone to get slammed through, that or the main course for Kobayashi following his single tube starters in the last match.

Kobayashi’s head is bandaged up and with good cause, the commentators mention how he looks like a Yeti and I’m surprised to say I can totally see what they mean. It doesn’t take long for Bailey to take the lead in this strange stipulation propping a light tube “log cabin” on a downed Kobayashi and using a top double rope knee drop for the smash, so I have to assume he paid close attention to Scotty Vortekz’s match with that spot theft.
The match crawls on at a lethargic pace as Kobayashi lumbers about probably feeling the aftereffects of having two Kenzan’s hammered into his head around an hour ago, I think I’m seeing an issue that comes with making a tournament out of matches designed to beat you to a bloody mess.

Bailey tries to duplicate his knee drop success but Kobayashi is wise to his stale tricks and lobs a chair at Bailey sending him off the turnbuckle, he prepares the cabin, picks up Bailey, strolls over to the tubes and does a Samoan drop right onto the…canvas next to the tubes, well I can’t deny my disappointment here.
Suddenly remembering the stipulation Kobayashi prepares his own top rope spot, BAKA ELBOOOOW through the tubes, I didn’t think I’d be so used to seeing people dive through glass but this event alone has taken it through the DDT cycle that makes Stone Cold so very sad.

Fortunately the mad scientists in the CZW weapon creation division have taken the next step in light tube gimmickry, behold the Birdcage which is a cylinder of tubes that barely fits around Bailey and leads to some shattering kicks from Kobayashi, not sure if that counts towards the stipulation mind you, confusingly he then goes for a cover which goes nowhere so I’m not sure he even knows the rules for this one.

Going to the top rope twice for your tube schemes seems to be a no go as this time Kobayashi ends up stunned on the top rope after the dastardly Bailey pushes the ref into the ropes (never mind that he could probably have reached the ropes himself from his position, he needs the heat!), this leads to a superplex through another tube structure and the commentators inform me that now the men are tied, well it’s a good thing someone knows what’s going on here.

DUELING CHAIRS because why the heck not? After two clashes of steel Bailey hits the tide turning blow and then proceeds to removes what little bandages left on Kobayashi’s head so the concussions can continue with more steel on skull shenanigans.
Time for the finale, Bailey is back to the top rope and hits a senton that looks much more painful for him than it does for Kobayashi but regardless it nets him the victory.

Well that was a match I suppose and now I’m desensitized to glass spots so here’s hoping the next match has other tricks in store, wait I’m actually hoping for twisted stupidity now, what have you done to me Bootaaay?!

Masada vs Scotty Vortekz in a Boards of Death Deathmatch


MMMMM, Barbed wire boards and Cinder Blocks, also ultraviolent rules of death which sounds pleasant.
The boards in the corner lead to a few obligatory early teases where both participants almost get knocked into them, Masada actually stumbles ever so slightly into some wire only to bounce back yelling “IS THAT YOUR BEST SHOT BITCH?! COME ON!” and then no selling Scotty’s following strikes, A+ storytelling.

Scotty runs into a reverse headlock position and gets reverse suplexed into a board, fortunately for him he only hits a lower corner of the board so it’s not as skin shredding as it could’ve been, or so I thought until Masada just throws the board on top of him and stands on it pushing the wire in the hard way, oh and lobs a cinder block at the board which is basically the hardcore equivalent to hitting steps with a chair, It just doesn’t deliver the impact they want you to believe it does.
The guy who I dubbed Meth Manager is out here for the fourth time tonight and prevents Scotty from gaining momentum, man I really want to see this guy (actually named Billy Graham I believe) get put through some sort of hardcore hell himself, I demand comeuppance!

Breaking news from the CZW labs: Project Glass Tube barbwire Board is complete and lying outside the ring ready for application, Masada puts it through a test run with a powerbomb on Scotty and I assume the scientists pop the corks on their extreme champagne in celebration of another breakthrough in light tube based weaponry, what will they think of next? release rabid dogs, or glass shard platters? Or the rabid dogs with glass in their mouths and when they bark they shoot shards at you?

Meanwhile in the ring the Ref has had enough of Billy Graham/Meth Manager’s shit and uses the Refs most potent finishing move of the vintage referee shove to send him tumbling into a barbedwire board, my wish has been answered and I kind of marked out.
Still this doesn’t stop his interference, Masada and Graham prop Scotty on a barricade outside the ring, Graham holds a barbwire board over Scotty so Masada can jump off the top rope with a steel chair to deliver a super strike into the board, once again it sounds better than it actually looks.

Not much happens as Masada controls the action, he sets up a cinder block pile in the middle of the ring and scoop slams Scotty into a bumpy landing, and then again, and then yet again.
Scotty uses the power of heart to kick out of Masada’s cocky pin, now he’s fired up, after shaking off Masada’s strikes we get a callback to the start of the match with Scotty firing back the words “is that all you got Bitch?!”, okay so maybe there was some storytelling here, guess I’ll eat crow…or glass.

It amounts to little as Masada still stays in control, the announcers sell a snapmare/spinal tap combo with greater shock than most of these glass spots, something about leg slapping kicks really gets these guys.
Masada props up a board with chairs, after a string of counters it ends with Scotty finally getting in some offence in a big way as he hits his top rope knee drop on a standing Masada that sends them crashing through the wire board.

Bah Gawd Meth Graham just wont quit, he’s prepared with what looks like a kids plastic baseball bat and swings it like an old man, Scotty ducks and gives him a taste of his own medicine with three hits to Graham’s noggin as well as some glass tubes for good measure alongside some “fuck him up” chants that jarringly sound like they’re coming from the “lets go Cena” sound selection of fans.

All this gives Masada enough time to recover and botch a powerbomb attempt before successfully hitting one on a barbwire board, I think this Masada guy is pretty limited.
He spends enough time staring at his bloodied manager that Scotty just gets back up, hits a signature move from behind and rolls up Masada in a cradle pin for the three count even if Masada’s feet were on the ropes by the three count.
A man can take the glass, he can take the wire but nothing stops the cradle pin!

Blooming heck, the finals are still yet to come as well as one more bonus match to give Scotty time to actually recover. Who will reign victorious? will yet more glass tubes be smashed? where in the world is Zandig? such mysteries abound as we race towards the conclusion!
(and actually I've already written it up so I'll probably post it pretty soon and wipe away my deathmatch debt to Bootaaay)
Today on Austin's podcast I learned that

- He uses viagra ("I like fuckin' and it helps me fuck even better!")
- He likes beer.
- He has met Sasquatch aka Big Foot aka 'Quatch aka BF and conducted a lengthy interview with him, sadly he had no batteries for his Zoom. 'Quatch was a fan of the IPA Austin was drinking.
- His college coach padded out his football stats.
- Enforcing mandatory cold showers for all California residents will fix the water shortage.

Austin is just a smart guy when it comes to leveraging his particular talents. His grasp of technology, limited as it is has me honestly more interested in the bizarre little stories he comes up with when "shootin the shit" than main roster storylines. He's fantastic. The whole deal comes off as too earnest to have been foisted on him by an agent/agency as well.

Can't wait to listen.

When I listen to Austin, I feel like I am listening to my dad whom I have been estranged from for most my life. I just feel complete inside.


Today on Austin's podcast I learned that

- He uses viagra ("I like fuckin' and it helps me fuck even better!")
- He likes beer.
- He has met Sasquatch aka Big Foot aka 'Quatch aka BF and conducted a lengthy interview with him, sadly he had no batteries for his Zoom. 'Quatch was a fan of the IPA Austin was drinking.
- His college coach padded out his football stats.
- Enforcing mandatory cold showers for all California residents will fix the water shortage.

Austin is just a smart guy when it comes to leveraging his particular talents. His grasp of technology, limited as it is has me honestly more interested in the bizarre little stories he comes up with when "shootin the shit" than main roster storylines. He's fantastic. The whole deal comes off as too earnest to have been foisted on him by an agent/agency as well.

He should go on Bryan Alvarez' After Dark show.
Cult of Kokeshi: The Popularity of Tomoaki Honma


Tournament of Death IX Part 3
(Part 2 here)
Get hype my friends, it's time for the semifinals of this spectacle!

Oh man, I missed part two! Awesome stuff dude, added to the OP.

Well that was a match I suppose and now I’m desensitized to glass spots so here’s hoping the next match has other tricks in store, wait I’m actually hoping for twisted stupidity now, what have you done to me Bootaaay?!

You're one of us now, Nocturnowl. Hooked on sweet, sweet UltraViolence.


Was looking at people that've had WWE tryout and holy shit, these are the same people?



No idea how she is as a performer, but much respect to her, that kinda weight loss requires a lot of effort and dedication.
Tournament of Death IX Part 4: ENDGAME
(part 3 like...a few posts up)
Ah heck, time to inject the thread with another lethal dosage of ultraviolence and kill it once and for all.

Bonus match: Brain Damage vs Drake Younger in a"sit and hit" Tai Pei deathmatch
Hey this isn’t the finals! Drake Younger has some sort of title belt so good for him, this match’s gimmick involves both men dunking their taped hands into a bucket of glass shard that stick to the tape giving a second more literal meaning to the term glass jaw if they land a an uppercut.

Younger is weaving about boxer style, commentary suggest the Little Mac tactic since he’s a smaller wrassler, ah they must mean spamming super armoured smash attacks.
BrainDamage ain’t doing great, he takes glass enhanced mounted punches from Drake and then gets the bucket dumped over his head. Yet another twist on a glass jaw now as Drake grabs a handful of shards and pops them in Brain’s mouth following up with a punch that causes Brain to spew shards all over the shop.

Eventually Brain Damage actually lands a glass punch when Drake goes for a flying stand, he follows up propping Drake’s head on a standing steel chair and hitting a knee drop off the top to the back of Drake’s skull, Brain Damage bringing the brain damage.
Brain has the Darth Maul version of the watercooler stick which is to say it has double the bottle heads, of course that’s only a two count. Drake hits a death valley driver onto a chair, that’s also a two count, Michinoku driver from Brain through barbed wire glass tubes, yep it’s a two count again. I’m convinced these matches just end when both wrestlers decide they’ve had enough and settle on something being a three count so they can nurse their wounds.

Drake’s busted open pretty bad, to the point that Brain applies pressure to his head and the red stuff is flowing out like a water fountain, how lovely!
Next Spot: Drake performs a Superplex onto a steel chair that’s angled slightly on the “Darth Maul”, two count…
Powerbomb from Brain onto glass tubes, two count…
Package piledriver on the mat from Brain, oh look at that it’s a three count.
Between this and the previous cradle pin I think my theory of them ending when they feel like it gains more weight, weapon spots until you can’t spot no more.

Finals - JC Bailey vs Scotty Vortekz: Tables, Ladders, Light Tubes, OH MY!


(seriously, why would you dive off the ladder as well you berk?!)

At last the finals are afoot, two somewhat skinny baggy short wearing dudes were not entirely who I expected to see as tournament of death finalists but well here we are.
Speaking of shorts Bailey’s once white shorts are tainted with a fair bit of red, perhaps by the end of the match the red dye job will be complete.

We ain’t messing around here, we’re off with Bailey hitting a neckbreaker, a scoop slam and ascending to the top rope but just like if you were playing WWF No Mercy you’d know that going for such high risk moves is a fools game right off the bat as Scotty gets up pretty much immediately and shoves Bailey off the top rope to the outside where there just so happens to be a glass tube laden table waiting, what a coincidence!
Just to prove how meaningless half these big spots are Bailey is evenly matched against scotty in the fight for momentum about a minute later. Still it’s Bailey on the receiving end of the next hardcore moment, sitting in the corner with light tubes Scotty drives a ladder into him but the poor bastard must be knackered because nothing happens with a hit so soft that even the ever shattering tubes are still intact, well second time is the charm.

Bailey fights into an optimal cradle suplex position but before pulling off the move has to awkwardly drag Scotty across the ring and scoop over some light tubes with his feet because those things are pretty much mandatory at this point, heck the canvas might as well be made of somewhat shredding sugar glass at this point.
Moving on Bailey gets whipped towards a slanted ladder in the ring corner but decides that running up it makes more sense than flying spine first into it, sadly for JC Scotty is immediately on the attack with a back drop from the ladder but dare I say that the lack of blood in his system seems to have kicked in again because it was more back flop than back drop.

Scotty now needs stagehands to help him bring a standard wooden table into the ring, yeah he is not faring too well here. Scotty receives a light headbutt from Bailey that has him gasping for air long enough that Bailey can set up two ladders, move the table, get a log cabin of tubes from stagehands outside the ring and set up his contraption of death without being interrupted, and I repeat: from a light headbutt, he sold that for like two minutes.
Scotty staggers about allowing further plannage from Bailey who is now stacking individual tubes on the death pile he’s created, Scotty doesn’t exactly resist being dragged up one of the ladders as Bailey ascends the other so he can deliver the worst possible move to put his foe through said pile, a russian leg sweep without the leg sweep so basically they both fall backwards into the glassplosion, yup, Bailey basically killed himself, that was the most contrived and silly spot I’ve seen so far, my mind boggles, it really does.

Duelling chants from the crowd, well they’re more into this than I am, Bailey is just smashing tubes over Scotty like they’re the equivalent of standard strikes, that’s what these tubes have been reduced to. He grabs a barbed tube bundle which doesn’t smash and tumbles to the outside leading to that awkward moment where not only are you repeating a failed attack but having the dead time of leaving the ring to do so. Except surprise, he ain’t just going to repeat the same attack, it’s time for more top rope tomfoolery as he hits a double stomp through the barbed tube bundle.
You’d think that would be a three count right? nah of course it ain’t.
The most limp strike trading sequence I’ve seen ensues, it’s like a divas match in here but in fairness I think both guys are just dead on the inside and outside at this point, going through the motions until the match ends and they can take a nap, a nap at the local hospital I should hope.

Bailey puts a tube through Scotty’s legs and hits a kick to the nads though it requires three attempts to actually crack the tube, how can something be so soft yet so hardcore at the same time? It’s like a paradox in this ring. Bloody hell this is dragging on, I swear I hear some woman shriek “HURRY UP BY FUCKING GOD!”. Bailey positions himself on the top rope so he can be killed by his own tube set up in the middle of the ring, whatever little logic was left in this match has just flown out the window. And indeed by perching himself up there it’s the perfect position for Scotty to hit the Blue Moon Dragon off the top through the light tubes, and that’s the fourth time I’ve witnessed a JC throw themselves away illogically this year after seeing Viewtfiul JC get banned three times from GAF already in 2015 *cheap heat*

ONE, TWO, THREE! Bah gawd we’ve got a new tournament winner in Scotty Vortekz and immediately I see some fans sprinting over to their cars in the background to beat the dozens of other audience members to the exit.
Hyde is out to present the trophy, meanwhile more of the audience are starting their engines, such honour and prestige for Vortekz, he’s put his body through glass based hell only for a chunk of the audience to already have blown this backwoods Popsicle stand.

Scotty details his CZW origin story, his life has been leading to this moment since he first watched a tournament of death and grandma’s house or something along those lines and well I can joke about that but it’s actually more noteworthy than anything I’ve done so….shit.

And that’s a wrap, no more scribbles and text walls from me. Glass now officially means nothing to me, eventually this tournament is going to have wrestlers getting shot in the head and kicking out on 2.
The first round match ups were the strongest on account of every participant being fresher and the various hardcore gimmicks being more varied, then you hit the semifinals and it’s like the show is on repeat at half speed.
The finale was a plodding sloppy affair that was pretty much two gassed dudes bleeding out and collapsing into the various glass related spots, so really it’s everything I ever expected it to be.
I could commend the finalists for their spirit to carry on to the finishing line but really it’s easier just to call them stupid.
Going back to re-read part 1 of Dangerblades CZW review is even more hilarious now, I look forward to more perspectives on this unique niche of wrestling.
(I also found out that some of the guys in my matches are now dead, I'm not entirely surprised).


I love this guys articles and always look forward to seeing what he covers next, I should really get his book sometime.

I got it sometime last year (maybe? I forget).

Pretty good from what I've read so far, though the section where he talks about the Von Erich family just about killed me though.

That was some depressing shit, man.

Had to stop reading for a while after that.

Tournament of Death IX
Ah heck, time to inject the thread with another lethal dosage of ultraviolence and kill it once and for all.

Good stuff. Had me laughing my ass off while reading through it.

I'm gonna miss the scribbles though.


LeBron is about to flounder in the spotlight,coming up lame and passing the ball when it matters most.DB can show him the way brother H


Ended up getting Half Life 1 anthology from the steam sale. I think I'm good for the whole summer sale. I was going to get Xcom Enemy Within, but 2K trolling with the prices so meh...


Ended up getting Half Life 1 anthology from the steam sale. I think I'm good for the whole summer sale. I was going to get Xcom Enemy Within, but 2K trolling with the prices so meh...

2k15 is $33.49 at least.

I won't touch it till it's under $20 though.
Things have been hectic here the past few weeks since my Father-in-Law suddenly passed away and I wake up this morning to find Christopher Lee died and I check Facebook this afternoon and the first thing that pops up is that Dusty Rhodes died. Fuck.

R.I.P. Dream


Zayn's piece on Dusty's passing is quite the read:

Earlier today, I was devastated to hear about the passing of Dusty Rhodes. Words like ‘shock’ and ‘sadness’ come to mind, but don’t truly capture the whirlwind of emotions that take place when you are blindsided by news like this. It was particularly shocking to me because I had seen him almost every day this week at the WWE Performance Center when I went in to rehab my shoulder. He appeared to be in good health and so it was really hard for me to believe that the news was true. But as I read more and more about it, and tears filled my eyes, I didn’t know what to do with myself. So I came home and decided to just write a little bit about Dusty. Many mourners referred to Dusty as a great mentor and a great teacher, which he absolutely was. But I would like to share with you the little things about Dusty that I greatly appreciated in my time with him. He was a great guy.

I need to start by stating that Dusty was a particularly huge influence and a great help to me when I first arrived at WWE. I started with the WWE in February 2013, reporting to FCW in Tampa, FL, the developmental territory at the time and predecessor for the WWE Performance Center in Orlando. Despite coming to WWE with 11 years of experience already under my belt, the idea of “cutting a promo” terrified me when I first got here. Though I had done a lot before getting to WWE, my interviews or “promos” had consisted of only a few words. I had relied on a lot of my non-verbal skills to get to WWE, but the jig was up now that I had signed. It was time to learn, and school was in session every Thursday at the FCW arena: promo class with Dusty Rhodes.

I don’t know if you’ve ever had to do something that you weren’t good at, in front of someone who happened to be one of the best of all time at it, but needless to say it is intimidating. But Dusty washed away a lot of my fears very quickly, as he took a liking to me right away, and was very nurturing. He really encouraged me to speak in a conversational and natural manner. There is no greater confidence booster than getting a sign of approval from one of the greatest talkers in the history of our industry. As my confidence grew, so too did my interview skills. After every interview, we would tell me what he liked, what not to do, and would frequently remark how I “reminded him of a young Robin Williams”. It made me laugh every time, and it still does, because I still don’t see it.

Dusty is also responsible for my name and character upon my arrival to WWE. After dropping my previous persona from the independents upon signing, I had to choose a new name and a new identity; a new character. It was Dream’s belief in me as a more natural, conversational speaker that helped my decision to more or less just be myself. Picking a name proved to be difficult though, as I had submitted three separate lists of names, all of which had been rejected. Finally, I was asked to narrow it down to 3-5 names and I had a private meeting with Dream to make the big decision. Well, that meeting lasted about a minute.

“So, which name do you like?” Dusty said, in his unmistakable and frequently imitated lisp.
“Uh, I don’t know…I kind of like Sami Zayn”, I replied sheepishly. Bear in mind, I had kept this name on each of the lists, and so the name Sami Zayn had been rejected three times at this point.
“Hmm…Sami Zayn……Sami….Zayn….” he said, as he slowly waved his arm laterally, as if visualizing it on a marquee. He paused, and nodded dramatically. “Yeah, that’s the name. You tell them Dream said Sami Zayn is the name.” And so it was, just like that. Even now telling that story, I have a grin on my face from ear to ear.

I grew so much as a performer thanks to Dusty and my two and a half years spent with him learning to communicate. But for as much as he did for me professionally, the lessons I took from him as a person resonated with me even more.

WWE developmental is a place where you need to learn to navigate the waters of a very unique business, and there are times it can feel like a political minefield. Perhaps what I found most refreshing about Dusty Rhodes is that he was a true life cowboy and sincerely did not give a damn. He spoke his mind. He was defiant. He rocked the boat. He was unapologetic where people were often worried about voicing opinions that differed too much from the norm. In short, he was himself. I can’t tell you how much that resonated with me. And while I don’t aspire to be the cowboy that Dusty was (I could never pull it off any way) he solidified my own faith in myself. He taught me about standing by your convictions and having an opinion of your own, whether it was the popular one or not. For a man who was such a great speaker, it was his actions rather than his words that made the biggest impact of all on me.

In my entire time with Dusty, I honestly don’t remember seeing him in a really bad mood. He was always very lighthearted around the Performance Center, and cracked jokes every single time he would see me. I laughed a lot around Dusty Rhodes. He was very funny, sometimes when he wanted to be, and sometimes just because he was.

One of my favorite things that Dusty would do that would make me laugh, was brag. I absolutely loved it when he would brag. He was just completely unapologetic; he knew exactly how good he was, and he would tell you about it. He would just tell these great stories about himself in his prime; about this amazing promo he cut, and how it sold out the building the next time they came to town. It was done in such honesty, that it was almost humble in a very twisted way; the opposite of someone you can tell thinks they are great but are obviously trying to downplay it. It’s hard to explain, but trust me, it was amazing.

Another thing he did that would make me laugh a lot is he would call people by the wrong name. I still don’t know if he did it on purpose or not, but it was just hilarious. For example, Enzo Amore, one of his star students in promo class and arguably the best talker on a week to week basis in promo class for the last three years…and Dream would still call him “Enzio”. This would make me laugh, every single time, without exception. I’m laughing right now just thinking about it.

My favorite of his wrong names though is undoubtedly when Kevin Owens first showed up at the Performance Center. Kevin came into WWE as Kevin Steen. Usually when a new talent arrives to the PC, his/her first week is only observation, and sometimes just a quick getting to know you. However, on one particular night when many important guests were in attendance (“Luminaries”, as Dream would call them), Dusty decided to surprise everyone and put Kevin on the spot by calling up “Kip Stern” to cut a promo. Kevin just stared blankly because his name was Kevin Steen, not Kip Stern. This awkward silence filled the room for a good 10 seconds until William Regal, who was sitting next to Kevin, nudged him with his elbow and said, “You should probably go up there.” Good God, I still laugh about that one all the time. There’s a road here in Orlando called Stern Street and every single time I drive by it, I do my best Dream impression and say, “Let’s see Kip Stern”. Then I laugh.

As I recount these little anecdotes, I can’t help but feel so lucky to have gotten the past two and a half years to work with Dusty. This man had seen it all, done it all, watched generations come and go, and had a wealth of knowledge and understanding of the business that literally no one else on earth possessed. I got to share in that and that’s just amazing to me.

A few days ago in the trainer’s room at the PC, he was sitting around talking to someone and I said, “Hey Dream, you got put over again by Paul Heyman on Steve Austin’s podcast the other night. Heyman was talking about how you helped him learn how to cut money promos.” And he smiled and in true Dusty form he replied, “There is no one in this business that the Dream hasn’t influenced”. The best part is that he was right. Thank you, Dream. They don’t make people like you anymore. I’m so glad I got to know you.

You will never be forgotten.

Owens has changed his name on twitter to Kip Stern, fittingly.
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