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June UltraViolent Wrasslin' |OT| This is Small Potatoes!


So not worth it
Friends! I am not sure this is officially licensed Juan Sina merchandise...


Roman Reigns is so obviously gonna win MiTB. Though nnnnNNNNevilllllllle might be the wild card.

I base all my predictions by asking myself one simple question: "What is the dumbest thing that can possibly happen" because that always seems to be the way Vince takes things.

So, I believe Kane will be the MITB winner.


Match outcomes mean nothing as they can be undone at any moment. I'm just gonna enjoy the show for all the spots we get instead of actually climbing the ladder.
I base all my predictions by asking myself one simple question: "What is the dumbest thing that can possibly happen" because that always seems to be the way Vince takes things.

So, I believe Kane will be the MITB winner.

I like this train of logic, all aboard Corporate Kane's wild ride, Seth's reign has been doo doo anyway.
That's a lot of carnies under one roof. Stay safe.

Mick Foley (Who I doubt was ever booked since he appeared at Great Adventure like 45 minutes away with half the people that were at my place later in the day) and Sunny (Who I overheard was in rehab) were no shows, but they brought in Robbie E and
my arch nemesis
Balls Mahoney instead.

Got Ted DiBiase's autograph and got to tell Tatanka my favorite story about my little sister having a total meltdown when he joined The Million Dollar Corporation. Also had nice conversations with Jake Roberts and Hacksaw Jim Duggan who was the surprise nicest guy. I got Lita some water from her dog and gushed about how much I enjoyed all her work with Edge which I think she might have found awkward. Kurt Angle seemed super awesome too, but I didn't have much of a conversation with him.

Event had a nice turnout and the guy in charge said he's gonna do another one soon and they'll be coming back to me so hopefully more fun soon.



Looking pretty good for with the belt

PTP bout to go over tonight friends, millions of dollars can buy a stadium full of people clapping and being positive.


I base all my predictions by asking myself one simple question: "What is the dumbest thing that can possibly happen" because that always seems to be the way Vince takes things.

So, I believe Kane will be the MITB winner.

I actually kind of want Kane to win and then become Champion. He deserves to be WWE Champion after years of consistent and good work. Plus he may not have much time left in WWE considering how long he's done this. Give Kane a chance damnit.
Because of the Bethesda E3 presser. I'm gonna have to sit out most of the PPV and catchup tomorrow. And depending when the specific match I want to see live is on, all of it.

I really want to see Cena-Owens live and then catchup the rest on the WWE Network tomorrow before Microsoft. I really hope they have it on and done by 2:20am (I'm also starting a Twitch stream at that time), though I have my doubts.
Not that the build up really warrants it but hey I'm not doing anything else right now.

Prediction Time: Money in the Bank 2015
It's that time of the year again where numerous participants face off in a perfectly adequate yet ultimately forgettable multi man ladder match for the opportunity to get booked with a mediocre at best title run some time in the next year.

Pre show: R-Truth vs. King Barrett
You know back when the KotR was finished I really thought it might be time for Barrett to get the case, and here he is on the pre show not even in the ladder match.
At least R Truth tried to sneak in the match back on Raw which elicited some genuine laughs out of me, WWE can do comedy, who knew?
So does anyone actually care, I'm a massive mark for Barrett and WWE has finally convinced me it's now worth me giving a flying fuck about his booking so I wont.
Winner: The guy who gets the three count, whoever he is.

WWE Tag Team Championship Match: New Day vs. Primetime Players
I'm amazed how these belts have managed to feel almost worthwhile as of late (well compared to their usual state of worthless), props to New Day and Cesaro/Kidd for putting on matches that helped fuel this feeling of mine.
Unfortunately Kidd is now out of action and what little tag division we have is probably about to fall back down the crapper.
But in the meantime here's a match that should be pretty standard, have the players ever been tag champs before? I'm thinking no but they might just have had a completely forgettable reign. Well anyway I'd sooner keep the straps on New Day right now.
Winner: NEW...DAY...ROCKS!

WWE Divas Championship Match: Nikki Bella vs. Paige
So are the Bella twins heel again this week? it's hard to keep up with these two as they rapidly approach Big Show levels of turning. Well anyway I've found it tough to give Divas a chance as of late, surprisingly it's not Bella promos that have bugged me for once but instead I just remember some cringey stuff coming from Paige about Tamina being a dude or something. Actually I've paid so little attention I have no idea what happened to the Naomi/Tamina combo.
Winner: Nikki Bella
Winner of my heart: Bailey, please stay safe in NXT

Intercontinental Championship Match: Ryback vs Big Show
Ah for fuck sake....
winner: THE BIG GUY, not to be confused with THE BIG SHOW

John Cena vs Kevin Owens
Time for Cena to get his win back? usually I'd play it safe and say "of course he will, what program have you been watching for the last decade?".
Today I'm going to be foolish like the time I bet with Professor Beef that Cena would totally turn heel to best The Rock, I'm going to say Owens wins again, it may not be clean but he wins regardless and Cena preps another promo about how Owens is not really A MAN.
Hopefully with the finisher fest out of the way 2 weeks back they'll have a more flowing match this time.
Winner: Kevin Owens

Money in the Bank Ladder Match: Neville vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Sheamus vs. Kane vs. Randy Orton vs. Roman Reigns vs. Kofi Kingston
Thanks to WWE booking destroying whatever faith I had in Barrett I'll have to fall back to my old favourite wrassler even now in 2015, in ladder matches in 2015 at that. I will be unashamedly rooting for Kane all night long with Kofi as a backup choice.
Kane has the perfect in built feud with Rollins, the payoff is coming at last after months of teasing and I for one can't wait.
Neville and Kofi will spot monkey the shit out of things, Orton will RKO everyone who wanders into his vicinity at some point mid match, Ziggler will get maimed (possibly by Sheamus).
And when the dust settles Kane will be at the top of the ladder, reaching up for the case and BOOM SUPERMAN PUNCH MAGGLE! well fuck...
Winner: Roman Reigns, you have no choice but to BELIEVE THAT!

WWE World Heavyweight Championship Ladder Match: Seth Rollins vs. Dean Ambrose

Not even Seth Rollins can escape the MitB curse, his reign has been bloody awful in my opinion (like Rey Mysterio WHC levels of excrement), taking chickenshit heel to a new level of boredom and undoing the fact that Rollins was in fact a pretty competent character before he got the belt.
Drastic times call for drastic measure so I'm going to cut to the chase with my attitude era like booking that throws the title all over the place.
1. Ambrose actually wins this match, Reigns helps fight off Kane/J&J security interference towards the end
2. Reigns cashes in on his bro, what a swerve!
3. Reigns is your new champion, all of his chumming up with Ambrose as of late was but a ruse so he'd let his guard down.
I mean Reigns is going to be champ soon enough anyway, might as well make it a bit more interesting and then give me the obligatory Shield triple threat match for the title next month.

Well in any case this PPV is one of those that will probably be entertaining enough to sit through, the overall reception of it will likely come down to the match results. Really I just hope we can have a memorable MitB match for once, it's possible, it just never actually happens these days.


I actually kind of want Kane to win and then become Champion. He deserves to be WWE Champion after years of consistent and good work. Plus he may not have much time left in WWE considering how long he's done this. Give Kane a chance damnit.

please let Kane deliver the most boring matches possible and the most vanilla I don't care heel promos about stacking the odds against the babyface




Bull Dempsey's "HE'S FAT" gimmick is proven to be a shoot, brother


If this gets over in NXT, I expect Rusev to get this gimmick when he comes back from his injury.


Prediction Time: Money in the Bank 2015

Pre show: R-Truth vs. King Barrett
This was a match? *shrugs*
Barrett prolly loses because that poor guy is just eternally screwed by Creative.

WWE Tag Team Championship Match: New Day vs. Primetime Players
Should be interesting? Or maybe entertaining.
I dunno, but The New Day has been impressive as of late.
(I'm gonna give it to them.)

WWE Divas Championship Match: Nikki Bella vs. Paige
No Heels or Faces...only Divas.
Sadly, I could care less what happens in the match. Nikki prolly wins since they gotta tear down that AJ reign.

Intercontinental Championship Match: Ryback vs Big Show
Winner: Nobody. Nobody at all.

John Cena vs Kevin Owens
The jaded cynic in me says Cena will win because FUCK YOU THAT'S WHY.
But...I think Owens has a pretty real chance of winning. Of course, they may just try and draw this shit out, but who knows.
Should be a pretty entertaining match if their last one was anything to go by.
Winner: Kevin Owens (KILL OWENS KILL)

Money in the Bank Ladder Match: Neville vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Sheamus vs. Kane vs. Randy Orton vs. Roman Reigns vs. Kofi Kingston
I heard you like spots, so I made a spotfest. :D
Should be pretty fun hopefully. Kofi will do his crazy spot, somebody will prolly get broken on a ladder, and Neville will likely dive off a 20ft ladder and die for our sins.
Winner: Kofi, because the swerve would be awesome.

WWE World Heavyweight Championship Ladder Match: Seth Rollins vs. Dean Ambrose
Assuming we don't get any fuckery (lol yeah good luck with that), should be a fun match as well. Maybe.
That said, I won't list a winner since I think whoever wins MITB is gonna cash in and win the title.


But why give Brock the belt, his title regime is consider to be one of the worst era of wwe.If he was there more than yeah go give it to him but since he won't be it really hurt the product when he is champ.


Why does she have blue hair?

Does WWE think people can only associate women by their hair color so every diva must have a different hair color?


I'm going to try and sum up all the matches with one word each.

Prediction Time: Money in the Bank 2015

Pre show: R-Truth vs. King Barrett

WWE Tag Team Championship Match: New Day vs. Primetime Players

WWE Divas Championship Match: Nikki Bella vs. Paige

Intercontinental Championship Match: Ryback vs Big Show

John Cena vs Kevin Owens

Money in the Bank Ladder Match: Neville vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Sheamus vs. Kane vs. Randy Orton vs. Roman Reigns vs. Kofi Kingston

WWE World Heavyweight Championship Ladder Match: Seth Rollins vs. Dean Ambrose
Why does she have blue hair?

Does WWE think people can only associate women by their hair color so every diva must have a different hair color?

Well, since they can't have last names, and their characters are all various incarnations of CRAZY WOMEN, you kinda run out of other options, friend.
But why give Brock the belt, his title regime is consider to be one of the worst era of wwe.If he was there more than yeah go give it to him but since he won't be it really hurt the product when he is champ.

Who are these people that refuse to recognize the best wwe title reign of the last decade?
But why give Brock the belt, his title regime is consider to be one of the worst era of wwe.

General consensus was that the Brock title reign last year was actually one of the best angles WWE has done in a long time, and most probably would have preferred WWE would have kept it going past WrestleMania (especially with how much of a failure the Rollins title reign has been).

If he was there more than yeah go give it to him but since he won't be it really hurt the product when he is champ.

People don't watch for the title in and of itself, so it not being on TV every week doesn't really hurt the product at all. Besides, Brock makes title defenses more important, and therefor more likely to draw, because they aren't happening every month at bullshit B-Show PPVs.


Who are these people that refuse to recognize the best wwe title reign of the last decade?
How can be the best when only wresle like three matches.

General consensus was that the Brock title reign last year was actually one of the best angles WWE has done in a long time, and most probably would have preferred WWE would have kept it going past WrestleMania (especially with how much of a failure the Rollins title reign has been).

People don't watch for the title in and of itself, so it not being on TV every week doesn't really hurt the product at all. Besides, Brock makes title defenses more important, and therefor more likely to draw, because they aren't happening every month at bullshit B-Show PPVs.
I want the champ to be there than more like once every 3 to 4 months, without the champ being there it lead to the worst era of wwe. There were times were i forgot brock was champ.They need the champ in order to operate. Sure the Brock angle is great in hindsight but I hated it when it was happening outside of build up to the triple threat macth.


Who are these people that refuse to recognize the best wwe title reign of the last decade?
Only problem is that Cena was protected in the other two matches and Brock wasn't at every show destroying people. Perfect world booking would have had Brock destroying everyone on the roster save for 2 guys, F5ing fans, German suplexing popcorn vendors. Shots of him walking to the arena as a mark fan asks for an autograph whom he then makes him submit in the middle of a road. A fake CNN crew is on the scene reporting on the WWE stars rampage when Brock destroys with a chair.

Well, since they can't have last names, and their characters are all various incarnations of CRAZY WOMEN, you kinda run out of other options, friend.
Except for Steph. She has to be pushed over all active wrestlers.


What does MITB and the Bethesda press conference have to be happening at the same time?

I'm just gonna have pause MITB at 10 EST I guess and switch over to watch the Bethesda stream.


If the title is only going to change hands on the PPV, Brock type reign is perfectly fine. Especially since he's the biggest name they've got at the moment and how his matches perform.

I can't even recall the last time somebody won the title on a Raw show.


If the title is only going to change hands on the PPV, Brock type reign is perfectly fine. Especially since he's the biggest name they've got at the moment and how his matches perform.

I can't even recall the last time somebody won the title on a Raw show.
Except Brock is only on a handful of PPVs a year, so that argument doesn't really hold.

I liked that last Brock title reign but it absolutely had to end at Mania. WWE was spinning it's wheels with out the chance to bounce the belt out to anyone else. Their tunnel vision like story lines doesn't leave a lot of room for other things to gain any sense of importance outside of the belts. If they had a better writing staff, sure, let Brock have the title for years.


Sounds like the worst thing about brock's reign was that everyone else was too lame to pick up the slack

The fact that Brock got to avoid the writing team plus VKM for large parts of the year and have a carte-blanche Heyman speak for him proves that the rest of the roster are unfairly hampered by having to deal with the bullshit on Raw every week.
I want the champ to be there than more like once every 3 to 4 months, without the champ being there it lead to the worst era of wwe.

Shit was just as terrible before Brock won the belt and it managed to get even worse after he lost it. The failures of the current era have nothing to do with the champ not being there all the time and everything to do with WWE's booking being astoundingly stale and terrible, with the Brock reign being one of the few things in recent memory that wasn't either.

There were times were i forgot brock was champ.

That's entirely on you, buddy.

They need the champ in other to operate.

No they don't. They need a "top guy" in order to operate (ie. Hogan, Austin, Cena and, soon ,
), and while they usually have the title, their status as the "top guy" does not rely on them having the title (as seen in 2012, where, despite Punk being the nominal champ, Cena was main eventing all the PPVs because he was still the "top guy" in WWE's mind).


Sounds like the worst thing about brock's reign was that everyone else was too lame to pick up the slack

  • Commentary would have been better off talking about brock instead of ignoring him
  • Him working with the Authority and with Seth for like 2 weeks was stupid as shit
  • They did everything to give Cena rematches and main event time even when he didn't need or deserve it
  • Authority angle is dumb and old. Heel GM/Owner/authority figures need to go away for 20 years
  • They would have been better off revolving different belts as the main event to help build them up like they are trying to do now. Long term reigns help make belts mean something but treating them like they mean something is more important is the most crucial
  • Cena gets a belt shot by beating Orton and being beat by dean
  • Bray was pretty bad and couldn't cut a live promo to save his life
  • Orton was getting hot and they had him film a movie. Orton Brock probably would have been the better match to book if you wanted Brock to stay a heel.
  • Ambrose losing by shit finishes
  • Cesaro burial despite having good matches and forcing him to limit his moves so guys like Miz and Shaemus don't look like shit.
  • Bellas got stupid amounts of mic time

Single biggest problem with the WWE is the 3 hour raw. They don't have the roster for it so every week feels like nothing but rematches.


The fact that Brock got to avoid the writing team plus VKM for large parts of the year and have a carte-blanche Heyman speak for him proves that the rest of the roster are unfairly hampered by having to deal with the bullshit on Raw every week.
Absolutely this. The Brock stuff was so amazing because they didn't have to put up with the other dreadful shite going on at the time. Heyman/Brock knew what people were clamoring for and were allowed to actually go out and do their thing, whilst the rest of the roster was suffering from insufferable booking decisions.

In the past couple of months things all around have really picked up thankfully. Mostly due to Haitch's NXT influence bleeding over.


Absolutely this. The Brock stuff was so amazing because they didn't have to put up with the other dreadful shite going on at the time. Heyman/Brock knew what people were clamoring for and were allowed to actually go out and do their thing, whilst the rest of the roster was suffering from insufferable booking decisions.

In the past couple of months things all around have really picked up thankfully. Mostly due to Haitch's NXT influence bleeding over.
HHH's influence hasn't changing any of the writing or story line shit.
The fact that Brock got to avoid the writing team plus VKM for large parts of the year and have a carte-blanche Heyman speak for him proves that the rest of the roster are unfairly hampered by having to deal with the bullshit on Raw every week.
So true. Honestly unless I see evidence that young Cena fans are returning or will return to the product when they get older things will have to change. The end goal of all of their writing after the Untertaker loss plus the past 2 years of shield booking was to get Roman Reigns over and a huge mania win. Instead they got the other guy over and people booing Reigns.

That whole situation was a fucking shame. Rey should have ran with the title for a month or so and have another good match with CM Punk, before Cena can get involved. This is probably one of my least favorite moments in WWE/F history.
Punk should have been taking the WWE belt to shows like this while Ray had that belt:

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