Guess who watched MITB at a friends house last night

Any time they have DDP at a beach or doing the spring break shit it's just creepy as fuck
also I was watching Greed 2001 and holy fuck I forgot how ugly the cruiserweight tag titles was
Any time they have DDP at a beach or doing the spring break shit it's just creepy as fuck
also I was watching Greed 2001 and holy fuck I forgot how ugly the cruiserweight tag titles was
Guess who watched MITB at a friends house last night
Any time they have DDP at a beach or doing the spring break shit it's just creepy as fuck
also I was watching Greed 2001 and holy fuck I forgot how ugly the cruiserweight tag titles was
Nikki has had the Divas championship for over 200 days.
Can anyone remember anything that happened during those 200 days?
Is that big Val?
I liked the Owens-Cena match. The irony of it was that Cena's "Never Give Up" catchphrase was that Owens never gave up, kicking out at 2 more than Cena (I think), thus making John frustrated.
Yeah, that and Owens pushed John to do things he has never done before, which is something usually reserved for someone like The Rock or Brock Lesnar.
They gave Cena the win while keeping Owens strong, and on the level of some of his biggest opponents.
Still think Owens needs to win the feud in the end, though. It's time to pass the torch, John. You're long overdue for it.
Still think Owens needs to win the feud in the end, though. It's time to pass the torch, John. You're long overdue for it.
I think they're setting up Owens taking the US Title from Cena. I doubt Owens keeps NXT title beyond July 4th, and at this point I'd like The Authority to step in and tell Cena that Owens has earned a US Title shot. Owens losing both the NXT Title and not getting the US Title within a month would be devastating for his momentum
Owens vs Cena is absolutely the feud of the year so far in my opinion. Promo work has been pretty good in my opinion, and their matches (despite being finisher spam) have had me at the edge of my seat both times. These guys have incredible chemistry together.
Nah there were rumors they were working on a new Cena us belt to sell to kids.
Cena ain't losing that title to anyone.
TIME TO SHOOT - The Last Guardian will be one of the most disappointing games in the last decade if it ever comes out
The hype is gone.... Until it resurfaces tonight and blows us this point, i don't really care anymore
the hype is gone
Friends, Super Mario Maker left me legit shook yesterday
Reigns should have won. No need to be fucking around just for swerves.
Looks great.
Square could make an FF7 remake and have it be limited edition only and charge $300 and I'd buy day zero and then take a week off work to play. I'm an adult.
The Witcher 3 is too complicated. I barely touch 90% of the game mechanics.
Square could make an FF7 remake and have it be limited edition only and charge $300 and I'd buy day zero and then take a week off work to play. I'm an adult.
TIME TO SHOOT - The Last Guardian will be one of the most disappointing games in the last decade if it ever comes out
I don't think he holds that US Title past SummerSlam. He needs to tie Flair yet, after all. Shaemus is going to cash in at some point, win the belt, and Cena will trot out saying Shaemus didn't earn it.
Only way Cena gets that win is at mania.
I feel like the MitB finally reached its logical conclusion with a Wrestlemania cash in, they've pretty much done all the interesting things they can with the concept at this point.
I'd just drop the whole thing entirely for a while if I'm honest, it doesn't help that most reigns gained from a cash in are among the weakest of the modern era.
I feel like the MitB finally reached its logical conclusion with a Wrestlemania cash in, they've pretty much done all the interesting things they can with the concept at this point.
I'd just drop the whole thing entirely for a while if I'm honest, it doesn't help that most reigns gained from a cash in are among the weakest of the modern era.
I feel like the MitB finally reached its logical conclusion with a Wrestlemania cash in, they've pretty much done all the interesting things they can with the concept at this point.
I'd just drop the whole thing entirely for a while if I'm honest, it doesn't help that most reigns gained from a cash in are among the weakest of the modern era.
Think about this though, if they ended the MITB now......
That would mean Sheamus is the last holder of the briefcase.
Diablo 3 launched the day I graduated law school. Two friends took a week vacation from work and a third joined us to play a game we had waited 11 years for. We had annual four man, hardcore mode, untwinked runs in Diablo 2. A week holed up in an apartment in NYC playing D3 at launch 18 hours a day.They need to move MITB back to WrestleMania. It doesn't work as its own PPV, especially when it's not the main event of the PPV that shares the same name.
I'd legitimately consider taking a week off for an FF7 remake