Diablo 3 launched the day I graduated law school. Two friends took a week vacation from work and a third joined us to play a game we had waited 11 years for. We had annual four man, hardcore mode, untwinked runs in Diablo 2. A week holed up in an apartment in NYC playing D3 at launch 18 hours a day.
The best part of being an adult is deciding to be an irresponsible kid.
I would give an FF7 remake similar treatment given how long I've waited.
Shit, I'm considering putting in for a couple days of PTO for goddamn Mario Marker, even. Just so I have time to accomplish my gaming dream of making and then playing Super Mario Bros 1 in the Super Mario Bros 3 engine.
Edit- Oh shit, someone confirming the FF7 remake on gaming side has apparently been mod verified. Shit got real.