Beyond Eyes is GOTY
Watercolor game about a blind girl. Day 1, friends.
Taste making...even in the virtual world. Spider From Mars.
In 2015.
Beyond Eyes is GOTY
Watercolor game about a blind girl. Day 1, friends.
Beyond Eyes is GOTY
Watercolor game about a blind girl. Day 1, friends.
John Cena is in 3 or 4 of the best 5 matches of the year in WWE so far.
Watching a doc on the network right now about Giants.
Can anyone name a finisher delivered by the wrestler you would be less willing to take than Yokozuna's banzai drop? Fuck that.
Point conceded, sir.Styles Clash.
We love to hate Cena for the character that he is, but you can never deny that he is a great wrestler. He won't carry anyone to a great match, but he can have a great match with anyone who is a sound wrestler.
Steiner Screwdriver
Steiner Screwdriver
Styles Clash (plus it looks like ass)
Rocker Dropper
Harlem Hangover
A Hernandez Border Toss
Michelle McCool's Wings of Love
The Kawada Bomb
The Burning Hammer
The Victory Star Drop
Àny sort of Poisned Frankensteiner finisher
Do what now?
E3 2015: Year of the Mobile Card Game
I deny that he is a great wrestler. I appreciate what he's doing and the effort he gives, but he's Lex Luger stiff.
Chris The All-American Weidman is getting a new addiction.
This hype video for ROH's iPPV is actually pretty well done;
My first shelter is a total flop, sis.
Aisha is just as bad as Mr Caffeine. Like you could hire any third rate motivational speaker and get the same performance at 1/10th the price.
I haven't tried it yet. Fun?