And Sunny told me on Twitter "No man, WrassleGAF isn't a negative community!".
Every fucking time I come in here someone's shitting on something super hard. I mean shit, when I come in here I want to read about drug-addicted carnies play-fighting for crowds of inbred hicks whose local sports team is the worst. Not about what things a bunch of GAF are excited for you think are totally shit.
It just brings me down, man. =/
Hey, I never said that. If you're upset we go off topic then I guess I don't know what to say. FF7 was a shitty game from the ground up, so I hope it gets an entire rework from combat system to story, Last Guardian looks dumb as hell and that team has ALWAYS had huge problems with pathfinding in companion AI and it's tough to get past, and No Man's Sky
is dumb in my eyes, and not what I want. Uncharted series has always been a load of ass and the new one looks to continue that.
If you wanna hear me lavish praise on Gears of War I can do that. Game of the show, baby! Horizon also looked neat, despite having a godawful name. I like robots.
EDIT: Would me criticizing Fat Boy Owens be considered "shitting on something super hard" and not in the umbrella of what you look for in a wrestling thread? Because, like Owens' waist size, I can go on for days.