I wholeheartedly agree.It's honestly working for him and is great.
I love how Steiner plainly sees him coming, then quickly turns away. Dedication to the craft, brother.
I wholeheartedly agree.
GWF is coming back. Here's a teaser. Who's That Superstar?
Sheamus won MITB.
Not Roman BALEE DAT BABY GIRL Reigns, but Sheamus.
In the 21st century.
https://youtu.be/bxU2eqZtYmcWrestlemania 32 is the night when Romanian Rains is going to slay Flop Lesnar once and for all.
There is a story. It had a beginning, a middle, and it needs an end.
So is mania really gonna be belllee dat vs fella?
Are they going to give dorks to fans so they can blind themselves.
You had your chance with Batista, and you had your chance with good Roman.
It ain't our fault all your indy midget geeks are dead. We tried to warn you they were fragile, yet you ruined Rumbles while they ruined their bodies. Can't even jump or move their arms too quick without damaging themselves irreparably.
Maybe now you'll root for the good ones. Like Kane, who can't even break a good tie out. Or Big Show, who can't even break a table.
Or maybe root for better ones to come back. Like Scott Steiner, who not even roids could kill. Or Sid. You know what took Sid down? His leg coming out of his leg. And nothing less. They don't make wrestlers like that anymore apparently.
"It wasnt my fault. I stuck him at the PPV in San Francisco when he was 480 then. Now hes 560. I was in the back like, Dude, I cant get my hands around your derby. Youre too heavy. Hes like, Nah, you stuck me before. Instead of staying folded, he dropped his big arms. They still say hes the worlds biggest athlete. Athletes dont have 37 percent body fat. He chain-smoked and ate hot dogs [up to] the minute before he went out for a match. -Big Sexy on Big ShowBig Show's been sent home multiple times for being too fat and out of shape though.
Injuries Big Show's suffered in the last 5 years: 0 (and that's with a Bork match)
Injuries Kane's suffered in the last 5 years: 0
Injuries Zayn's suffered in the last year: 2
Injuries Bryan's suffered in the last year: 2 or 3 depending if you're counting Fella busting him open in the last healthy SD singles match he had
Someone at bellator watched WCW
jesus christ
jesus christ
Terrible cartwheel, I know.
He has no athleticism. It's horrifying.Terrible cartwheel, I know.