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June UltraViolent Wrasslin' |OT| This is Small Potatoes!

I bought these yesterday. I had to.


I'm tempted to pick up a NES/SNES/N64 today too. Or maybe more wrestling games.


If you need a Barry Horrowitz jobber to the stars, I'm your man. Also, you can bill me from Parts Unknown, as I'm on holiday at the mo, and you Yanks probably haven't heard of the Isle Of Wight :)
Why do we never talk about what a poor physical specimen Okada is

Because, compared to the physiques of the majority of New Japan's roster, it clearly doesn't matter all that much. Also, 'poor physical specimen' is a really shitty way of describing someone with as much athletic ability as Okada.


Man, Tyson/Cesaro had the best merch in the entire WWE, fucking injuries.

I hope Cesaro is using the time off to start talking with Karl Anderson about that NJPW connection


I just had a dream that Nakamura debuted in WWE as "Charro" and was wearing a mask. He got on the top rope and was just spinning in place up there and his mask flew off. The crowd noticed and starting chanting Nakamura, which I guess startled him because he just did a really sloppy elbow drop off the top and pinned the guy. Then I woke up. I hope if Nakamura ever wrestles in WWE that's not how it goes down.


I just had a dream that Nakamura debuted in WWE as "Charro" and was wearing a mask. He got on the top rope and was just spinning in place up there and his mask flew off. The crowd noticed and starting chanting Nakamura, which I guess startled him because he just did a really sloppy elbow drop off the top and pinned the guy. Then I woke up. I hope if Nakamura ever wrestles in WWE that's not how it goes down.

Vince would have him debut as something really racist.


In order for Naka to work in the WWE, they would have to call up Brodus Clay and Ernest the Cat Miller to come up with the wrestling version of C and C Music Factory.


Some news from the recent NXT house shows:

Uhaa Nation is now on the house show tours (as Uhaa Nation)

Zack Ryder is on NXT house shows teaming with Mojo.
Just got back from the WWE house show here in Vegas.

Ambrose jobbed to Sheamus. He's back home.

I can't believe you didn't tell us Swagger beat Maddox...who came out to Cult of Personality and was dressed like Punk


You gotta let us know when you see the carny life up close
I just had a dream that Nakamura debuted in WWE as "Charro" and was wearing a mask. He got on the top rope and was just spinning in place up there and his mask flew off. The crowd noticed and starting chanting Nakamura, which I guess startled him because he just did a really sloppy elbow drop off the top and pinned the guy. Then I woke up. I hope if Nakamura ever wrestles in WWE that's not how it goes down.
well, it definitely won't go down like that
because the crowd wouldn't recognize him
NYC WrassleGAF! Any interest in going to ROh's Brooklyn show in August, the one that supposedly has Okada, KUSHIDA, and Nakamura booked even though it's not reflected in ROH's Web site?

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member

Looks like Cesaro just found Owens in the McDonalds parking lot at 3 am with the engine running eating in shame.

"You're supposed to be on a diet! Goddammit, Kevin, you know I love you no matter what but you said you WANTED to change!"


I can't believe you didn't tell us Swagger beat Maddox...who came out to Cult of Personality and was dressed like Punk


You gotta let us know when you see the carny life up close


None of that happened.

Maddox came out to no music, he was on the mic walking to the ring talking about how no one remembers who he is, and how he had a failed and short career as Raw GM. He said he took shortcuts to get where he was and he's no longer taking them. He's going to work hard for what he wants.

And then he started trolling Swagger for a bit, and the match started. 2 mins later he tapped out.
Last night on Championship Wrestling from Hollywood they started the show with a Dusty Rhodes tribute by showing a promo of him calling out King Lawler. I thought that was very cool of them to do that.


Observations from Las Vegas House Show:

Roman, Dean and Seth are over as fuck (With Seth getting tons of heel heat from da keedz)

Seth is sooooooooo smooth in the ring. He was on cruise control and doing flippy shit like it was nothing. #TheFuture

Bray jobbed clean to Ryback because Bray sucks.



None of that happened.

Maddox came out to no music, he was on the mic walking to the ring talking about how no one remembers who he is, and how he had a failed and short career as Raw GM. He said he took shortcuts to get where he was and he's no longer taking them. He's going to work hard for what he wants.

And then he started trolling Swagger for a bit, and the match started. 2 mins later he tapped out.

He needs to go back to talking like Bane.
So Maddox helps the Guy out and then mocks him? Lol smh!!! Wonder what Ryback thinks.

"I'm a dumb fuck"

Were ROH TV spoilers posted because shit looks great for the next 6 or so shows ed: They weren't so here they are friends

Dark tag match happened, only notable thing was AR Fox made his ROH debut in it
McGuinness announced a couple things: Lethal will defend the ROH belt vs Strong on the 7/24 Baltimore Death before Dishonor iPPV, and O'Reilly's a top contender (ie probably facing the winner). Also the Addiction (Kaz/Daniels), the Kingdom (Bennett/Taven), War Machine, and ReDragon will fight for the tag belts on Death before Dishonor.

Ep 1
Dalton Castle beat Watanabe, then cut a promo
McGuinness invites Lethal out, who cuts a promo about how he's the best. McGuinness says Mark Briscoe will fight for the TV title next week. Strong comes out, cuts promo, staredown.
Elgin and ReDragon beat Bennett/Taven/Cole. Cole shook Elgin and ReDragon's hands afterward, pissing off the Kingdom in the process.

Ep 2
Matt Sydal beat Adam Page. Postmatch, Whitmer attacked, ACH tried to help but the Decade beat him and Sydal down. ACH eventually challenges Whitmer for DbD while officials tend to Sydal.
Veda Scott promo about how Moose tried and failed at everything, and that Cedric Alexander, at DbD, will get everything Moose doesn't deserve.
Will Ferrara beat Silas Young after distraction from one of Dalton Castle's underlings, who Young kills postmatch.
Lethal beats Mark Briscoe. Postmatch, the Jays fight, the House of Truth get the upperhand, and Strong comes out for the save, challenging them to a 6 man tag on the 200th episode of ROH TV. ODB takes the mic and suggests 8 man tag with Martini.

Ep 3
Young Bucks beat War Machine with AJ coming in midmatch to replace hurt Nick. Postmatch, Nick reveals he wasn't hurt. 2sweet
Cedric Alexander beat the Romantic Touch. Postmatch Vera promo ends with them attempting to unmask Touch, but Moose comes out for the save and chases them off.
Cole vs O'Reilly ends with the Addiction attacking Cole. Postmatch Cole promo suggests a 1-night-only Futureshock reunion, which O'Reilly agrees to.
Futureshock beat the Addiction.

Ep 4
The Kingdom win easily against some team of scrubs
Moose pins Brutal Bob Evans in a match also featuring Coleman, Young, Castle, and Cheesburger.
The Decade come out, Whitmer cuts a promo about Colby Corino saying he was proud of him and brought him a gift: a gauntlet match with 4 students from the last training camp (Shahem Ali, Wildman, Ben Ortiz, and Punisher). Steve gets pissed, Nigel calms him down and orders Decade to leave the ring.
Bobby Fish beats ACH.

Ep 5 (200th ROH TV)
Briscoes/ODB/Strong beat House of Truth.

Joe/AJ beat the Addiction
Postmatch Joe promo with everybody around the ring. Joe said he could pour his heart out about what they've all been through, how much they changed the world, how they do what they do for the fans, how people said this wouldn't matter or change anything, but last time he checked, every world champ wrestled in that ring and the best in the world were in that ring. If this is the last time he's there or not, he'll carry what it meant to be there, take it to every arena, and show it with his heart to everyone in the world. He's Samoa Joe, he's pro wrestling, and he is because he wrestled in ROH.
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