It's honestly surprising how fast and strong Seth is. Dude could go from flippy shit to strong style at the blink of an eye. From flying knees off the top rope to power bombing Super Roman through a table. Seth is The Man.
Brock/Seth should be a Summerslam/WM match, not Battleground :\
The Roman/Seth title match was Last Man Standing, so they can have Seth win, but Roman doesn't take a pin. The story of the match was Roman never gives up. Seth put a beating on that dude and it was always "aaaaaaaaaaaand Roman makes it back to his feet before the count of 10!!"
Feels like WWE thinks fans only liked Daniel Bryan because he was an underdog, so they are making Roman into Super Underdog...except they also want him to be Superman Roman, it's weird. Roman's entire push is just weird. Feels like they don't know what to do with him, they just know they want him to be #1.