Those CW Smackdown ratings/viewers are equivalent to today's USA Raw.Does being exiled to smackdown count as surviving a cena fued. Because that's bacially what happened to Edge.
Those CW Smackdown ratings/viewers are equivalent to today's USA Raw.Does being exiled to smackdown count as surviving a cena fued. Because that's bacially what happened to Edge.
Even on crutches Rusev is great. I see a lot more conviction in him than Wade. A lot. That's just how I feel.
Sunny is counting Kane and Big Show as up and comers so I guess we can just define things the way we want them.
I guess the idea is that after feuding with Cena the new guys are not elevated and end up in a worst situation that they were.
Case in point, Wyatt.
Punk too, yeah. But HHH took care of that.
He had to lose there, though. He just had to. And I'd argue his loss didn't actually hurt him at all, not his character. Being dragged into a weird feud with flavorless Dolph Ziggler, now that's some real hurtin there daddeh.
Of course. Lots of people survive them. I'm having a hard time, besides Barrett, thinking of people who didn't survive that wouldn't be able to make it on their own - people that Cena clearly derailed. I'm sure someone's keeping track and will say something silly like "Curtis Axel!" or "Ted DiBiase Jr!" or "Dolph Ziggler!" and completely miss the point. Just because you had a feud with Cena doesn't mean that's why you're not anyone.
So what count as surviving a cena feud, Bray was able to win multiple feuds post cena and face taker at Wm does that count as surviving?
Everyone's favourite internet superstar Zack Ryder![]()
It's astounding how closely packed together ppvs and the rematch clause can kill feuds and harm career momentum.
How's Fat Boy Owens doing? How's Neville after getting that match? Things are fine.
Man, that was something special in the worst way. I'll never forget Ryder changing a tire...
Almost forgot Ryback.
Guy was really over after the whole Punk feud. Turn him heel, have him lose to Cena and bam. Killed him right in his tracks.
Not to say he should've been WWE champion but the feud didn't help him.
That's the main point, after feuding with Cena you rarely end up better than before and most times you end up worse.
Almost forgot Ryback.
Guy was really over after the whole Punk feud. Turn him heel, have him lose to Cena and bam. Killed him right in his tracks.
Not to say he should've been WWE champion but the feud didn't help him.
That's the main point, after feuding with Cena you rarely end up better than before and most times you end up worse.
Really, I hope Vince and Co., find patience again. And you have so much to work with! 3 hours of RAW, 2 hours of Smackdown, an hour of Main Event and Superstars... you don't have to put all of your stories on the main show, you know?
None of these are Cena's fault though, unless he has a say in the decision making (I guess).
Anyone have the airdate of the Zack Ryder Changes a Tire episode? I wanna rewatch it on the Network.
Man, I think you're misremembering what really killed Ryback. In my opinion, take it for what it's worth (might not be worth shit, and I realize this) what killed Ryback was having a streak that shouldn't end yet vs a champion that can't lose yet, so they do a fuck finish and they both really stalled at that moment, but ESPECIALLY Ryback. It just never was the same since.
None of these are Cena's fault though, unless he has a say in the decision making (I guess).
Looks like sometime in January 2012...not sure which. Early Jan though.
100% agreed.
Man, I think you're misremembering what really killed Ryback. In my opinion, take it for what it's worth (might not be worth shit, and I realize this) what killed Ryback was having a streak that shouldn't end yet vs a champion that can't lose yet, so they do a fuck finish and they both really stalled at that moment, but ESPECIALLY Ryback. It just never was the same since.
And I can't even remember the Ryback/Cena feud. Was that...2013? Late 2013?
Honestly I was thrilled - THRILLED to see Ryback's post-surgery return this year and he was over as hell. I think even he was surprised. Then we had the #RealityEra happen and he got that Secret promo, and it really helped. I'm glad he's been saved in some form.
I agree, Ryback has lost momentum first because of that but he hung around in the main-event after the Punk feud and had a great feud with The Shield. Their debut match involved Ryback.
After Cena things took a nose dive. A bigger one.
It was 2013 yeah, the Mania after Cena beat The Rock.
But of course it's not Cena, the person, fault. But having a feud with Cena most of the times means you'll be worse after it. That's why I can't agree with the whole "Cena helping the new guys". Just because you are in a ring with Cena doesn't elevate you and there are plenty of examples of that.
Crazy heel R-Truth should still be a thing goddammit.
I agree. I wish they had let the "Daniel Wyatt" storyline run its course but if you'll believe the Daniel Bryan doc, in his words, they kneejerked due to the vocal Bryan fans and cut it off way too early. I always felt that could have such a huge payoff, but they had to abort it so quick. A lot of people said it changed due to the Yes chant happening at some College Basketball game but Danny Bryan said otherwise. A real shame. Wyatts were super fucking hot at that point, too.
Crazy heel R-Truth should still be a thing goddammit.
Post cena feud problems stemfrom the fact that wwe can't book post feud feuds. I mean look at dean who is the mosy over guy right now and has main evented 3 ppv on a row and has noting to do right now.
WWE has also been terrible at booking faces. So many midcard guys did their best work as heels before having to become generic smiling baby faces.
You don't say
The problem with Cena feuds is a two-part problem
1) CenaWinsLOL. Cena rarely loses big matches in his feud, and a clean loss is like finding a leprechaun, and if he does lose it's usually early on in the feud so he can Rocky 3 his way to wins at the next couple of shows. An up and coming guy may look great going into a Cena feud but if they're all destined to become "another guy who lost to Cena" that's going to hurt them long run. Cena needs to start losing some feuds to actually put over new talent. There's no reason for him to keep winning. His credibilty/over-ness isn't going to get hurt at this point.
2) Creative seems to not give much of a shit about people who exit Cena feuds even remotely as much as they do with people before they go into Cena feuds.
Nah let Roman go up against Cena.Been smart to keep Roman away from Cena.
Been smart to keep Roman away from Cena.
Who were the last faces they had actually feud with Cena? I recall Batista (years later left the company, vowing to only return for house shows "so I don't have to deal with that Creative bullshit again", and making more money than he made in the company) and Bryan (years later may not wrestle again)
I wouldnt mind the rematch clause if every so often the person would win. Instead it just feels like using the old champ as cannon fodder either on raw or at next ppv.
Lashley too. But his first Batista feud, like the Lashley one, was brief.Well, The Rock?
Lashley too. But his first Batista feud, like the Lashley one, was brief.