The Rusev thing is especially hilarious to me, going through these 98 rows on the network. Dude is reverse Marc mero
Honestly I was thrilled - THRILLED to see Ryback's post-surgery return this year and he was over as hell. I think even he was surprised. Then we had the #RealityEra happen and he got that Secret promo, and it really helped. I'm glad he's been saved in some form.
That was a weird Raw where they just let him cut a promo like that out of the blue. It was great! I know it was meant to lead into Rusev feud which got canned in favour of the Cena one but still, it totally established his babyface character. Cesaro did botch his a bit but goddamnit if you watch those Attitude Era Raws people stumble over words, get all tongue tied, whatever.
Hell Cesaro built his character really well here in this post Payback promo ( of course can't show this shit on TV!), he's a hard worker, he's a professional and he won't stop trying etc etc
Promos and how they are used are far more of a problem than Cena is.
I've got to learn to stop looking at OT religious and political threads. Gaf is so far to the left...even my own middle of the road beliefs can often be wrong by popular opinion here. And the whole we're right and everything else is wrong sentiment is starting to drag me down.
I've got to learn to stop looking at OT religious and political threads. Gaf is so far to the left...even my own middle of the road beliefs can often be wrong by popular opinion here. And the whole we're right and everything else is wrong sentiment is starting to drag me down.
The general rule should be to never talk politics or religion
It's a Dunning-Kruger powered echo chamber of college kids and post grads of stunningly mediocre intelligence that have found similarly minded, similarly able folks similarly suffering from overrating their abilities. They gear their posts and opinions to fit whatever the dominant group opinion favors because that gains standing. On top of that, you get several repeat players dominating conversation by the force of their posting frequency.One time I suggested that I liked Clinton more than Sanders and a bunch of dudes got mad at me for not supporting a "true socialist," i.e. they were mad because they believed I didn't look into the fact that Sanders is a self-declared socialist because obviously that's who I would vote for if I only knew about it.
It's a Dunning-Kruger powered echo chamber of college kids and post grads of stunningly mediocre intelligence that have found similarly minded, similarly able folks similarly suffering from overrating their abilities folks. They gear their posts and opinions to fit whatever the dominant group opinion favors because that gains standing. On top of that, you get several repeat players dominating conversation by the force of their posting frequency.
Ignore lists and super ignore are the best. On Chrome there threads where 15 posts on a page are missing for me. It's wonderfully peaceful.
The general rule should be to never talk politics or religion on the internet
Friend jmdajr, if you're going to watch patriotic movies on America's Independence Day the only movie you need to watch is Independence Day.
I've found that's because people change usernames.Super ignore is dangerous. I use it and people I've never spoken to before are on there and I can't figure out why.
Super ignore is dangerous. I use it and people I've never spoken to before are on there and I can't figure out why.
Live by the code....
Because man...there is no such thing as a reasonable discussion nowadays. It's either you are with us or against us. Shoot it really sucks being religious and folks trying to crucify you because of the stereotypes that come with being a Christian.
Bottom line, I know my limitations on not only GAF, but on the internet in general.
I feel that the political stuff is now invading videogames. And I don't just mean "is this game too violent for kids."
I miss beetlejuice.
I feel that the political stuff is now invading videogames. And I don't just mean "is this game too violent for kids."
To be fair...political stuff always been apart of video games since the blood code for Mortal Kombat. As far as video games becoming depressingly political....then I agree. I lone for the days where the only reality based thing on a video game was the "Losers take drugs" slogans in the opening screen of arcade games.
I'm assuming he died?
Why shouldn't political stuff be allowed in video-games?
Career wise yes...but I think he's still around.
I don't mind political stuff like on the level of a Tom Clancy/Civilization game...I mean industry wise which is no different from entertainment in general. I feel that way when WWE did their version of a "rock the vote" type of segment. It's too draining to see politics and drama going on in the video game world.
I don't know what's the diff between TNA and GFW is at the moment.
you can just not play the "political videogames". and avoid the "political videogames" discussion!
GFW is like a early access game, while TNA is a broken game that keeps getting dlc despite the fact that the game is broken.
Why shouldn't political stuff be allowed in video-games?
Big show exposing the business
You're telling me people believed that was a shoot equipment failure?
I mean have it it freedom and all. I just find it annoying that your escape outlet now has to be poisoned too. Granted a lot of that shit is opinion and if you stay off the web you can make up your own mind.
edit: I guess this is what happens when "adults" don't give up videogames.
I feel that the political stuff is now invading videogames. And I don't just mean "is this game too violent for kids."
I keep hearing politics is poisoning video games as a line, but I've never run into one. An example?
I got Tropico 5 last week, I love playing the dictator of a tropical island, tbh.
I don't think games are trying to be overtly political. I think most developers still just want to make basic fun games. Bad guys vs good guys. Simple stuff.
To me it's more the politicizing of videogames. Saying every game has an agenda.
I don't think games are trying to be overtly political. I think most developers still just want to make basic fun games. Bad guys vs good guys. Simple stuff.
To me it's more the politicizing of videogames. Saying every game has an agenda.
Fuck it...Top 5 Political type of games.
1. Soviet Strike
2. Command and Conquer Red Alert 2
3. Civilization 5
4. Metal Gear Solid
5. Brink (it technically had a political message)
Yeah, but that's the fault of your reductive vision of the medium.
I want games to be about more than "bad guys vs good guys". I want them to be used to more than to just be "escapism". I want games to have no limits whatsoever.
In the end, you'll always have your "fun, escapist" games like you have fun and escapist movies, books and movies but that doesn't mean it's all it has to be. And nobody should demand that. Games can be whatever they want to be.
I must be at fault for many things things then.
Fuck it...Top 5 Political type of games.
1. Soviet Strike
2. Command and Conquer Red Alert 2
3. Civilization 5
4. Metal Gear Solid
5. Brink (it technically had a political message)
Where are the wrestling games ?
1. Liberty or Death
General Gage is a punk bitch.
We all are! It's great being human.
For example several people in this very thread are going to watch all 3 hours of tonight's edition of Monday Night Raw. Crazy, right?