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June UltraViolent Wrasslin' |OT| This is Small Potatoes!

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Does Miyazaki know how to make any other kinds of games
Can we change the thread title, to match every other one for the last 10 years?
Its bugging me beyond belief. I cant even find it, my eyes keep skipping it.

Am I the only one??????


One thing I wish WWE would pick up from TNA is the way they use a Best of 5 series. They're typically awesome and you know you're going to get a good feud out of the series.


One thing I wish WWE would pick up from TNA is the way they use a Best of 5 series. They're typically awesome and you know you're going to get a good feud out of the series.

The point system wasn't bad. Better than having pointless matches.

But then harder to book on the fly.


FGC Waterboy
My #1 issue with Cena being presented as a pure face. He uses shitty tactics and acts like a disinterested child on a regular basis.

Lol Xavier getting that heat. "TIM DUNCAN IS OLLLLD"

Hulk Hogan is on line 1...

Props to Cena for that; met him a few times through Make-A-Wish, and he's legitimate about it. I know it's easy to be jaded about it (also, seriously, Owens beats Cena clean in his first match on the main roster and people are still complaining about Owens being buried? Are you all that hard in denial?) - but he's legitimately that dorky & devoted to MAW. Pretty sure he ad-libbed that whole part once he saw the sign (if it wasn't a wish itself to be used in a Cena promo on RAW).


I'd have no problem with the Cena we have now if he proved he could help elevate guys.

Plus looking back he didn't do what Hogan or Austin did and say no to some ideas.

For as much as people like to rag on Hogan for shit he knew what his character/persona was.


FGC Waterboy
I'd have no problem with the Cena we have now if he proved he could help elevate guys.

Plus looking back he didn't do what Hogan or Austin did and say no to some ideas.

For as much as people like to rag on Hogan for shit he knew what his character/persona was.

Cena's easily the most giving of top guys in WWE's history. I doubt Hogan / Austin would have ever laid down for Punk, Bryan, and a new guy from the developmental league on his first match. The Lesnar / Austin situation is a pretty good parallel to the Owens / Cena situation. I can't think of a top guy who would be willing to take a step down to the mid-card to help elevate guys from developmental. Zayn, Neville, and Owens have all benefited immensely from working with Cena, and Emperor Bork was cemented on the suplexed body of John Cena. Most people thought Lesnar beating Taker was just Taker going out on his shield. After Lesnar wrecked Cena is when everyone realized we were in for Emperor Bork.

WWE doesn't know what to do generally after someone faces Cena - but that doesn't have much to do with Cena.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
The IC Elimination Chamber really exposed the flaws of the WWE developmental system going all the way back to the OVW days.

These mother fuckers don't know how to call an audible or figure something out on the fly at all. They HAVE To have some agent tell them the ending and they, no matter how much it's bombing, will only perform that ending.


The IC Elimination Chamber really exposed the flaws of the WWE developmental system going all the way back to the OVW days.

These mother fuckers don't know how to call an audible or figure something out on the fly at all. They HAVE To have some agent tell them the ending and they, no matter how much it's bombing, will only perform that ending.

the company as a whole has a control issue, everything is air-tight and scripted to a tee.

another thing that won't change till after some big behind the scenes changes


FGC Waterboy
Also; as someone who was a Wish kid - there is a lot of time and energy put into coordinating Make-A-Wish. Cena (and WWE) are spoken about with fairly reverential tones because they spend a LOT of energy and time coordinating Make-A-Wish, and don't do just the minimum required. WWE has always gone way above and beyond with kids, and often continually involve them even after their wish. Only other large people/groups I knew who generally spent as much energy was Robin Williams (RIP) and Lucasfilm / ILM. "Meeting Cena" can often end up leading to Cena dragging them around the entire arena (if it is during a RAW) and introducing them to everyone.

I'll give the WWE credit - they have a lot of stand-up folks who go out of their way to make the kids and their families feel special. Bray is reportedly absolutely hilarious, and Bray can apparently do a dead-on impression of his brother's gimmick. I want to hear this so bad.


The IC Elimination Chamber really exposed the flaws of the WWE developmental system going all the way back to the OVW days.

These mother fuckers don't know how to call an audible or figure something out on the fly at all. They HAVE To have some agent tell them the ending and they, no matter how much it's bombing, will only perform that ending.

But they have to get their shit in.


I should watch that IC Chamber match again. I had no idea it was that bad. I just kept minimizing the network window after someone broke Mark Henry's door.


I should watch that IC Chamber match again. I had no idea it was that bad. I just kept minimizing the network window after someone broke Mark Henry's door.

It's not entertaining bad, like December to Dismember which was entertaining because it was booked so blatantly badly yet still had a few cool spots (Test elbow off the top of a pod), Big Show looking genuinely terrifying at times, tons of unneeded pyro at the end and WWECW fuckery in general.

Sunday's EC was just zzzzzzzzzzzz where instead of going off the rails with the script breaks it just slowed to an unbearably slow pace where no-one knew what the fuck to do.


Last night, people in this thread complained about Cena giving a kid with cancer a shout out, because they're awful people, I guess.

You should feel bad.

If have to say, it's amazing that he does that and the shout out made the kid super happy so I couldn't ask it to be any other day.

But, product wise, I think it makes Cena seem like a much better person than anyone and it breaks a little of kayfabe and I don't like that aspect of it. Specially since every wrestler does it but only Cena does the thing in ring. Is the same problem I have with the whole "I do it for the people". I think that there are better ways to handle this, like what they did with Connor or with all the other make a wish kids.

That said, I think the good outweighs the bad by a big margin and the happiness of a kid with cancer is way more important than whatever is best for the product. That dying kid was happy and that's certainly more important than anything else.


Btw I have no interest in an Austin match. Like zero. Same for Taker or Sting. Or Rock and HHH.

Mania 32 is shaping out to be again a bunch of old timers and I just don't care. They need to cut the cord with the Attitude Era and use current stars only and go from there.

Only thing interesting they have is Rousey. But if I want to see her kick ass I can always watch UFC.


Btw I have no interest in an Austin match. Like zero. Same for Taker or Sting. Or Rock and HHH.

Mania 32 is shaping out to be again a bunch of old timers and I just don't care. They need to cut the cord with the Attitude Era and use current stars only and go from there.

Only thing interesting they have is Rousey. But if I want to see her kick ass I can always watch UFC.

Slowly but surely it will happen. Yeah might take another decade but soon the attitude stars will no longer be in the ring.

Remember this years Mania had NXT people in almost every single match.


WWE massively dropped the ball by not making Austin vs Punk happen. Im still okay with Taker vs Sting happening at WM32. It'll be Takers retirement match and it will be a spectacle match. After that they can finally cut the cord on the nostalgia matches


WWE massively dropped the ball by not making Austin vs Punk happen. Im still okay with Taker vs Sting happening at WM32. It'll be Takers retirement match and it will be a spectacle match. After that they can finally cut the cord on the nostalgia matches

I'm still ok with Hogan and Cena having a tag match. But it's gotta be soon.



Funny how so many of these guys are still involved in WWE in some capacity. Granted not all from Attitude Era,.

We'll see by Wrestlemnia 35.


I'm still ok with Hogan and Cena having a tag match. But it's gotta be soon.

Ban, Hogan vs Cena should be 1 on 1. Because I want to watch the world burn

Funny how so many of these guys are still involved in WWE in some capacity. Granted not all from Attitude Era.

Punk, Mysterio, Jeff Hardy, and MVP are the only guys in that picture who aren't associated with WWE anymore. That number might even get smaller since TNA is getting its life support pulled, I could see Hardy and MVP coming back.

Also, wtf @ Hardy's eyebrows in that pic


Also; as someone who was a Wish kid - there is a lot of time and energy put into coordinating Make-A-Wish. Cena (and WWE) are spoken about with fairly reverential tones because they spend a LOT of energy and time coordinating Make-A-Wish, and don't do just the minimum required. WWE has always gone way above and beyond with kids, and often continually involve them even after their wish. Only other large people/groups I knew who generally spent as much energy was Robin Williams (RIP) and Lucasfilm / ILM. "Meeting Cena" can often end up leading to Cena dragging them around the entire arena (if it is during a RAW) and introducing them to everyone.

I'll give the WWE credit - they have a lot of stand-up folks who go out of their way to make the kids and their families feel special. Bray is reportedly absolutely hilarious, and Bray can apparently do a dead-on impression of his brother's gimmick. I want to hear this so bad.
That stuff is great, and would make a great documentary for the network, but Cena doesnt need to bring that into his feuds.

You dont hear Lebron after losing to the Spurs in the Finals, do a presser talking about all the make-a-wishes and NBA reads stuff to make Tim Duncan look bad.

It was a bad move on Cena's part, if the kids make a wish was to be in the ring on tv, do a seperate segment with the kid. There's no need to use him a storyline device.
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