So yesterday I decided to watch some ROH as I haven't seen an episode before. I've attempted to watch a few times months ago but couldn't due to various reasons. I didn't finish the episode I watched yesterday, but what I did see I liked. Some stuff I noticed:
The production values have improved dramatically since I last attempted to watch. The show is in HD now(I think? It's at least wide-screen) and they got a mini-tron. The tron videos are very basic, but I doubt they've had them for long so I won't complain. The one thing I will say, however, is that they need better lighting. The ring is lit perfectly, but that's about the only thing. The crowd looks way too dark and any time a wrestler goes outside of the ring they disappear for a second until the spotlight swings around to pick them up. I understand that this is more likely to be a problem with where they're taping, but it does bug me.
The matches were decent to good, nothing terrible or egregiously indie flippy dippy.
Storyline wise I was a bit lost, but the opening promo with the Briscoe Brothers made it clear who the heels were, even if I didn't get a chance to see that tag match between them and HoT. The one that REALLY confused me was Moose vs Colby Corino. I get that Corino is playing a young up and comer who has a terrible mentor, and props to the kid for making me feel really bad for him. But Moose's gimmick confuses me. It's clear the fans like him, but he wrestled with far more reckless abandon and viciousness than was necessary. I noticed that he had two people walking out with him (Veda Scott and the other guy who I regrettably forget his name.) Veda, the chick, was seemingly encouraging him to be more vicious and destructive, while the other guy seemed to want him to just end the match, with Moose listening to Veda over the other guy. Or that's how I saw it at least. If that's the gimmick and story they're going for than I can get behind it. But if not, then this match really made him look like a heel, which I'm not quite sure is what they were going for.
Overall, I'll probably finish the episode and if I get the chance I will at least attempt to watch more. Considering it's free on their website AND I have a local Sinclair station, I don't have that much excuse now do I?