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June UltraViolent Wrasslin' |OT| This is Small Potatoes!

Speaking of Straps

Anyone believe kobashi is coming out of retirment to rescue the GHC from Suzuiki?




Anyone but marufuji


Speaking of Straps

Anyone believe kobashi is coming out of retirment to rescue the GHC from Suzuiki?




Anyone but marufuji

My boy Kobashi would do it but the poor dude needs the rest. I haven't been following the Suzukigun story line but I'm pretty sure somehow Marufuji will get his revenge back, lol.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Speaking of Straps

Anyone believe kobashi is coming out of retirment to rescue the GHC from Suzuiki?




Anyone but marufuji

Kawada is retired as fuck. Kobashi's too busy doing his own indie stuff and Kobashi has been a lot less about 'getting himself over' than the others. NOAH exists solely to get over Marufuji. They're running the same angle of Nagata/Marufuji 3 years ago with Marufuji/Suzuki. This whole angle is to try to get Marufuji over because they don't have any other heavyweight stars.

Shiozaki left with Akiyama and Kobashi for a reason. He's not going back there unless Bushiroad has changed up the directors board completely. And Shiozaki isn't going to leave with Akiyama then abandon Akiyama as soon as he got the bookerman position in AJPW.


I honestly believe Owens isn't losing to Cena in this series of matches. The bras obviously like Owens, rightfully so, and I believe they will build him up and have Cena finally overcome and win in a Mania match.

I feel like Owens is on fire and I hope that creative realize that they could have lightning in a bottle with him. Let him beat Cena. Three matches in a row. Do it. Cena's time is up, Owens' time is now?

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Cena is going to AJPW to feud with Akebono, friend. I've been over this numerous times.

No one who liked NOAH is still watching NOAH except for the occasional juniors match. They've moved on to BJW, AJPW, NJPW, or DDT.


I feel like Owens is on fire and I hope that creative realize that they could have lightning in a bottle with him. Let him beat Cena. Three matches in a row. Do it. Cena's time is up, Owens' time is now?

If Owens were sustained as a bad ass after beating Cena a few times, it would make for a great and believable Cena Redemption Story leading into Wrestlemania 32 against Owens.

That's not going to happen even if Owens prevails again, of course.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I feel like Owens is on fire and I hope that creative realize that they could have lightning in a bottle with him. Let him beat Cena. Three matches in a row. Do it. Cena's time is up, Owens' time is now?

If they thought he was lightning in a bottle, he sure as shit wouldn't be fighting John "the Human Heat-Killer" Cena.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Keep in mind who's in the NOAH main event scene right now. Maybach. Even what AJPW lacks in a large talent pool, look at the main event comparisons

NOAH: Naomichi Marufuji, Minoru Suzuki(46 years old/Freelancer who will go back to NJPW once he drops the belt), Yoshihiro Takayama(48 years old/Freelancer who only shows up every couple of months)
AJPW: Akebono(46. Big celebrity in Japan.), Go Shiozaki(33, works lengthy weekly shows. As good as any other ace if not better in Japan), Kento Miyahara(26 years old. Easily the brightest future of any wrestler under 30 in Japan right now. Huge, huge, huge future), SUWAMA(38, well liked amongst hardcore fans and fairly popular. Can work with most types of wrestlers. Solid worker), Joe Doering(33. Not great but not bad. Decent draw for a gaijin champion in AJPW and works really well with some others like SUWAMA). In addition to that they have KENSO who can sort of blur between mid-card and main event if need be. Never a major champion, but someone they can have in there every so often. Shitty wrestler but incredibly popular due to his and his wife's celebrity status.

And keep in mind, all them AJPW dudes are committed. As opposed to NOAH that has 2 freelancers Marufuji, and fucking Maybach. Morishima's retirement was the last nail in that promotion's coffin. Everyone else they have to build up are juniors that they could MAYBE squeeze into the heavyweight division(Kenou, Kotoge, and Harada), but NOAH has proven they're already not fans of the fact that lil Marufuji is the foucs of the company years ago.


"CM can show them the way brother" - HH

Still laughing at the idea of Hulk carefully thumbing this out on his smart phone. What a powerful tweet.


Given Owens' gift of gab and his ability to have good matches, plus his unique look, I'd definitely say he could be "the guy" to take over for Cena.
So Neville is the new Evan Bourne? 5 moves and 1 is his finisher? Can he actually wrestle? Dude is jacked but can't tell if he's just a flash in the pan high flyer

As others have said, he can do a lot more than just 5 moves. He's got a whole host of power moves too that they've only really started dipping into (that delayed suplex he used on KO is one of my favorite things he does). The standing shooting star press is just one of a handful of standing moves he can hit like that too.

He's really technically solid. The high flying stuff stands out, because he can do stuff very few others can, but he's a great worker overall.

And it's so amazing to see everyone is on the KO train. I told you all ages ago that his look was a plus before he debuted in NXT, and some were like 'oh he'll never main event looking like that' whatever.

It doesn't matter if he loses clean to Cena three straight matches. Loses clean to Cena just means you're a wrestler. Everyone no matter how good they are will lose clean to Cena. Beating Cena clean means you are on another level to every one that doesn't. Beating him clean in your first match in the big leagues? Means that you are at or almost at his level.

And that's *day one*.

Let's not obsess over the loss he's likely to endure this weekend. He's basically being booked at Brock Lesnar level right now. Brock lost to Cena clean too. It was beating him clean after a major beat down that mattered. Not the losses.

Losing to Cena just means you're wrestling in the WWE. It says *nothing* about how good you are, or how highly upper management think of you. Beating given the nod to beat Cena clean says literally everything. People who beat Cena clean don't just disappear if and when he beats them.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Given Owens' gift of gab and his ability to have good matches, plus his unique look, I'd definitely say he could be "the guy" to take over for Cena.

Unique look? There's already like 5 fat guys on the roster
Yeah, but we're talking about reality where Cena is completely unbeatable.



Fight Owens Fight is too good of a tagline not to make him a babyface at some point it just HAS to, although was he ever not a heel anywhere?
One PPV later


You're sort of proving our point though.

Brock is still being treated like an unbeatable monster. People are still talking about what he did to Cena at Summerslam more than they are talking about Cena maybe almost having him beat at NOC. If you've beaten Cena clean, losing to Cena just means you're 'only' in the same league as Cena.



You're sort of proving our point though.

Brock is still being treated like an unbeatable monster. People are still talking about what he did to Cena at Summerslam more than they are talking about Cena maybe almost having him beat at NOC.

Alot of people here, at least, absolutely remember how Cena was immediately fed the Wyatts in order to make him look like Super Cena again though. Cena was protected as fuck after Summerslam

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I don't think Brock Lesnar counts the way everyone else does. He's booked as a special attraction.


FGC Waterboy
They also have to be careful about Owens beating Cena that many times in a row - you still need Cena to be kept at least somewhat strong to give other folks a rub, and anyone who keeps winning is going to end up babyface (see Lesnar, Brock, and Henry, Mark) because people like and cheer winners. My fear is that Owens would destroy Cena, and then a potential superstar heel ends up in a weird tweener phase because people want to cheer him, but you already have too many good babyfaces. I want Owens / Zayn, I want Owens / Lesnar, I want Owens / Ambrose, I want Owens / Reigns, I want Owens / Bryan.

Saw plenty of complaining about how "Owens shouldn't be selling so much for Neville!!!!!", and frankly, the irony of everyone complaining about SuperCena and then demanding SuperOwens is not lost on me. Eventually Balor (or someone) is going to beat Owens, and if Owens keeps killing Cena...that means that the average NXT star is going to be better than 90% of the main roster.

I also actually think that you can tell a much better story about Owens by having Cena beat him at MitB, and then have Owens align with the Authority and beat Cena at Battleground. I like the idea of Cena pointing out that Owens is really damn good, and has a noble reason to do what he does (his family), but is too insecure to do things the right way, even though he's good enough to do so. Have Cena trying to turn Owens face (which is what I loved about Cena pointing out Owens' life motto is "Never Give Up") by pointing out that he has the capability to be the hero to his son that Cena is, etc etc, and have it culminate at Battleground, where Owens ends up joining the Authority (which has already been hinted at) and cheats to beat Cena. This means we have less Kane in matches and more Owens in matches. (It also sets up Owens vs Ambrose / Reigns / Lesnar real quickly)

Also, I'd pull the trigger on Ambrose winning the title at MitB, as well as Reigns getting MitB. It sets up Rollins staying heel, as well as a reason to bring back Lesnar. Simply have Reigns announce that he is going to keep his MitB briefcase as insurance against the Authority - any time the Authority tries to screw Ambrose in a title match, he's going to cash it in and even the odds. The Authority, realizing they will need to bring someone who can deal with Reigns AND Ambrose, opts to un-suspend Lesnar and let him deal with Ambrose + Reigns. Except Lesnar could show up and wreck Rollins just because he can, and throw the whole thing for a loop. Or the Authority decides to use their new favorite child, Owens, to deal with Ambrose. Opens up lots of opportunities IMO.

Plus, I love the bromance between Reigns & Ambrose, and want to keep it going.
I'm still talking about Cena beating Brock at ER. Talk about legendary. Beating a guy right before he gets to the top, so everybody conveniently forgets it and says "omg he's never beat the guy"

Greatest of All Time jhon cena

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
The weird part is that Ambrose not winning here basically punts him back to the midcard and they don't really have enough dudes near the top of the card, so I don't know.


Only good thing that can come from the Bellas keeping the belt is a women's invasion and nwo style beat down with them spraypainting or cutting the Bellas hair.

That would be so delightful. Never gonna happen, but it sure would be delightful.


I honestly hope that Rollins murders Ambrose solo on Sunday. Totally dominates. Nobody should expect it, so Ambrose has an out sort of.

Last time Rollins got to look good was the Rumble :(

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I honestly hope that Rollins murders Ambrose solo on Sunday. Totally dominates. Nobody should expect it, so Ambrose has an out sort of.

Last time Rollins got to look good was the Rumble :(
Rollins beating the fuck out of Ambrose clean makes no sense because its literally the opposite of his character. His entire gimmick is sniveling weasel that cheats and gets his mates to beat up anyone in his way. It makes more sense for him to lose the belt through some kind of interference from the Authority that's decided he's a liability.

Rollins saying "Fuck Authority" and still winning makes him an anti-hero rather than a heel. That doesn't mean he won't win, I expect him to mostly because WWE writers are garbage.
Rollins beating the fuck out of Ambrose clean makes no sense because its literally the opposite of his character. His entire gimmick is sniveling weasel that cheats and gets his mates to beat up anyone in his way.

It makes more sense for him to lose the belt through some kind of interference from the Authority that's decided he's a liability.

My arm chair booking would to have Owens beat Cena clean again and then have Owens come back during the main event to beat both Rollins and Ambrose and have the Authority establish him as their new guy.
Alot of people here, at least, absolutely remember how Cena was immediately fed the Wyatts in order to make him look like Super Cena again though. Cena was protected as fuck after Summerslam

I remember that too... but it doesn't harm Brock. If KO goes over Cena in this feud (hypothetically because I know that's not happening) and then Cena goes super Cena on the rest of the roster... that does zero to harm KO.

The last two people to beat Cena clean before KO were DB and Brock. Before DB I'm not sure who did it last, but I wouldn't be that surprised if it was someone major. Stop obsessing over the fact that Cena is a huge star and recognize that KO is being given an unprecedented push for someone at this stage of their career in the WWE.

The way some of you go on, unless you're the top guy main eventing WrestleMania you're being buried.

This needs to happen. It works out perfectly too!

Sasha: The young up-and-coming talent who's completely full of herself, ala Tully, Luger, and Windham.
Bayley: The workhorse of the group, ala Pillman, Benoit, and Malenko
Becky: The enforcer, ala Arn.
Charlotte: Duh.

Also, props to my waifu for the excellent Team Funaki shirt.


Raw Viewership for 6/8/15

8pm: 3.678
9pm: 3.609
10pm: 3.647

Avg: 3.645

Well the audience that tuned in at the beginning stayed throughout the show. The viewers they lost from last week probably either watched the hockey game or the world cup game that competed against Raw.


Rollins beating the fuck out of Ambrose clean makes no sense because its literally the opposite of his character. His entire gimmick is sniveling weasel that cheats and gets his mates to beat up anyone in his way. It makes more sense for him to lose the belt through some kind of interference from the Authority that's decided he's a liability.

Rollins saying "Fuck Authority" and still winning makes him an anti-hero rather than a heel. That doesn't mean he won't win, I expect him to mostly because WWE writers are garbage.

I know I know I just have come to realise that I hate that kind of character and not heel hate, just turn off the TV hate. I'd like him to be some sort of credible threat instead of the guy who loses to his own goons

My arm chair booking would to have Owens beat Cena clean again and then have Owens come back during the main event to beat both Rollins and Ambrose and have the Authority establish him as their new guy.

Okay there's rocket fuel pushes and then there is this. That'd be completely ridiculous.
Speaking of Straps

Anyone believe kobashi is coming out of retirment to rescue the GHC from Suzuiki?




Anyone but marufuji

It'll probably end up being Nagata or another NJPW vet they want to move to NOAH. Kobashi is almost certainly not coming out of retirement, his knees are jello, his bones are brittle as fuck, sonofabitch had cancer for christsakes.

Shit, bring in Mutoh and have him do it. He probably would if only to hold all three of the major titles in Japan (four if you count W1, and I don't considering he booked himself to win that), like his buddies Takayama and Sasaki.
I do think that if the plan is to have Seth be the champ coming out of MITB that they should have let Ambrose just get the win and the title at Elimination Chamber.

If Seth kept conveniently forgetting that Dean took the title off him for a couple of weeks, that would be a good angle for his character, and for promos being cut against him. 'When I won this belt by beating Brock Lesnar and Roman Reigns at Mania...'

'Err, didn't you lose it after that to Dean Ambrose even though you had all your authority buddies backing you up?'

Etc. Still, if Dean does indeed get the win on Sunday, then I have no problem with the whole angle. The Instagram stuff has been fun and it wouldn't be as good if Dean was the recognized champ.
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