Batista vs. Rollins pole match needs to happen.
That seems lewd for the PG era.
Batista vs. Rollins pole match needs to happen.
Shouldn't Batastia actually work with somebody who is over?
Except nobody is over
Perhaps there are chants that are over that could be used?
I'm assuming you're talking about "Let's go Cena!"
Verendus, you shouldn't defend Batista's last appearance. Now I don't care about his 'work rate' or other such buzz words when it comes to the World Wrestling Entertainment.
What I do care about is his lack of juicing. My dude looked terrible. Standing next to Triple H and Randy Orton and suddenly he was the 'small one' in Evolution. They probably didn't bring Flair back because Flair would've out muscled him.
What are you talking about? Have you seen Roman Reigns year the house down? Hell he just piped a rating That showed at least 5 people were paying attention at home during his sports entertainment dance.Theworstbest part about Daniel Bryan not being around is that events went back to being boring as scripted and not just the crowd moaning and groaning about Daniel Bryan.
Speaking of chants.
I love how they try to get the FIGHT OWENS FIGHT chant over instead of Cena sucks.
But the fact is, they just haven't been in the right anti-Cena / smark markets to do it.
Except Owens is still a heel to many of those smarks.Speaking of chants.
I love how they try to get the FIGHT OWENS FIGHT chant over instead of Cena sucks.
But the fact is, they just haven't been in the right anti-Cena / smark markets to do it.
What are you talking about? Have you seen Roman Reigns year the house down? Hell he just piped a rating That showed at least 5 people were paying attention at home during his sports entertainment dance.
Everytime I see Lex Luger in 93 or Warrior in the 80's I keep thinking about how much better Sting would've fit their roles and could've potentially had a Hulk Hogan-esque career in WWF. But maybe we wouldn't have gotten the AE if that happened, I dunno, but it's a nice What If? regardless.Was Lex Express one of the better, more underrated angles in WWE history?
I really like the idea of having Owens just be Cena kyrptonite. Have him go 50/50 w/ everyone else, but leave him X-0 in 2-3+ matches against Cena.
I really like the idea of having Owens just be Cena kyrptonite. Have him go 50/50 w/ everyone else, but leave him X-0 in 2-3+ matches against Cena.
Agreed. Think it could be great. And then Cena ACTUALLY has to give in to the dark side this time to win. Meaning he'll be conflicted even after winning. Except that he won't because he's John Cena.
Agreed. Think it could be great. And then Cena ACTUALLY has to give in to the dark side this time to win. Meaning he'll be conflicted even after winning. Except that he won't because he's John Cena.
Do any of you think Vince will try to start up a new "WrestleMania undefeated streak"?
Do any of you think Vince will try to start up a new "WrestleMania undefeated streak"?
Who knows. That shit will probbaly never be equaled. Cena has some loses so not sure who can even start it.
What about The New Sensation, Neville? Eh? Eh?
Is nXt on tonight? anyone know who is wrestling on it?
Honestly what I think really helped make 'the streak' was that Undertaker had a supernatural character. His character was basically built to be a boss character. Only guy I can think of who could fit that mold at this point is Balor once he gets called up, but given his age I don't think he'd ever make it into Taker-tier with wins. Balor would need to wrestle into his 50s to hit 20-0 like Taker did (Taker himself is only 50 now, Balor is 33)
Honestly what I think really helped make 'the streak' was that Undertaker had a supernatural character. His character was basically built to be a boss character. Only guy I can think of who could fit that mold at this point is Balor once he gets called up, but given his age I don't think he'd ever make it into Taker-tier with wins. Balor would need to wrestle into his 50s to hit 20-0 like Taker did (Taker himself is only 50 now, Balor is 33)
It ain't happening with Bray Wyatt...
It was totally random. Undertaker's early wins included a DQ win because Giant Gonzalez chloroformed him in the middle of the match.
It was totally random luck that they had that to work with. Undertaker's early wins included a DQ win because Giant Gonzalez chloroformed him in the middle of the match.
Really? I thought it was The Decade of Destruction run.lol nope
i'd like to go back and see whats the earliest reference to taker being undefeated at wrestlemania (aka, when they actually noticed he was undefeated). i want to think it was Taker vs Diesel
Apparently from the Meltz's mouth:
Apparently from the Meltz's mouth:
Really? I thought it was The Decade of Destruction run.
If they were smart, they'd have multiple dudes have WM streaks, then you could have Streak vs Streak matches. Nothing like 20-0 will be replicated though.
Apparently from the Meltz's mouth:
what's this about?
A week ago this sentence wouldn't make much sense to me, thanks to UltraViolent June I now understand such things like what a Nick Gage is.Who's gonna be watching CZW Tournament of Death this year?
Some of them matches will be sick! Nick Gage is back afterall.
Do any of you think Vince will try to start up a new "WrestleMania undefeated streak"?
This could get interesting.
I can only imagine the mess that would come form them trying to recreate this intentionally.
Bet anything China is a big part if this deal. WWN beat Vince to the punch
The logical clue would be WWNLive's in-roads into China.
Definitely, but I'm curious what WWN Live gets out of it....more exposure by running shows on the Network, better equipment, stars with NXT?
Also, this probably means their deal with TNA that allows them to use Davey Richards and TJ Perkins is dead soon.
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Zack sabre Jr vs Kevin Owens
Shut up Bronson, you no good brigand! You can't stop my plan to take over the world by implanting mind control devices into everyone's SIM cards
Oh man, that last bit, I can imagine it happening one day.It honestly requires way more patience than I think Vince and the current creative team have. They'd need to semi-quietly get a guy up to like 5 or 6 Mania wins or so before suddenly making it any kind of big deal.
Knowing Vince, Balor would win his debut at Mania and have Cole scream "HAVE WE WITNESSED THE BIRTH OF A NEW STREAK?!"