So I been wonder for a while, are these death matches any good. Having only seen parts of them on youtube they always seem like a way to shock people rather then good wrestling.
There are rare occasions where an ultraviolent death match can be very compelling. But it's rare. And very few things in wrestling illustrate diminishing returns as clearly as an ultraviolent deathmatch tournament, IMO. It's really hard to not glaze over after a while in a tourney, or a show that has a lot of gimmicks thrown out there.
Plus, if you are pulling that level of insanity out there, you'd better have a ton of fans in the seats and making money, or you're just being stupid.
It's much better IMO to have an angle build and build and build up to a violent match, like a street fight, and have that match be a singular event on the card.
My favorite example of this that I have seen lately was the Street Fight for the Inspire Pro championship between Dirty Andy Dalton and The Centerfold, Matthew Palmer. It didn't have glass or light tubes, but boy, was it violent. The build was so good the crowd wanted desperately to see every bit of violence Palmer could inflict on Dalton, and the stakes were high, with a stipulation that Palmer would have to leave Inspire Pro if he lost. Within the first 90 seconds of the match, the canvas was covered in Andy Dalton's blood and hair, and it just got crazier from there, but it was still mostly stiff brawling and wrestling moves. Certainly there were extremely
dangerous wrestling moves, involving stuff like chairs, ladders and a table, and some 90s Japan caliber head-drops, but they were wrestling moves nonetheless. And it all made sense. It was a great violent, visceral match that was totally appropriate for the audience.
There are certainly a few ultraviolent deathmatches that reach the kind of brutal artwork of a match like that, but they are few and far between, IMO. That's why I'll pretty much always prefer a classic southern-style or Texas-style dramatic gimmick match to an out-and-out ultraviolent deathmatch.