Damn yo. I'm no fan of Zack Ryder, but I can see what Curt Hawkins saying about the locker room after he was buried being very true:
"The worst part of that whole thing is that it really kind of broke the spirit of the locker room. For years, we were told in all these pep talks that there's a brass ring, you've gotta reach for it and it's there for the taking if you work hard enough and get yourself over. And he did it; he defied the odds and actually does it, and all the boys are rooting for him, like 'Oh wow, this is cool as sh*t. This has never been done before.' He got over without the office, without TV time. It was pretty mind-blowing. And then they did just crush it and take it all away from him. To me, I felt the example that set for the rest of the boys was pretty brutal, because then it's like it almost feels hopeless. It's like, you're not going to get pushed unless they pick you to get pushed, and that's kind of it. I thought, above all, that message they sent to the boys was the worst part. They crushed the spirits of a lot of people, like 'Okay, so my hard work here isn't going to pay off, huh?'"