This whole sellout thing is bullshit. In kayfabe The Shield was never liked; they were feared; they were feared because they would attack people 3 on 1.
Nobody should give a shit they split; they should be targeting Rollins out of the notion that Evolution is not going to bother to save him and so he is vulnerable.
I'm sorry to say that the people did care. They people chanted that not the WWE telling them too. It worked very well because after turn it got a lot more attention than the whole Payback pay per view. It worked now they have build on it to keep it working.
Good match.
Alex Shelley has been pulled from the finals of the Best of the Super Juniors tournament due to a reported shoulder injury.
New Japan says Taichi will replace Shelley in Sunday's finals. The semi-final matches are now KUSHIDA vs. Taicho and Ricochet vs. Ryusuke Taguchi. The winners advance to the final match in the main event.
The audience cared. The in-universe characters shouldn't is what I'm saying.
They should be happy that the bullies are divided and vulnerable.
He's a face Stro!
They shouldn't because with Rollins turning keeps Triple H strong who has the power. Also, by your idea shouldn't then everyone on roster enjoyed every time Stone Cold got beaten up because he stunned a lot of roster for no reason at all.
False. That's Mechagodzilla in disguise, SWERVING everyone and being a real dick head, going out of his way to fuck shit up and appears to relish doing it.
Godzilla is basically John Cena.
False. That's Mechagodzilla in disguise, SWERVING everyone and being a real dick head, going out of his way to fuck shit up and appears to relish doing it.
This movie is so weird in that it has blood from monsters and humans, a human getting shot and half of his face turning into a monkey, a guy trying a triangle and the other guy doing a full on crossface chicken wing, then throwing chairs at each other on a boat deck.
Triple threat time.
I've seen that one! I went through a phase of watching a lot of the Godzilla films, them were some good times.
Was there live for this show, and I honestly thought that Alicia was going to start making out with Lillian.
It's not a child! It's over a 1000 years old!