Of all the shitty announcers WWE has, people want Alex Riley to get the axe? Smh; dude does his job well on NXT.
No, no he doesn't. Just no. Flat no.
Of all the shitty announcers WWE has, people want Alex Riley to get the axe? Smh; dude does his job well on NXT.
How can you hat the World Cup!
It the beautiful game
it's probably The Real Live Cowboy Wesley Blake getting the axe
How can you hat the World Cup!
It the beautiful game
No they need him for cowboy reasons
France isn't a race you goof!
You don't even acknolwedge them as a people? That's some dark shit.
Why would I protest the release of any of these people exactly. Sucks that they lost their job, but honestly, none of them were particularly good at it. Brodus is the cream of that crop as far as star power in that list goes.
Let that sink in. Out of those ten people, Brodus is considered the biggest release.
Well, I guess Aksana got the WrestleMania pay off this year, so maybe her.
Of all the shitty announcers WWE has, people want Alex Riley to get the axe? Smh; dude does his job well on NXT.
Let's get some kind of bet going. If you bet, you're in, and whoever it is you gotta change your av to the person it was for a week.
World title shots and IC titles received by Brodus: 0
World title shots and IC titles held by Drew: Several (I can't be bothered to look it up)
Shit, I'm gonna have to gamble on Ricardo Rodriguez. I think he's the one.
Let's get some kind of bet going. If you bet, you're in, and whoever it is you gotta change your av to the person it was for a week.
They need him for the JBL and Cole web show.I'm in. I'm gonna say it's slater
Of all the shitty announcers WWE has, people want Alex Riley to get the axe? Smh; dude does his job well on NXT.
They need him for the JBL and Cole web show.
Hey guys! Just got home what's going ooooooo.....
So. Many. Future. Endeavors.
Maybe the 3 hours of RAW can be more focused now instead of trying to get 3MB and Brodus on TV.
Those are the segments I am usually >> through.
- Based on the success of Warrior Week on the WWE Network, the company is looking at doing a number of "themed-weeks" in the future. WWE Network recently sent out a survey to fans seeking feedback on "themed-weeks" for CM Punk, Steve Austin, The Rock, Randy Savage, The Hardys, The Authority, The Kliq, Hulk Hogan, Andre the Giant, Sting, Lex Luger, Christian and Alberto Del Rio.
Hey guys! Just got home what's going ooooooo.....
So. Many. Future. Endeavors.
Maybe the 3 hours of RAW can be more focused now instead of trying to get 3MB and Brodus on TV.
Those are the segments I am usually >> through.
Slater isn't getting released. He's the most reliable and safest jobber they have. He's the guy they've trusted with Bret Hart do work the most he had worked since 1999.
I think y'all are speaking of a different Alex Rilley. Surely you're not talking about the only commentator that isn't called Willian Regal who cares more about analyzing the match than storylines.
Slater just had a kid. http://www.wwe.com/inside/heath-slater-baby-girl
Wouldn't be surprised if he takes some time off for a while.
- Based on the success of Warrior Week on the WWE Network, the company is looking at doing a number of "themed-weeks" in the future. WWE Network recently sent out a survey to fans seeking feedback on "themed-weeks" for CM Punk, Steve Austin, The Rock, Randy Savage, The Hardys, The Authority, The Kliq, Hulk Hogan, Andre the Giant, Sting, Lex Luger, Christian and Alberto Del Rio.
It's gonna be sad seeing Dean's name on the Future Endeavors list next year.
I think y'all are speaking of a different Alex Rilley. Surely you're not talking about the only commentator that isn't called Willian Regal who cares more about analyzing the match than storylines.
One of these things...
lol @ OSW Reviews:
Who wore it better?
What is Punks asinine name doing there?
lol @ OSW Reviews:
Who wore it better?
He's still the #2 guy merch wise without even being there.
He's still the #2 guy merch wise without even being there.
goodguyjinder.txtJinder Mahal @JinderMahal · 4h
Thanks to @WWE for the amazing opportunity. Got a chance to see the world and do many amazing things. Excited to see what the future brings.
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What is Punks asinine name doing there?
JTG and Blunder Mahal are gone but the creative is still there? #thisisnotawesome