Sibersk Esto
According to the new NXT tapings Sami Zayn is now using the Koji Clutch as a finisher.
Don't you mean the Anaconda Vice?

According to the new NXT tapings Sami Zayn is now using the Koji Clutch as a finisher.
well, they were all jobbers, so some are already used anyway. But since Bo is back to using the bulldog, the double underhook DDT is available. If they have anymore fat guys, they can give them a top rope splash. That's about it, but now other people can use great finishers like the elevated DDT, Samoan Drop, and a kick to the headAny good finishers added back to the pool with the release of all those jobbers?
NXT man. A very solid episode this week. The Mr NXT fallout was hilarious, meltdown Bo doesn't get old like you'd think it would.
Any good finishers added back to the pool with the release of all those jobbers?
Whoa, what's that from?Sunny, look what I found:
Starrcade '83: A Flair for the Gold - B
Starrcade '84: The Million Dollar Challenge - C
WrestleMania - B-
The Wrestling Classic - D+
Starrcade '85: The Gathering - C
WrestleMania 2 - C+
The Big Event - C-
Starrcade '86: The Sky Walkers - C+
WrestleMania III - B-
Starrcade '87: Chi-Town Heat - C+
Survivor Series '87 - C-
Bunkhouse Stampede '88 - C-
Royal Rumble '88 - C-
Clash of the Champions I - B+
WrestleMania IV - C
Clash of the Champions II - C+
The Great American Bash '88 - B
SummerSlam '88 - D
Clash of the Champions III - C-
Survivor Series '88 - D
Clash of the Champions IV - C+
Starrcade '88: True Gritt - B
Royal Rumble '89 - F
Clash of the Champions V - C-
Clash of the Champions VI - B
WrestleMania V - B-
WrestleWar '89 - C
Clash of the Champions VII - C+
The Great American Bash '89 - B+
SummerSlam '89 - C
Clash of the Champions VIII - B-
Halloween Havoc '89 - C+
Clash of the Champions IX - B
Survivor Series '89 - D+
Starrcade '89: Future Shock - C+
Royal Rumble '90 - D+
Clash of the Champions X - B-
WrestleWar '90 - C
WrestleMania VI - B
Capital Combat: The Return of Robocop - B-
Clash of the Champions XI - C
The Great American Bash '90 - B-
SummerSlam '90 - D
Clash of the Champions XII - D
Halloween Havoc '90 - C-
Clash of the Champions XIII - D
Survivor Series '90 - D+
Starrcade '90: Collision Course - B-
Royal Rumble '91 - D+
Clash of the Champions XIV - B-
WrestleWar '91 - C+
WrestleMania VII - D+
SuperBrawl - C-
Clash of the Champions XV - B-
The Great American Bash '91 - F
SummerSlam '91 - C-
Clash of the Champions XVI - C
Halloween Havoc '91 - B-
Clash of the Champions XVII - B-
Survivor Series '91 - D
This Tuesday in Texas - C
Starrcade '91: Battlebowl - C-
Royal Rumble '92 - B-
Clash of the Champions XVIII - B
SuperBrawl II - B+
WrestleMania VIII - B-
WrestleWar '92 - B-
Beach Blast '92 - B+
Clash of the Champions XIX - B
The Great American Bash '92 - C+
Whoa, what's that from?
The streak of B's -- Killer B's, if you will -- is OVER. Sting/Vader was cool, of course, but this event just had too much of the same thing. I'm really not a fan of multiple-round tournaments within one event.
Also, am I the only one who thinks practically every wrestler (in this case, Dr. Death and Gordy) would look better and less ridiculous with his tights pulled down below his belly button? MVC is such an impressive tag team, but I can't help it: I find their attire distracting and hideous.
And another thing (I'm really going to town here)! Ole Anderson is the worst referee ever.
Ole is a piece of shit. I have no idea why Watts had such a hard on for him.
Ole is a cool name.
Are there reasons unrelated to refereeing that I should know about?
Is Ring of Honor any good at the moment? I get it on TV where I live.
He's a real miserable and bitter cunt, but I was talking mostly about him as a referee. He was terrible at it, but Watts had such a hard on for him, probably because he was old school and "legit".
This was before he got MS and had a reason to be a miserable, bitter cunt.
Gail Kim might be the best wrestler left in the company.
Emoticon maybe?
Also, how is it Bray is fat, wears a fedora and hawaiian shirt when he's in character, has a nasty beard, stringy thin hair, and a jolly santa claus face yet
looks like he'd beat the shit out of Bryan out of the ring who just always looks ten times filthier than Bray.
because wrestling is fake
The -- means he was about to "entertainment"
Still too soon, dingus.
Sunflower, Strobogo, FallingEdge, and other WrassleGaf fatties:
How would you rate Taco Bell's Quesarito? I'm pretty darn hungry right now and would like your input.
Sunflower, Strobogo, FallingEdge, and other WrassleGaf fatties:
How would you rate Taco Bell's Quesarito? I'm pretty darn hungry right now and would like your input.
For a hot WCW crowd in a match with Hulk Hogan and Macho Man, this crowd seems pretty dead for Macho Man vs Hogan. I think they were both heels though. Which was extra weird.
They haven't put out a good album since 2002.
JCP and WCW after it had problems with Heel on Heel and Face on Face feuds too damn often. They can be refreshing from time to time but it happens all the damn time in this promotion.
Sunflower, Strobogo, FallingEdge, and other WrassleGaf fatties:
How would you rate Taco Bell's Quesarito? I'm pretty darn hungry right now and would like your input.
Very very good, almost perfect.
Fukushima or Hiroshima and Nagasaki?
Sunflower, Strobogo, FallingEdge, and other WrassleGaf fatties:
How would you rate Taco Bell's Quesarito? I'm pretty darn hungry right now and would like your input.
Yeah it's ridiculous. Duncan has been his same boring self for years now and he they keep letting him go over...and over...and over. Same old shit.Man Miami jobbed hard
Playing Virtual Pro Wrestling 2.
Remember Mortal Kombat Trilogy? I wish AKI had an all-in-one collection like that.
Yeah it's ridiculous. Duncan has been his same boring self for years now and he they keep letting him go over...and over...and over. Same old shit.