What is this? Tyson Kidd throws a dart blindfolded and that's his next gimmick?
cesaro is going to be one of those wrestlers that vince always books to win and all the smarks will hate him but at least he can wrestle/perform in the ring so things will be okay
cesaro is going to be one of those wrestlers that vince always books to win and all the smarks will hate him but at least he can wrestle/perform in the ring so things will be okay
Emoticon maybe?
Also, how is it Bray is fat, wears a fedora and hawaiian shirt when he's in character, has a nasty beard, stringy thin hair, and a jolly santa claus face yet
looks like he'd beat the shit out of Bryan out of the ring who just always looks ten times filthier than Bray.
Andy Kaufman was just kidding around. That was the joke he took to his grave. He had the last laugh because in the end, in the pages of history, he is the genius, the horrified audience were the fools. 
This was so damn good, the Horsemen were over BIG TIME! Bitchoff had to keep pushing the NWO. In no time the Horsemen were dead! I believe that's why WCW Went out of business they pissed a lot of NWA Wrestling fans off. Old school wrestling fans, the ones that grew up watching wrestling on TBS. The one that thought the WWF was too car toonish. I wanted to be Flair not Hogan! WOOOO
You're right, Bischoff has ruined WCW and TNA for that matter here, if Flair had given the higher ups at WCW two months notice that he needed the night off to watch his kid back then in a wrestling tournament then there should of been absolutely no problem with giving Nature Boy Ric Flair the night off to watch his son wrestle BUT Bischoff and his ego made the situation worse than what it should of been because all Bischoff is an absolute ass to me. Furthermore, I think Bischoff and his nWo idiots would of gotten an ass kicking too as a matter of fact if Bischoff hadn't fired Flair also. Hell, Flair should sue Bischoff for illegal termination of contract. That being said if Chris Benoit hadn't taken his own life and murdered his son and wife, Nancy, I think the 4 Horsemen would of been alive and well in the WWE probably too
Wrestling is often 90% boring, childish crap (well WWE is) but its always worth watching for moments like this!
Godbless rick flair and all his friends doing hard work in the ring and godbless Chris Benoit rest in peace
Todd, the sad part about this clip is that it came about because of a real life conflict between Eric and Ric. You know, Wrestling isn't all 100% fake. there are real situations that sometimes do play a part in the world of professional wrestling. Had WCW not been sold, the Four Horsemen would have torn Bischoff to shreds. Bischoff had no business allowing Hogan back in WCW. Bischoff has ruined TNA
Rip Chris we miss you man!
I can't decide which kind of smark makes me lol more:
The ones that bitch for their favorite to get pushed and then bitch when their favorite always wins. And it is always OUTTA NOWHERE even when preceded by 4 or 5 moves.
The kind that post shit on the Memphis/Ric Flair videos on Youtube like
I think you're just understanding what I've known forever: Internet wrestling fans are never happy.
I think you're just understanding what I've known forever: Internet wrestling fans are never happy.
"Push this guy!"
"Push this guy!"
It's all just fucking noise to me at this point.
AgreeGirl on the right is probably way more fun. And I find her to be prettier. I'm also #downwiththethickness.
Our #Queen predicted this a long time ago :')
According to the new NXT tapings Sami Zayn is now using the Koji Clutch as a finisher.
Don't you mean the Anaconda Vice?
Oh my god you weirdos really are the male version of PopGAF.
Oh my god you weirdos really are the male version of PopGAF.
Hey man, I'm perfectly happy.When something is shit, I tune out. Plenty of good stuff in the history books to go back to.
Still love Bryan and really want him to come back and be awesome.
I'd also like to see Punk back IF he wanted it and could still perform...which I doubt given his last few matches before taking off, and he's already referred to himself as a retired wrestler.
Dean Ambrose is awesome and he's getting pushed. (IMO)
I will say that I think Bray Wyatt has pretty much been shattered at this point, though. I don't feel Cena elevated him all that much.
Look at this.
Yikes. And the ending has Bryan choking Claudio in a triangle with a belt tied around his neck. Claudio passes out as the ref lifts his hand up three times. Brutal.
My feelings torwards The Shield:
"Woohoo! I love the Shield!"
"OMG Rollins! You bastard! Wow! Great heel turn! I can't wait to see where this goes"
"I think I don't really care where this goes"
I liked the Rollins / Ziggler match on Main Event (but I remember people here not being into it, so, whatevs, maybe I have bad taste) and I think that was I expect most are great singles match from him and Ambrose. But in terms of storyline, I don't feel there's anything left.
They loved each other, now they hate each other. The end.
Oh my god you weirdos really are the male version of PopGAF.
Oh my god you weirdos really are the male version of PopGAF.
Slay her sissis step uP your shade game pls. it's embarrassing.
Slay her sis
Edit:image ain't showing up and im too drunk to fix it so whatever
I was looking up Bruider Brody images, as I am wont to do at this hour, and stumbled upon this gem:
Sadly probably right about Hogan in 1994, it was the biggest story there was and changed the business the most.
The big story of taking a year off wrestling, getting an automatic title shot having no matches in the company, killing Ric Flair, bringing in all of his buddies (including Mr. T) and main event Starrcade against Brutus Beefcake? Great story.
Keep in mind the PWI is kayfabe.... and shitty.
Drew McIntyre