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June Wrasslin' |OT| Layin' the law, once again, prepare for war. C! Z! W!


And here is the finish to Danielson vs. Black. Absolutely incredible with the messed up ring surrounding them.

I wonder if Daniel Bryan will go back to this style when he returns.


What's the idea gif size in terms of megs and kilobytes? And how do I get those numbers down with gif cam? Which "save" option should I be choosing?
I try and keep gifs below 5mb, but sometimes it isn't possible if you're making a long gif. You can set it to record at a lower framerate, but for any gifs where you want to show the impact of a move you really need 30fps. Also, resizing the gif can help a lot, they don't need to be huge.

And yeah, I'd love to see Bryan return to that style, cut out the high flying stuff and include more strikes and submissions in his ring work.


Lower quality, but I think it's good enough. Want to keep gif size small to be kind to people surfing on their phones. Haha.

That's a belt tied around Claudio's (Cesaro's) neck as Bryan is kicking his head in.


more money than God
Apparently, it was Teddy Long's decision not to re-sign with the WWE. That explains a lot, because he was considered a guy guaranteed a job with the company.


I need to watch those Bryan matches now, amazing gifs.

I totally recommend this 2-disc set, which features around 6 hours of Bryan Danielson matches. It covers his best work from his last two years in Ring of Honor.

You can order it here if you're interested:
(or use other means, I guess)

I'm going to pimp myself here and point you to my review of the collection:


I totally recommend this 2-disc set, which features around 6 hours of Bryan Danielson matches. It covers his best work from his last two years in Ring of Honor.

You can order it here if you're interested:
(or use other means, I guess)

I'm going to pimp myself here and point you to my review of the collection:

This dvd really looks like a must-watch not just for Bryan fans, but as to what our era of wrasslin' has to offer. /fanboy
News bits from Figure Four Weekly:

There's obviously a lot of concern about Daniel Bryan and his neck problems. Usually with these minimally invasive surgeries, you hear that the wrestler in question made dramatic gains in strength immediately. Bryan has lost strength, and there are a lot of people whose minds are boggled by WWE thinking he'd be out a few weeks at most. There's a fear that he won't be able to work SummerSlam and contingency plans are being put in place. I'm not really sure who else you'd put in with Brock Lesnar other than moving up the plans for the Cesaro program.

A casting agency caused a stir when they sent out a notice for a Sting body double and an orchestra in Sting face paint, specifically identified as being for WWE. Somehow they didn't think it would get out. Really. Anyway, it's for WWE 2K15, as he's going to be this year's Brock Lesnar/Mike Tyson/Ultimate Warrior guest legend as a pre-order bonus.

Paige and Emma were used at the NXT tapings so the "WWE Universe" could see the "NXT Universe" treating them like big stars. It didn't occur to anyone that they could just book both women the same way they were used on NXT.

They turned Cameron/Ariane heel during Paige's "press conference" segment on the Payback post-game show. The next night, she was a babyface again. Nobody noticed.

Seth Rollins is getting new entrance music, so if you hated what he used on Raw, it's a placeholder and you should stop kvetching. They're being careful to avoid saying he's joined Evolution, as "officially," he hasn't.

Changing "Special Events" back to "Pay-Per-Views" was apparently a reaction to the satellite companies dropping them.

Since the speculation keeps coming up, no, AJ Lee is not pregnant as far as anyone knows.

Randy Savage seems closer to going into the Hall of Fame than ever, with a new DVD being worked on with a full documentary and participation from Lanny Poffo. The best guess for next year's class right now is The Rock, Savage, Kevin Nash, Victoria or Mickie James for the now-annual women's slot, and Rikishi.

This week's issue is FREE, by the way: http://www.f4wonline.com/component/...the-news-and-tv-reviews-from-around-the-world


All the ROH Bryan comps are worth a pick up;

Bryan Danielson: The American Dragon

Bryan Danielson: World Champion

Bryan Danielson: The Final Countdown

Seriously, so many amazing matches there.

I have The American Dragon and The Final Countdown. I want to pick up the Nigel/Danielson collection, and the other Danielson sets too.

Here is a fun moment from the Danielson/Quackenbush match off The Final Countdown DVD.

Quack lures Bryan with his hand, and you can hear people in the crowd yelling "Do it!" or "Don't do it!"

About a minute later, Danielson tries to lure Quack with the same tactic. Quack just says "Nope!"


This dvd really looks like a must-watch not just for Bryan fans, but as to what our era of wrasslin' has to offer. /fanboy

It totally is. You just have to get over the fact that almost none of the matches feature ring entrances, there's no extra content, and you have two vertical bars running down the sides of the screen. Takes a little getting used to, but after about two matches, you don't notice them.



There's obviously a lot of concern about Daniel Bryan and his neck problems. Usually with these minimally invasive surgeries, you hear that the wrestler in question made dramatic gains in strength immediately. Bryan has lost strength, and there are a lot of people whose minds are boggled by WWE thinking he'd be out a few weeks at most. There's a fear that he won't be able to work SummerSlam and contingency plans are being put in place. I'm not really sure who else you'd put in with Brock Lesnar other than moving up the plans for the Cesaro program.

Sad news.

Paige and Emma were used at the NXT tapings so the "WWE Universe" could see the "NXT Universe" treating them like big stars. It didn't occur to anyone that they could just book both women the same way they were used on NXT.

They turned Cameron/Ariane heel during Paige's "press conference" segment on the Payback post-game show. The next night, she was a babyface again. Nobody noticed.

It would be funny if it wasn't sad news.


So not worth it
All the Total Divas are heels, Cameron especially. Poor Vinny deserves a better girlfriend.

And sure Bryan can stay here in the guest bedroom. As long as he keeps the dog at home.
The actual dog, not Brie. Actually, leave her at home too.
I didn't remember Vince McMahon being so bad on commentary. At one time, he called an inverted atomic drop a reverse piledrive [sic]. Also notable, I couldn't even appreciate the hot crowd because of the constant airhorn thing. Jeeesus.

Anyway, I have many complaints about this PPV, but I'm too depressed go over them, what with 1992 falling apart before my very eyes and all. :(

Summerslam 1992 only got a C-?! omg.

One of my all time favourites, but that's probably because British Bulldog and Wembley.
Guys, I got a Wii U and it is so fun!!!!!!

hell yeah!

And Bootaaay, any suggestions as to some Puro matches that aren't NJPW within the past few months? I loved Ishimori vs Harada. Looking for some more stuff that I should be watching. Events preferably, but won't mind individual matches.


I think you're in a very small minority on this one. It's as generic as you can get. It's indie jobber music.
I knew when I heard it that would be the general response. I just like heavy music. lol. I could see him picking that since he listens to that type of music too. I wouldn't be mad if they changed it though.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I can't believe Beefcake main evented a Starcade. I mean, I know why... but I can't believe it! It'd be like Kofi main eventing a Wrestlemania.

I'm sorry, I went too far there. The idea that Kofi would be even half as over as Beefcake is an insult to The Beef.


Watching Ring of Honor Manhattan Mayhem V from 2013, and there's a persistent squeaking coming from a part of the ring any time there's a move hit or someone runs. It's annoying as hell. This will be the first and only time I watch this DVD. It's the show where ReDRagon wins the titles from The American Wolves, making for the third ROH Tag Champ switch in less than a month at the time. The wrestling is good, but I just can't get over the damn ring squeaking.
Watching Ring of Honor Manhattan Mayhem V from 2013, and there's a persistent squeaking coming from a part of the ring any time there's a move hit or someone runs. It's annoying as hell. This will be the first and only time I watch this DVD. It's the show where ReDRagon wins the titles from The American Wolves, making for the third ROH Tag Champ switch in less than a month at the time. The wrestling is good, but I just can't get over the damn ring squeaking.

When you get the chance, you should watch Glory By Honor V - Night 2. It is by far my favorite ROH show of all time.
Really? What's on it? I'm on my phone.

• Scheduled Card:
1. Davey Richards vs. Jack Evans.
2. Adam Pearce vs. Delirious
3. Triple Threat Match: Jimmy Jacobs vs. Christopher Daniels vs. Colt Cabana.
4. The Briscoes vs. Samoa Joe and Homicide.
5. ROH World Tag Team Championship: The Kings of Wrestling vs. Roderick Strong and Austin Aries (c).
6. GHC Heavyweight Championship: Nigel McGuinness vs. Naomichi Marufuji (c).
7. ROH World Championship: KENTA vs. Bryan Danielson (c).


• Scheduled Card:
1. Davey Richards vs. Jack Evans.
2. Adam Pearce vs. Delirious
3. Triple Threat Match: Jimmy Jacobs vs. Christopher Daniels vs. Colt Cabana.
4. The Briscoes vs. Samoa Joe and Homicide.
5. ROH World Tag Team Championship: The Kings of Wrestling vs. Roderick Strong and Austin Aries (c).
6. GHC Heavyweight Championship: Nigel McGuinness vs. Naomichi Marufuji (c).
7. ROH World Championship: KENTA vs. Bryan Danielson (c).

That sounds really friggin' good. I'll check the ROH website later, or find it elsewhere if it's not on DVD anymore.


I can't believe Beefcake main evented a Starcade. I mean, I know why... but I can't believe it! It'd be like Kofi main eventing a Wrestlemania.

I'm sorry, I went too far there. The idea that Kofi would be even half as over as Beefcake is an insult to The Beef.

I like Brutus "the beef" Cake, but then again I only watched two matches of him. The wrestlemania 1 and the Beach Blast '92 against Buff Bugwell, who the internet says I'm supposed to not like, but so far he is 1 match I watched out of 1 match I've liked. It's a 100% satisfaction rate!


I like Brutus "the beef" Cake, but then again I only watched two matches of him. The wrestlemania 1 and the Beach Blast '92 against Buff Bugwell, who the internet says I'm supposed to not like, but so far he is 1 match I watched out of 1 match I've liked. It's a 100% satisfaction rate!

I found Buff to be really entertaining when I watched him as a teenager. Pretty sure I'd still feel the same way today if I went back and watched some of his matches.
PWInsider breaks down why the WWE Network is and will continue to be a failure unless Vince completely changes his mindset: http://pwinsider.com/article/86285/...e-column-vince-mcmahon-needs-to-read.html?p=1

Why the Attitude Era worked, and why the Network would have easily succeeded then:

1) Vince McMahon was losing to WCW so he left his comfort zone and started presenting a product that while he personally didn't prefer, he was willing to create to appeal to the masses so that he could retake the number one position in the wrestling industry. He was losing and his reputation was on the line, so he left his comfort zone (and yes, his reputation is on the line again today).

2) Characters were actually booked strongly. The pecking order was not so clearly established that anyone could see where everyone fell, as it is today. People look back on the era as if everything was great. It wasn't. There was dreck for sure. But the top of the card, wow, it was great. At any given time, when you had a roster that included Steve Austin, The Rock, The Undertaker, Triple H, Mick Foley, Kurt Angle and others. Any of those people could be WWE champion and it was believable. And better than that, their were a lot of legitimate challengers. And those that weren't in a Title program gave credibility to the other matches at the top of the card. Contrast that with today. John Cena is over at the top of the card and there is who else? Don't say Daniel Bryan because while I love him, WWE did everything they could to keep him from getting over. The fans MADE them put him in the Title hunt and WrestleMania and as soon as he won the belt, Vince put him in an insipid program with Kane that did nothing to help Bryan. It was almost as if Vince said, "I will give you what you want at Mania, but then I will go back to doing it my way". And the apathy that has followed since Mania has become palpable since he did.

What they could do to fix it:

1) Listen to the fans. I get that Vince thinks you can't always give them what they want when they want it. He's right. But that doesn't mean the fans are always wrong. What happened with Daniel Bryan should show him that. Vince dropped the ball and the fans let it be known, but he didn't learn. The perfect case in point is Cesaro. The fans were ready to get behind him as a big babyface, but instead Vince kept him a heel putting him with Paul Heyman instead of turning him face (at a time where they really need faces no less). Here is the thing that Vince really, really needs to take under advisement: You don't have to love a wrestler. As long as the fans do, that is all that counts. As I have said here many times, if I don't like a promotion but covering it gets a ton of clicks, we are covering. Vince has to learn it's not all about him. On free TV, you can be that way. When you want to get into someone's pocket, you need to change your mindset.

2) Stop relying so much on John Cena, at the expense of the other talent. This one is a no-brainer and I hope I don't need to explain it. Cena is Vince's crutch and as I mentioned above, when you have six legitimate guys on top, people believe anything can happen. When you have one, they know it can't. Vince, your job is to create top guys. You need to do a better job of it.

3) Stop treating your audience as if they will just accept anything you say or present on TV as being fact, even when it makes no sense. A great example happened Monday on Raw. The last time we saw Daniel Bryan on 6/2, he was telling Stephanie McMahon that he would not give up his championship or his belts. He left. Monday, he was not at Raw we were told. The show started with Triple and Stephanie McMahon making a big announcement, they were stripping Bryan of the titles. OK, that was fine. Then they panned to over the ring and there were the Title belts hanging there, with no explanation as to how they got from Bryan to the top of the arena. It may seem like a little thing, but it's just one example of how careless storytelling adds up and breeds apathy among fans. It's not that hard to do quality control, especially if you stop doing so many re-writes to the script. There is no excuse to put the creative team through Monday re-writes week after week. Chart a course and stay with it (just make sure it's a good one).

4) And to a lesser degree realize that the top watched shows on The Network involve wrestling. PPVs and live NXT events are the big draws. So give the fans more than that. I would love to see a Saturday Night Fights kind of show. They could load up the Friday house show each week, since there is usually only one, record it and air it on Saturday nights. Three hours of just wrestling, for wrestling fans. I think it's a good concept.

But at the end of the day, the only real way to get people to buy The Network is to make the product "must see" again. Right now, it's just not. Sure, you can get four million people to watch on Monday, and that is great. But it's also free to them. To make The Network succeed you need to get them to sign up for it. And to make that happen, you have to give them reason to. You can do it if you want to. The question is: Do you?
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