PWInsider breaks down why the WWE Network is and will continue to be a failure unless Vince completely changes his mindset:
Why the Attitude Era worked, and why the Network would have easily succeeded then:
What they could do to fix it:
That's nothing specific about the network, it's just another article explaining why WWE is worst than it should be given talent, production values and so on. Which is more or less said every day.
And he didn't said the one thing relating content and the network that I would have said: they need to rework (or, really, decide) their demographics. People who subscribe to the network are either families who watch the product together or single adults (the sad people on this thread). A family whose kid is a Cena fan, but don't really follow wrestling will go to a show and buy merch to make little jimmy happy, but won't commit on a 10 dollar subscription with a bunch of content that nobody on the household cares about.
It's basically a niche product, there is little mainstream appeal on Clash of the Champions or 1992 royal rumble. But when chosing between their niche audience and mainstream appeal, WWE chose the second one every time. Hell, it actively made fun of Bryan for being an "internet darling" on NXT. Vince might hate the IWC all he wants, but with ease of piracy and the rise of iPPVs; the truth is that Vince needs the IWC more than the IWC needs vince, because wrasslin' fans are the ones who would buy this thing. (or the saddest reality; they already did, 600.000 people is basically how many wrestling fans are left despiste how many watch the shows every week).
This is Cornette's revenge now, because Vince has to create a product that attracts the same kind of people interested in the fact that Brutus Beefcake main evented a Starcade and I might be wrong, but I think Dragonzord is not WWE's biggest fan. The Network is amazing value to a group of people WWE spent years trying to distance itself from.
The biggest problem is marketing and creating need. Why don't they show clips of what is avaible on the network on Raw. The Netwrok appeals to Wrestling Fans but not WWE fans. I doubt a typical wwe mark will watch WCCW ( or anything 80's really)
For what ever reason they keep holding back Monday night war/ attitude era stuff which is the biggest reason for people to subscribe .
Also nothing if consequences happens on the network . People talk about sandow and ziggler citing good promos on the post show but it never translates. Do a title change or have someone be attacked.
They just excepted people to sign up without doing any of the work
To be fair, remastering all they remastered was a lot of work. But as you said, to wrestling fans, not to WWE fans. I don't think even most people who were the teenagers who loved the attitude era cares about most of the content on the network.
It's amazing content, it is great value, it is a top rated service. It is provided by a company who resents its own fanabse (and whose fanbase resents it back).