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June Wrasslin' |OT| Layin' the law, once again, prepare for war. C! Z! W!



Must have been a dark match.

I totally respect UFC fighters and the amount of discipline they require, as well as the skill and courage they need just to enter the octagon, but I just don't find the fights themselves to be all that entertaining. I feel that with UFC you never really know whether you're going to get a good show or a boring show...it all depends on the fighters and fights. With wrestling, at least you can be assured that there will be action and that you will see some amazing aerial maneuvers, submissions, etc. just because it's scripted.


No doubt, that's an outstanding match. But the majority of Raws have shit like IRS sweating to death in squash matches, King's Court, unbelievably terrible "topical' commentary. It's so bad. Every bad era has a few gems, but not enough to watch all of it to get to them.

...says the man who sat through 2000 WCW.
I've considered starting a community centered around the television tour de force known as COPS. There's something incredibly compelling about the fear in a man's eye as he's asked to remove his shoes, knowing full well he has black tar heroin tucked between his toes.

What do you think, friend? I value your opinion.
It would be hard to replicate that liveblog experience.
Man, I wonder how this topic was during the 2010-2011 age when the show was a hell of a lot worst then compared to today. Its just hilarious.

I also try to imagine if this topic existed during Raw 2002-2004 when it was non PG and so much worse than anything they put on now today.
The summer of Punk? Yeah, so much worse than it is today.

When the show is bad usually the thread rises to the occasion and helps to supplement the overall experience. Without getting personal and naming names, except to call out Strobogo specifically because who cares about him, this thread has been equally if not more terrible than current WWE programming.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I been making the transition to Table Tennis. Ma Long is like the Bork of table tennis.

I've considered starting a community centered around the television tour de force known as COPS. There's something incredibly compelling about the fear in a man's eye as he's asked to remove his shoes, knowing full well he has black tar heroin tucked between his toes.

What do you think, friend? I value your opinion.

A COPS thread on Neo 'F the cops and their guns' Gaf? Are you crazy?


Man, the crowd for this Samoa Joe vs. Kenta Kobashi match is HYPE. The match is very good, no doubt, but the crowd responds to literally EVERY move. It's like everyone's drunk and just oohing and ahhing after every kick, punch, slam, etc. I feel like this crowd is an absolute anomaly. Just incredible.

Also, Dave Prazak and Lenny Leonard are a really good commentary duo.


WWE sent a mobile alert a few moments ago announcing that The Usos will defend the WWE Tag Team Titles against Erick Rowan and Luke Harper at the Money in the Bank PPV.

Wyatt Family leaving MITB with all the gold, book it


Is anyone here psyched about WWE still? Show yourself!

I was before, during, and after Wrestlemania. But that enthusiasm died in about 2-3 weeks.

-Cesaro staying heel for some reason
-Bryan being booked against Kane
-Bray getting fed to Cena
-Shitty Divas matches, including shitty Paige matches

The only things I've enjoyed have been Barrett, Bryan appearances, The Shield appearances, Wyatt promos, and some Cesaro spots. That sounds like a lot when I typed it, but it amounts to about 30-40 minutes each week from a 3-hour program. Not nearly enough to warrant the time commitment.

And with TNA going to absolute shit, all I have is Ring of Honor every week, and select New Japan matches, as I actually haven't felt compelled to sit through an entire one this year. I'll just watch the matches that people freak out about on here.

...and I just discovered joshi wrestling thanks to this thread today.
I think the most depressing thing about WWE is that you can see the talent bubbling under the surface, but they're kept down by an administration which refuses to change with the times
Man, I wonder how this topic was during the 2010-2011 age when the show was a hell of a lot worst then compared to today. Its just hilarious.

I also try to imagine if this topic existed during Raw 2002-2004 when it was non PG and so much worse than anything they put on now today.
i wasn't watching then, but shit right now is just so boring. Even in late 2012 with the Cena/AJ/Vickie/Dolph garbage, there was still some decent things like Team Hell No, the promise of a revived tag team division (lol), and Cesaro trucking fools that made it kinda interesting to sit through. Right now, everyone I like is feuding with someone I don't like or are in feuds that are spinning their wheels. Shield exploding is the only thing right now that's remotely interesting
Is anyone here psyched about WWE still? Show yourself!
somedevil apparently


Must have been a dark match.

I totally respect UFC fighters and the amount of discipline they require, as well as the skill and courage they need just to enter the octagon, but I just don't find the fights themselves to be all that entertaining. I feel that with UFC you never really know whether you're going to get a good show or a boring show...it all depends on the fighters and fights. With wrestling, at least you can be assured that there will be action and that you will see some amazing aerial maneuvers, submissions, etc. just because it's scripted.

Well Alucard, much like professional wrestling, mixed martial arts requires knowledge of the parties involved to create an expectation of the kind of match they can deliver. If you watch long enough, it's something that can be gauged by the viewer. But, much like professional wrestling, sometimes you're surprised or disappointed by what they actually do deliver.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I think the most depressing thing about WWE is that you can see the talent bubbling under the surface, but they're kept down by an administration which refuses to change with the times

I think what's amazing is you have Paul Heyman and Dutch Mantell working for you. And neither is on Creative.


With MMA, it feels like there are too many dudes floating around UFC and there is always a solid chance of getting entire show of lay and pray decisions, which are terrible to watch. Like an entire show of GSP fights. Fuck. That's why I faded out of MMA.
Well Alucard, much like professional wrestling, mixed martial arts requires knowledge of the parties involved to create an expectation of the kind of match they can deliver. If you watch long enough, it's something that can be gauged by the viewer. But, much like professional wrestling, sometimes you're surprised or disappointed by what they actually do deliver.

UFC and MMA in general were just too good at hyping me up when I was 16 or so. It can be disappointing when you constantly expect there to be an "OMGWHATAKNOCKOUTDHJDBJDB" moment like in all the grainy black and white promos

I think what's amazing is you have Paul Heyman and Dutch Mantell working for you. And neither is on Creative.
It is baffling. Paul is near 50, Mantel in his mid 60s, yet even in managerial roles have shown a remarkable ability to keep up with the times more than the soap opera hacks WWE employs now
It is baffling. Paul is near 50, Mantel in his mid 60s, yet even in managerial roles have shown a remarkable ability to keep up with the times more than the soap opera hacks WWE employs now

They keep up with the times by using old school tactics that will work forever. WWE just refuses to do that, throws out the rulebook because they have to justify keeping a creative team on staff.


i wasn't watching then, but shit right now is just so boring. Even in late 2012 with the Cena/AJ/Vickie/Dolph garbage, there was still some decent things like Team Hell No, the promise of a revived tag team division (lol), and Cesaro trucking fools that made it kinda interesting to sit through. Right now, everyone I like is feuding with someone I don't like or are in feuds that are spinning their wheels. Shield exploding is the only thing right now that's remotely interesting

somedevil apparently

I think right now Raw is in funk but has a lot of good talent and has good matches. The creative just needs improvement.

Also, you missed another poster who likes Raw more than this thread.


With MMA, it feels like there are too many dudes floating around UFC and there is always a solid chance of getting entire show of lay and pray decisions, which are terrible to watch. Like an entire show of GSP fights. Fuck. That's why I faded out of MMA.

That's very true, strobogo. There's even an active segment of MMA fans that believe if the UFC tries to remove fighters from their roster who grope their opponent to win under a flawed ruleset, rather than entertain (e.g. Jon Fitch, Jake Shields), they're violating the purity of the sport. It's just a strange scene.

Honestly, I would recommend GLORY kickboxing on Spike over UFC to anyone interested in broadening their sports entertainment horizons. They even have language in their ruleset that scores you on how entertaining you are.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I'm pretty happy where I am now with the WWE. I love the Network, sometimes watch a few minutes of RAW, read the reactions in this thread if I'm otherwise disposed and watch the PPV's, which have been fantastic all year.

It is taking me forever to get through Slamboree 1996, it's nearly as hard to watch as the last WW3 was. Battle Bowl/Lethal Lottery is such a good idea on paper but makes an awful PPV. I'm also just about out of the Cruiserweight era and am entering into parts unknown of WCW knowledge. I think I've seen most of HH 1995 before and that PPV that was referenced in the Baywatch Crossover, but that's about it.

Spider from Mars

tap that thorax
The death of PRIDE was the death of my active interest in the sport. I loved going to blockbuster as a kid and getting PRIDE FC tapes. I watch UFC and DREAM on occasion for certain fighters but that's about it.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I'm going to be 100% honest with you guys.

I think MMA is boring. Like, Don Frye is cool and all, and the synergy between MMA and Pro wrestling is kind of cool, but I just don't give two shits about it. At all.
I think right now Raw is in funk but has a lot of good talent and has good matches. The creative just needs improvement.

Also, you missed another poster who likes Raw more than this thread.
I think that's what makes it more disappointing, that they have a hella good roster but nothing interesting to do with them. Hard to care about angles OR matches when they just decide to run the same match 3 times before the PPV. and i think even the good matches are happening less and less, so I may as well just watch the Sheamus and Cesaro segments on youtube or whatever instead of watching something that doesn't bore the shit out of me for 3 hours

and Bean Breath doesn't count


MMA is kind of depressing for me. I imagined if I was there at the time, I would not have liked southern bloody rasslin' too. Fake fight is cool because it is fake. People beating the shit out of each other for real is not my thing. I can even get behind stiff wrestling because while it is painful, those two people are not disputing who will break the other person's body until it stops functioning right.

I think there is pleasure and motive in watching people fight; in watching struggle and pain and so on; wrestling my have started by tricking people into thinking it's real, but when it got out that it's not, only part of the appeal vanished (and for those that had the real competition as a main part of the appeal, MMA rose to fill that void); while trying to be fake, I think pro wrestling created a controlled enviroment where you can experience the fight without the actual fight . It's like a rollercoaster, it is fear of dieing without the (significant) risk of death, so it's a thrill or porn themed after taboos you would never break in real life for good reason.

To me, when I believe those two people are really trying to hurt each other, to punch each other on the head until something there turns off and the other person just can't get up, it kind of crosses a line. Like chair shots to the head crosses that line, too. It's no really an ethical thing, it's more of a feeling.

Wrestling as a form of athletic theater is perfect for me. Which is what makes it funny that time they made fun of Sandow for interpretative dancing, because that's what they do. Actually, if someone would try to find a less showbizz nomenclature to counter "sports entertainment"; I would go for "interpretative fighting".


Great finish to Coleman/Shogun: Shogun appears to dislocate his elbow after getting taken down, so the fight is stopped. Coleman throws the ref, Shogun's corner jumps in the ring, Coleman's corner jumps in the ring, and we got a PIER SIX BRAWL going on, complete with Wanderlei jumping in FROM THE CROWD to put Baroni in a triangle while the whole ring is full of security and trying to pull it all apart. All while doctors are trying to fix Shogun's arm. It's a shame that a lot of the brawl wasn't shown. Post fight interview had Coleman repeatedly calling Chute Boxe cheap mother fuckers and specifically calling out Ninja and Wandy.

Almost as if someone booked it that way.


I'm going to be 100% honest with you guys.

I think MMA is boring. Like, Don Frye is cool and all, and the synergy between MMA and Pro wrestling is kind of cool, but I just don't give two shits about it. At all.

That's becoming increasingly hard to argue with. To paint a picture, imagine if WWE had over 500 wrestlers on their roster, most of which were scouted from high school gymnasiums and midwest county fairgrounds.


I'm probably going to switch to baseball from pro wrestling. There's a lot of Wrasslegaffers in the MLB thread and they leave their gimmicks at the door and let their true personas shine through.

More than WWE Network being a worthless pile of horse dung, is this feeling of humiliation and anger at being so stupid as to fall for this con and open my wallet to them . I'll never forgive WWE for making me feel this way.

Do not be hyperbolic, bean breath. The Network is healthy, bursting with fresh content that has mass appeal, and WWE's new television deal is lucrative.


That's becoming increasingly hard to argue with. To paint a picture, imagine if WWE had over 500 wrestlers on their roster, most of which were scouted from high school gymnasiums and midwest county fairgrounds.

They need cartoony gimmicks.


So not worth it
Do not be hyperbolic, bean breath. The Network is healthy, bursting with fresh content that has mass appeal, and WWE's new television deal is lucrative.

So it's either great and going well, or dooming the company into bankruptcy next month.

Jesus Christ don't ever get a job in any managerial role, ever, please, I beg you.


That's becoming increasingly hard to argue with. To paint a picture, imagine if WWE had over 500 wrestlers on their roster, most of which were scouted from high school gymnasiums and midwest county fairgrounds.

They need cartoony gimmicks.

That's why PRIDE is the best. Everything about it was better. Gimmicks, rules, presentation. UFC's presentation is SO stale. As stale and sterile as WWE's presentation. They haven't changed anything since 2005. The only PRIDE rule I think sucked was when they'd move guys on the mat in the ropes into the center of the ring in the same position. Such a momentum killer and seemed so unfair. It should have just been a stand up.

Need more open weight matches, too. Mark Hunt with an 81 pound weight advantage over his opponent in the main event.
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