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June Wrasslin' |OT| Layin' the law, once again, prepare for war. C! Z! W!

you're attached to the old ways. being attached to the old ways is why the WWE is dying. why does the monster heel needs to be a huge, fat, mean looking dude? why not try something new and have the monster heel be a tall, athletic, ripped, lean, good looking guy like in old school action movies?

look at horse meat era Reem:



a heel that looks like this would be great and a welcome change. closer to it is Orton when he's heel.

Haha. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for the big, lean, athletic dood being a monster heel. Overeem or Prime Brock for example. Same with Pudge. But even then, you still need that certain "umph" that gets you over. I don't see it in Arlovski or someone like Lashley. I can see Orton as a sneaky heel but not as a monster.



I've been offline for the past few days (Friday, Sat and Sunday). Did I miss anything?

I spent an amazing weekend with my girlfriend up in Atlanta meeting some of her family.....so far, it's going as good as I could ever hope for. Next weekend I meet her mom though....kinda scary, but it's going to be ok I think.

Last thing I remember is the massive firing that took place.


Ole Anderson on Verne Gagne tryout. Not training, just the tryout:

Danny Hodge just loved to get in the ring and mix it up. He would wrestle anybody. He looked at me like the big, heavyset mark that I was. We got on the mat and I took the down position. Before I could even think about doing anything, Danny clamped down on me. I thought I was caught in a vise. Danny proceeded to run my face all over that mat until the skin was burned off of my nose, chin, and forehead, not to mention my knees and elbows. In the process, he broke my nose and cracked two of my ribs. Later on, while I was getting ready to go to the hospital, Johnny Valentine told me I was lucky to get off as easy as I did. He said, "If Danny had wanted to, he could have hurt you."
Ole Anderson on Verne Gagne tryout. Not training, just the tryout:

Danny Hodge just loved to get in the ring and mix it up. He would wrestle anybody. He looked at me like the big, heavyset mark that I was. We got on the mat and I took the down position. Before I could even think about doing anything, Danny clamped down on me. I thought I was caught in a vise. Danny proceeded to run my face all over that mat until the skin was burned off of my nose, chin, and forehead, not to mention my knees and elbows. In the process, he broke my nose and cracked two of my ribs. Later on, while I was getting ready to go to the hospital, Johnny Valentine told me I was lucky to get off as easy as I did. He said, "If Danny had wanted to, he could have hurt you."

Danny Hodge and Billy Robinson are the two names that most commonly come up when wrestlers are talking about legit tough guys, Hodge sounded like a hell of a technical wrestler, especially as he wasn't the biggest guy. Both had a reputation as bullies, but it was all part of protecting the business and if a kid took a beating and came back for more, they would know he'd be worth taking a chance on.
The draw's been made for the Progress World Cup on June 29th;

. England (Rampage Brown) vs Canada (Paul Synnot)
. Wales (Eddie Dennis) vs Holland (Tommy End)
. India (RJ Singh) vs Jamaica (Darrell Allen)
. Scotland (Grado) vs Israel (Noam Dar)

Heh, Grado vs Noam's going to be a lot of fun. I've got a feeling it'll be an England vs Holland final, though. Hopefully Rampage wins, if only because England will likely be out of the real world cup at that point.


stro, you should guest review Pride 32. only 1 decision, bunch of brutal finishes, half the fighters getting popped for roids afterwards.

that or Pride 33 where Nick Diaz subs Gomi then gets popped for marijuana and Shogun destroys pre-horse meat Overeem.

i really liked your 31 review.

Maybe. Are they on Youtube or DM?

Watching the first episode on that New Japan set - it's a special from NYC and Inoki's crazy over in the Garden, or perhaps they were just happy to see David Schultz get beat up. Short match that was all about making Inoki look good. Black Tiger vs Mil Mascaras up next!

Incidentally, Schultz is pretty damn underrated. Very solid in the ring and he cut a hell of a promo.

The little I've seen of him leads me to believe he was basically Stone Cold Steve Austin, but in 1983.

Of that list of released guys, I counted around 50 that ended up in TNA, not including guys who did the ECW reunion show or the ONO PPVs.


William Regal offers some interesting advice in being a pro-wrestler

My tips on becoming a Pro Wrestler/Sports Entertainer.It takes a lot more work to being a WWE superstar than an few Pro Wrestling holds and throws. You must develop all your skills and that usually comes from help from more experienced pro's. I never had to be told to ask for help and guidance and never to this day stop working on my skills. Sitting round texting, playing games and whining will get you know where. No one owes you a living.

Firstly,know what you're getting into.Pro Wrestling is a very physically demanding business.If you can't stand pain,hard work or lots of traveling,DON'T WASTE YOURS OR EVERYBODY ELSE'S TIME!

So that I don't come across like a miserable old git (insert joke), I will happily give some free advice to up and coming Pro Wrestlers:

Find a school with a good rep and a trainer who has a great pedigree.
Learn the basics properly.Get and stay in good condition,there's a big difference from looking in condition to actually being in condition.I'm a believer in Hindu squats,Hindu push ups and most importantly proper bridging(nose on mat,feet flat on mat).I've become a big fan of kettlebell swings for conditioning as well.You can look like a superhero but if you have no stamina you are USELESS to today's industry.Work hard and have respect for the job.Good manners go a long way.Treat people the way you would like to be treated.Enjoy it.

Now once you are training:

- Make everything you do mean something or don't bother doing it.

- Study the greats and the people who the great ones admire.Very important.
Some very wise words from Jim Ross(J.R)-"If I were a young in ring talent in today's world then DVD study of my predecessors would be a a regular part of my weekly routine just as is going to the gym and eating smartly. Some talents will spend more time 'tanning,' playing video games, etc than watching the work of stars of previous generations which is somewhat pathetic when one thinks about it".

- Get a good base of basics and perfect them.Don't take this for granted.

- Work at perfecting your skills but be honest with yourself. If there are things you don't do well then avoid doing them.

- Try to find someone who will give you an honest answer about your skills. Most people's ego won't allow them to think they do things badly.

- Practice your talking skills. Use a mirror and film yourself and work on every detail, facials, eyes and mannerisms.Learn a one minute promo and perfect it.Now do the same promo with the same words but in as many different emotions you can,happy, mad, sad,glad , grateful,on the verge of a breakdown
indifferent etc.Now when you get good at this you will be able to interchange several emotions in one promo.
- Look to the world to find things that you can use to develop your character. Films, TV shows and anything else that grabs your attention.

- Learn how to read people's emotions. This tip is invaluable. People don't just boo or cheer. You have to learn how to make them.

Only one in a million has the Elvis factor(old reference but I can't think of a better one).If you truly have that quality then you can get away with anything but the majority of us don't so don't take your skills for granted.I believe that that the more time you put into learning the details the better and longer your career will be.

Watch this match and really study everything they do.You should aim for this standard if you are interested in technical wrestling http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B6YW9Xcp07s&feature=youtube_gdata_player

I know I'm the last person you want to listen to about physique training but it's very important these days.From seeing how the smart people train now it seems as though compound movements like squats,deadlifts etc build better,more functional,resilient bodies for our business.Bodybuilding movements don't.Like I said,this is just what I see and hear .

Learn from the mistakes of the people who have come before you (including me) and try not to make them.

To make it in the WWE you have to be very adaptable and willing to make any character or opportunity work.Heres some very good advise.Make a list of the worst possible situations and character traits you could be asked to do.Now make up a character and promos involving those traits and work on perfecting that character and promo(on your own otherwise you'll get locked up).Make those things second nature.Now you've taken away some of your fears so whatever you are asked to do should be easier.Dont skip this task.Very few people who come to the WWE end up being the character they envisioned.
The most important things you have to make you connect with an audience are your eyes.If you believe in yourself and your persona it will be evident in your eyes.You cannot show any real emotion without your eyes.So,if you're interested in being taken seriously then never wear anything to cover them.This will offend a lot of people but you don't look cool wearing sunglasses indoors.You look a divvy.There are many big stars who have worn them but you'll find most will take them off when they're making a serious point or they just have that special magic that only 1 in a million have.If you need an example of this,do you trust anyone who you meet who can't look you in the eyes?

A tip from Roddy Piper: Always wrestle from your heart.It sounds simply but it's not.Don't play at pro wrestling.

A tip I think will keep you constantly working on your skill set:Go out every night thinking that no one knows you.By doing this you will never take your audience or yourself for granted and show them exactly what you are and what your character is all about. This will keep you working on the details and the true essence of how to tell stories to the people watching.

As far as storytelling goes.Just imagine theres an announcer explaining everything you do to the people watching.Does it make sense?Does it look good? Think about this.When you go to a movie,do you want to see the stuntman jumping out of the helicopter or do you want to imagine its the star.This all ties into trying to perfect the detail of your stuff.If someone is watching Wrestling for the first time,is what you're doing making sense to them.Figure all that out and you should be a lot better at story telling.

Just my opinion but if you want to have a long career then study as many different wrestling styles as many of today's top starts have an international feel to their styles.There are lots of Wrestlers from around the world and you want to be able to wrestle all of them if you want to stay relevant. Study what's going on in the industry as you don't want to be left behind.A lot of the fellas I see that can only do one style seem a bit outdated against some of the talent who have learned different styles.
Everyone takes ideas from others but make them your own. Try to be original. Be a one off.

If you want to be a successful character then you should know what that character was doing on its third birthday.That means know every detail of what that character is about.Always back to the detail,I know but the more you know the more you'll believe and the better you'll portray.

That's enough for today. Sounds simple enough but very few put those ideas into practice. Use common sense. Everything is in those tweets. Figure them out. In other words don't be a div. I can't hold your hand.



Is sescoops reliable or click-bait?

Last week, WWE released 11 people (Brodus Clay, Drew McIntyre, Jinder Mahal, Evan Bourne and others) in an effort to reduce company spending. Now, we can confirm that NXT is the next target of these cost cutting measures.

A well-placed source at NXT has confirmed to us that NXT’s budget has already been cut in terms of production and post-production. The talent roster is about to be evaluated, with a number of cuts set to take place in the next month.

WWE is “staggering” the widespread budget cuts so the company appears to be fiscally responsible to Wall Street and doesn’t set off a widespread panic internally.

Shitty to hear if true. Hopefully one of the cuts is MoJo.


NeoGAF's smiling token!
Is sescoops reliable or click-bait?

Shitty to hear if true. Hopefully one of the cuts is MoJo.
It shouldn't take a financial setback for them to drop deadweight. It's so stupid that they would keep talent around just because they have disposable income.


According to a source within WWE, the company is looking to cut approximately $20 million from its budget this year.

This would explain the round of talent cuts made last week, in addition to other production elements which have noticeably been scrapped.

For example, Fandango's golden curtain entrance has been cut, and the scissor lift is no longer being used for Bad News Barrett. The truck WWE used to transport those entrances has reportedly been taken off the road, which is a $250,000 a year savings.

awwwwwww :(
I simply don't have the patience for any of this stuff anymore.

Opening segment then a bunch of nothing until the 9'o clock and then more nothing until the end of the show where everything's shit. I don't know if I can deal with this anytime. Not even the prospect of a new champion is exciting to me anymore.

I'm just not excited, friends.
According to a source within WWE, the company is looking to cut approximately $20 million from its budget this year.

This would explain the round of talent cuts made last week, in addition to other production elements which have noticeably been scrapped.

For example, Fandango's golden curtain entrance has been cut, and the scissor lift is no longer being used for Bad News Barrett. The truck WWE used to transport those entrances has reportedly been taken off the road, which is a $250,000 a year savings.

awwwwwww :(

Vincent Struggle McMahon.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I simply don't have the patience for any of this stuff anymore.

Opening segment then a bunch of nothing until the 9'o clock and then more nothing until the end of the show where everything's shit. I don't know if I can deal with this anytime. Not even the prospect of a new champion is exciting to me anymore.

I'm just not excited, friends.
Welcome to our club, you can listen to Review-A-Raw and catch 5 mins of it on youtube.

It's much more efficient. Play some kideo games!


Fuck, I don't think I've ever been this sweaty in my life. Took a pretty good lengthed bike ride. 88 out today. 75% humidity. I've been back for over an hour and had a cold shower and I'm still sweating. It didn't take. IT DIDN'T TAKE.



I simply don't have the patience for any of this stuff anymore.

Opening segment then a bunch of nothing until the 9'o clock and then more nothing until the end of the show where everything's shit. I don't know if I can deal with this anytime. Not even the prospect of a new champion is exciting to me anymore.

I'm just not excited, friends.

Join me on my plan to skip Raw and Smackdown and just watch Main Event and Superstars which will recap them anyway.


I simply don't have the patience for any of this stuff anymore.

Opening segment then a bunch of nothing until the 9'o clock and then more nothing until the end of the show where everything's shit. I don't know if I can deal with this anytime. Not even the prospect of a new champion is exciting to me anymore.

I'm just not excited, friends.

It's just because Bryan is off TV. It's not as exciting without him and no one is there to step into his role.

Still though, once Bryan is back the other parts that don't feature Cesaro, The Shield or The Wyatt Family will still suck.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Nasty stro. Go submerge yourself in cold water in the tub.

After all you don't wanna be a...

I simply don't have the patience for any of this stuff anymore.

Opening segment then a bunch of nothing until the 9'o clock and then more nothing until the end of the show where everything's shit. I don't know if I can deal with this anytime. Not even the prospect of a new champion is exciting to me anymore.

I'm just not excited, friends.

I'm sure that friend Sina will bring a smile back to your face, friend.


I simply don't have the patience for any of this stuff anymore.

Opening segment then a bunch of nothing until the 9'o clock and then more nothing until the end of the show where everything's shit. I don't know if I can deal with this anytime. Not even the prospect of a new champion is exciting to me anymore.

I'm just not excited, friends.

DVR are good, or HuluPLus. You can watch at your own pace.


I'm in the same boat of this whole I dunno about watching raw movement. It's draining as all hell getting through 3 hours of bullshit in hope of something interesting happening.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Legitshook.com search terms - a few worrying trends.

* girl getting puked on
shows up almost every day. multiple times. Why?

*wwf sable ass
Is this an AOL keyword? Did she even have an ass?

It's just because Bryan is off TV. It's not as exciting without him and no one is there to step into his role.

Still though, once Bryan is back the other parts that don't feature Cesaro, The Shield or The Wyatt Family will still suck.

Or Fox. Or Steph. Or Bo. That's about it though, presuming when you said Cesaro that you were counting Heyman in that.

The parts featuring Paige shouldn't suck, but with the booking, they do. So those will probably still suck.

Unfortunately the commentary is over everything and it remains awful.


$250K a year just to haul around Fandango's curtain entrance and Barrett's lift? LOL.

If that's the case, I bet the percentage of money spent on the gimmick v. the wrestler's salary is hilarious.
"bob the builder"...?
I simply don't have the patience for any of this stuff anymore.

Opening segment then a bunch of nothing until the 9'o clock and then more nothing until the end of the show where everything's shit. I don't know if I can deal with this anytime. Not even the prospect of a new champion is exciting to me anymore.

I'm just not excited, friends.
Join us in the "not-watching-RAW" club, friend Dr.
I haven't been paying attention, are the Wyatts still trapped in Cena's gravitational pull? This feud feels like it's gone on forever. The only thing I care less for in WWE at present is Kane, he can't return to the comedy tag team/jobber section of the Kane cycle fast enough for my liking.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I haven't been paying attention, are the Wyatts still trapped in Cena's gravitational pull? This feud feels like it's gone on forever. The only thing I care less for in WWE at present is Kane, he can't return to the comedy tag team/jobber section of the Kane cycle fast enough for my liking.

The black hole has started to bring in the Shield and more now.

Re: Kane, yeah, him and Bryan work great together.
I haven't been paying attention, are the Wyatts still trapped in Cena's gravitational pull? This feud feels like it's gone on forever. The only thing I care less for in WWE at present is Kane, he can't return to the comedy tag team/jobber section of the Kane cycle fast enough for my liking.

I think they're about out of it. Rumoured to be heading for a match with the Usos at MITB, hopefully with Cena nowhere in sight. Although he'll need a big singles match in Boston... No idea who that could be with right now.

If you read jmdajr's posts with the assumption that he really is HHHs they're amazing.

who do you have to imagine I am to actually make my posts worth reading?


I haven't been paying attention, are the Wyatts still trapped in Cena's gravitational pull? This feud feels like it's gone on forever. The only thing I care less for in WWE at present is Kane, he can't return to the comedy tag team/jobber section of the Kane cycle fast enough for my liking.

He is the money in the bank title match right now. So it seems to me to have a good chance to get the title.

edit: JR on the ROH pay per view:

Ross on ROH Best in the World: "ROH has a PPV coming up this Sunday and I have seen essentially nothing in the way of promotion on the 'barker channels' on cable. That's not good. Why is this? If I was Sinclair I would use every bit of unsold commercial air time this week on their network to push the PPV in hopes of creating new money and a financial hit within the wrestling PPV marketplace."

I agree that I've seen no promotion and why is Sinclair so bad at promoting ROH?
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