The problem with bullet Club is they are good wrestlers in their own right. Don't need to TNA every main event
The problem with bullet Club is they are good wrestlers in their own right. Don't need to TNA every main event
Weirdest part of the Star Dust debut? Actual "Lets Go Axel" chants. I heard them with my own ears, but it took a while to really register.
Same chants happened during the Battle Royal, seemed to be only about 3 fans near the mic, so I guess they were really into CAW mode.
heh. I was actually amused by this.
Please not Del Rio.
I know that feeling, I bought a Cesaro shirt with eagles on the front and "We, The People" on the back about a week before he split with Colter and Swagger. It was a new shirt too!
WWE needs better long-term planning.
Styles - good
Anderson - decent
Gallows - barely decent, not enough impact for a big guy
Fale - competent on his best day
Bucks - they are what they are
Tonga - okay
Yujiro - underrated
So, half of them are decent or better. Ti feels like a retread for us because we lived through the NWO.
That Lionel Mandrake post is awesome. I tried following that thread and was completely lost.What the heck is this
Lionel Mandrake thankfully made a tidy summary on the last page.
Sigh, workplace drama never ends. Was brought to my attention earlier today someone is sleeping in the office at night.
Sigh, workplace drama never ends. Was brought to my attention earlier today someone is sleeping in the office at night.
What the heck is this
Lionel Mandrake thankfully made a tidy summary on the last page.
HHH has been fkn killing it. Everything he does and says is so good.
His mannerisms are top notch.
Yeah, I remember reading that she was going to school and trying to transition into a career where she wouldn't need to travel. If she's definitely done now, I look forward to her eventual HoF induction.Looks like VIckie is actually leaving this time, gonna miss her but not the way she was treated
He was so proud of the puppies last night when they were on full display.
What the heck is this
Lionel Mandrake thankfully made a tidy summary on the last page.
So I was wondering because I never really followed the backstage news regarding Batista. Is he gone for good again or is it a break?
He'll be back. I think his new DVD release is for the fans to cut him some slack. He paid for the sins against Daniel Bryan, but folks need to be way over that.
He was so proud of the puppies last night when they were on full display.
I hope they honestly don't expect that to work
Did I miss something significant that needs to be giffed?!
Did I miss something significant that needs to be giffed?!
He'll be back. I think his new DVD release is for the fans to cut him some slack. He paid for the sins against Daniel Bryan, but folks need to be way over that.
Finally finished my crazy ass weekend of graduating, going up to palo alto and going to my little bro's graduation and helping him move and eating some delicious korean fried chicken at bonchan, eating some delicious schwarma's in Burlingame and going to the counter in San Mateo. Utterly exhausting and I forgot WWE existed. Was pretty great
Sigh, workplace drama never ends. Was brought to my attention earlier today someone is sleeping in the office at night.
Finally finished my crazy ass weekend of graduating, going up to palo alto and going to my little bro's graduation and helping him move and eating some delicious korean fried chicken at bonchan, eating some delicious schwarma's in Burlingame and going to the counter in San Mateo. Utterly exhausting and I forgot WWE existed. Was pretty great
Inoki Bom-Ba-Ye 2003 - Yuji Nagata vs Fedor Emelianenko
Inoki: "man, MMA is destroying wrestling in Japan. i know, let's put Nagata vs the best fighter in the world at the time!! that should do it!"
Some of the early stuff sounds disgusting. Like morally repugnant.Someone brought this to my attention and I read through the whole things and it actually brought back a lot of hilarity of TNA's early days. Still I enjoyed them.
Sigh, workplace drama never ends. Was brought to my attention earlier today someone is sleeping in the office at night.
So how long til Nikki leaves because no one wants her around? I always got the impression that only the Bellas liked the Bellas. and Johnny Ace.
What the heck is this
Lionel Mandrake thankfully made a tidy summary on the last page.
I know that feeling, I bought a Cesaro shirt with eagles on the front and "We, The People" on the back about a week before he split with Colter and Swagger. It was a new shirt too!
WWE needs better long-term planning.