"Flair gets my tricks/Fifi gets my treats"
I really love that Rude could draw more heat with his pants than a lot of guys can with several segments of promo time.
"Flair gets my tricks/Fifi gets my treats"
I'm having trouble coming up with 7.Pretty happy that Seth is in a ladder match. Shame Sami and Neville aren't on the main roster yet, so I suspect RVD and Sin Cara will be added for dem flips along with Dean in the match. Not sure who else.
*reading the last two pages*
CliffyB is a troll, but fuck you guys. Gears is awesome, except for Judgment.
lmao duncan
AJPW had so many fucking amazing theme songs in the 80s & 90s, shit's ridiculous;
Satoru Asako
Mighty Inoue
Even the goddamn title belt has a kick-ass theme;
neogaf is running a bit slow right now. Also, here is another look at Rollins gear:
Its different from everyone else and you can see the marvel influence with him now facing Ambrose in wolverine gear.
Damn, the less than expected success of the network and everything else really blindsided them.WZ has learned from those inside WWE that another big change has been made as a result of recent budget cuts.
The company has done away with the tour busses they would provide for production crew members, backstage hands and others.
In the past, WWE would supply busses and fill them with crew members to transport them from television taping to television taping. This was an expense the company paid for to comfortably transport the enormous amount of people making all of the TV content possible each week.
Now the busses are gone, and the crew is being told they will have to drive from city to city for television tapings.
that sucks
Damn, the less than expected success of the network and everything else really blindsided them.
Sblargh that list is wrong in most years and it's really hard to say when a talent has been misused or not.
I will say the most marked improvement in the handling of talent has been since they moved Johnny Aces out of the Talent Relations role and let Triple H take that over. They've had a lot more successes since then in comparison to the long drought that preceded it.
I think it's WWE finally realizing they're blowing money on shit they don't need to be blowing it on.
Sblargh that list is wrong in most years and it's really hard to say when a talent has been misused or not.
I will say the most marked improvement in the handling of talent has been since they moved Johnny Aces out of the Talent Relations role and let Triple H take that over. They've had a lot more successes since then in comparison to the long drought that preceded it.
The one thing they need to be blowing money on is quality of life for their workers.
Wonder how much it cost them to fly Curt Hawkins and JTG around for the past couple years.
like what does JTG even do at this point? does he train people? is he backstage at each show?
the fuck is he doing wrasslegaf
JTG is an enigma. We do not know how he operates, but i suspect that he was secretly the glue holding the company togetherlike what does JTG even do at this point? does he train people? is he backstage at each show?
the fuck is he doing wrasslegaf
the Network killed the WWE. completely gone in, i say, 3 years.
i'll be waiting here for you:
come safe, friends.
More ripping on Daniel Bryan of course. If he doesn't come back and get a rematch for the title, H constantly ripping on him makes no sense. Unless they really are mad at him. And they very well could be.
Wonder how much it cost them to fly Curt Hawkins and JTG around for the past couple years.
was back on the shelves. But that also meant I had to lug that on my back in a messenger bag and a 2 liter water back pack.
Keeping the heat. Gotta keep the heat. If people move on from D-Bry as it was said, then WWE loses the only person on their roster who is able to draw a reaction from the entire crowd that isn't "go away" heat.
OH! You didn't know!?like what does JTG even do at this point? does he train people? is he backstage at each show?
the fuck is he doing wrasslegaf
So excited for GLORY. So excited, so ready. It's put the fun back in the sport by a huge degree.
I...I got some bad news for you my friend
JTG is an enigma. We do not know how he operates, but i suspect that he was secretly the glue holding the company together
I like how out of the box you are with hiding landmark signs Stro
I might have to take a break from WWE then friends. The Dream is dead
Welcome to the #Glorites.
OK, I've managed to get a GFW Roster together and it looks terrible, but it's the best I could do with those who would come (or didn't want crazy money). There's a slight theme in mind for it.
Aaron Aquilera
Aaron Epic
Adam Pearce
Andy Baker
Chavo Guerrero Jr.
Chris Hero
Chris Sabin
Damián 666
Doug Williams
Dragon Kid
Jeff Jarrett (Owner, Booker, User Character)
Jonny Storm
Karen Jarrett
Kevin Steen
Kikutaro (aka Ebessan)
Martin Stone
Mickie Henson (Referee)
Mike Bucci
Petey Williams
Ric Manning (Referee)
Rob Moore (Announcer)
Roddy Piper (Color Commentator)
Scott D'Amore
Shawn Hernandez
Stevie Richards
Teddy Hart
Zack Sabre Jr.
I have a load of Japanese guys on a shortlist, but most of them only wanted to work 3 months so I'll probably bring them in together for a special event at some point. I was tempted to raid CHIKARA, but held off.
The way I'm going to play this is like a 100% 'kayfabe' reality tv show where the wrestlers talk to the camera about wrestling and their opponent ala UFC. As well as people trying to earn a contract (like TNA Gut Check). I get the feeling that's where GFW will be going anyway. Probably have some twitter bollocks about fans voting who stays and who goes.
we need to start educating them, Aii.
Duncan, this is called a faint spinning heel hook kick.
I love it. Keep me updated.
That's some hard timesWZ has learned from those inside WWE that another big change has been made as a result of recent budget cuts.
The company has done away with the tour busses they would provide for production crew members, backstage hands and others.
In the past, WWE would supply busses and fill them with crew members to transport them from television taping to television taping. This was an expense the company paid for to comfortably transport the enormous amount of people making all of the TV content possible each week.
Now the busses are gone, and the crew is being told they will have to drive from city to city for television tapings.
that sucks
Lamda did you catch WSOF last night ? Vallahalla got some new warriors
there was a WSOF last night?!?!?
Everyone knows stro is from Gary, Indiana.