Was/Is Joshi popular in Japan?
Yea 90s ALL JAPAN WOMENS Was hot stuff
Was/Is Joshi popular in Japan?
That's one thing I hate about cross-gender matches sometimes, especially the ones I've seen from Japan where it's just 100% one sided and if women get any hits in at all it's no sold. I've seen Kana's kicks, she could fuck that guy right up!
Does anyone know what the card for Battleground looks like? I'm going to be there live next month.
You know, I gotta give WWE credit. When it comes to the MITB, I honestly have no idea who's walking out champion.
You know, I gotta give WWE credit. When it comes to the MITB, I honestly have no idea who's walking out champion.
Probably because they don't know either until Vince rewrites the ending 5 mins before the match goes home.
And all is right with the worldWhoever wins this is just a transitional champion holding the belt for Brock to take it at Summerslam or Bryan to take it when he returns.
Fetish crap. I saw a terrible one at the ice ribbon show I went too. Kept waiting for some kind of rally but it was a shitty beat down for ten minutes. It was disturbing.
You know, I gotta give WWE credit. When it comes to the MITB, I honestly have no idea who's walking out champion.
- ROH World Title match: Adam Cole vs. Michael Elgin.
- ROH Tag Title match: ReDragon (Kyle O'Reilly & Bobby Fish) vs. Christopher Daniels & Kazarian.
- ROH TV Title match: Jay Lethal vs. Matt Taven with Truth Martini handcuffed to the ringpost.
- The Briscoes vs. Matt Hardy & Michael Bennett (w/Maria Kanellis).
- Kevin Steen vs. Silas Young.
- Cedric Alexander vs. Roderick Strong in a submission match.
- Tommaso Ciampa vs. A.C.H. vs. Takaaki Watanabe from New Japan vs. Caprice Coleman vs. Tadarius Thomas vs. B.J. Whitmer in a six-way match for a future ROH TV Title shot.
Let's say, hypothetically, that all our doom and gloom predictions come true and WWE goes down to Capcom levels of money. What do you think is the most desperate thing they could do to try and save themselves?
Six sided ring?
Let's say, hypothetically, that all our doom and gloom predictions come true and WWE goes down to Capcom levels of money. What do you think is the most desperate thing they could do to try and save themselves?
Let's say, hypothetically, that all our doom and gloom predictions come true and WWE goes down to Capcom levels of money. What do you think is the most desperate thing they could do to try and save themselves?
Bringing in Vince Russo again.
Or Hogan vs Taker at WM 31.
If it's Brock vs. Champ at SummerSlam then I hope we get Bryan vs King H. They need to go at it again.
The Joshi only wrestling fan gets pretty creepy. There was a guy there from Germany I kept asking about his love of Joshi. I kept getting bs answers as to why he never appreciated any of the men's wrestling. Just tell me you get off on it. He also goes to all the shimmer shows.As I think about I'm sure there's a huuuuge disgusting market for it going by the proliferation of /mensrights /redpill bullshit we've seen lately.
Then Brock vs Bryan at Survivor Series (barn burner, Lesnar goes over), Bryan wins Rumble, Wins title at Mania and avenges Taker's streak (preferably through a congratulatory titantron vignette from Taker himself ala an old 90's arcade game) Bryan has his moment again, and my wrist gets healed through robotic prosthetics, one giant reset button all is well in 2015!
I like intergender matches but I really dislike when you can sense there's some real disgust going on.
I don't like IG matches where dudes beat the fuck out of women, usually way stiffer than they would be against other men. It's very uncomfortable.
I like apartment wrestling.
I don't like IG matches where dudes beat the fuck out of women, usually way stiffer than they would be against other men. It's very uncomfortable.
going by totalbiscuit, when is wwe going to start paying me for my gifs?
I was making gifs while you were gifsoupping, sir. PAY YOUR GIFSOUP ROYALTIESFor YOUR gifs? When am I going to get paid for mine, god damn it?
I've seen Kana's kicks, she could fuck that guy right up!
I don't like IG matches where dudes beat the fuck out of women, usually way stiffer than they would be against other men. It's very uncomfortable.
I like intergender matches but I really dislike when you can sense there's some real disgust going on.
I don't like IG matches where dudes beat the fuck out of women, usually way stiffer than they would be against other men. It's very uncomfortable.
I was making gifs while you were gifsoupping, sir. PAY YOUR GIFSOUP ROYALTIES
HAhaaha, Suzuki would murder Kana. He basically destroyed Aja Kong in a singles match, and Aja Kong is about 10x the threat Kana thinks she is.
IG in Japan are softer than Joshi on Joshi matches.
Did somebody say weird Joshi things?
Well if they are facing Brock 3 people are favored.
Also, this is the lineup for the ROH PPV:
Will anyone be getting the pay per view?
Close to 2 weeks since I last watched wresting (BOSJ finals) and 3 weeks since a WWE show. Feeling good. I might hold out until G1.