I like to imagine a Julius Caesar scenario where Vince walks into the offices one day only to be met by Triple H and a small band of NXT superstars who all proceed to all give Vince their finishers. Vince looks at HHH in the eyes and whispers "Et tu, Hunter?" Before HHH pedigrees him into the ground.
I feel like this thread has fallen down a dark hole to which it can never recover
I feel like this thread has fallen down a dark hole to which it can never recover
Also I totally blame stro
Six sided ring?
Testing something out
Did somebody say weird Joshi things?
A divot at a golf course is a dark hole which you can't recover from, though.
The hole is only 3 feet deep, so we can climb out.
Not sure about you though ;_;
This is why they might be losing money.
Is this how you get into the shower every morning?
Is this how you get into the shower every morning?
Don't be ridiculous. That's how he gets into his bed.
Who the hell leaps ass first into the shower?!
You are literally the same exact height as me!
Bronson's gonna stab everyone of you guys when you least expect it.
Is this how you get into the shower every morning?
Don't be ridiculous. That's how he gets into his bed.
For the July OT we need to combine the state of WWE and Bronson's height
July Wrasslin' |OT| Both WWE stock and BronsonLee coming up short
I agree!NO.
July Wrasslin' |OT| Little entertainment. Even less height.
Up until this month, I was 110% behind the WWE Network. Bryan had a WrestleMania moment, Cena was on the undercard, and Taker's streak ended, and the Network aired its first live pay per view. I was confident this was the beginning of a new era.
5 months later, its the same old shit. I hope the Network failing is the wake up call WWE needs. You can't expect people to spend money, on a monthly basis, on a shitty product.
You're not spending money just on the current product, you're spending money on hundreds of hours of content, with tons more to come
July Wrasslin' |OT| Very little interest in wrestling or Bronson Lee
July Wrasslin' |OT| Little entertainment. Even less height.
They've been digitizing their archive for over a decade now. I have a hard time believing they don't at least have every WWF show from the 70s until today ready to be put up. All the weekend shows, specials, everything. Same for WCW proper.
They've been digitizing their archive for over a decade now. I have a hard time believing they don't at least have every WWF show from the 70s until today ready to be put up. All the weekend shows, specials, everything. Same for WCW proper.
They've been digitizing their archive for over a decade now. I have a hard time believing they don't at least have every WWF show from the 70s until today ready to be put up. All the weekend shows, specials, everything. Same for WCW proper.
If they put it all up at once, there would be people like you who would watch every hour of television programming owned by World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc. inside the span of a 6 month WWE Network commitment.
In other words, this build is a "slow burn."
It's umpossible for anyone to watch all of their content ever. Unless you live like 200 years.
So is they any of you surprised that Justin Gabriel survived the layoffs, when is the last time he did something?
It's umpossible for anyone to watch all of their content ever. Unless you live like 200 years.