PG's not the problem, and they'd lose more money if they did. Remember, they only went PG in 2008. Their business was on the downfall long before that. At the core of the problem is creative, bloated staff and roster, and little else. WWE is bad at creating a product that makes people want to pay for more, and that's what the Network proves. Vince, and the rest of the creative, is the core of the problem.
I don't think the size of the roster is the problem. The problem is creative and Vince. These two things together aim to put on predictable procedural tv type of experience instead of mimicking fighting in the way old wrestling did. They even expanded on this idea during the attitude era where mid card guys had good fan bases because they got to have feuds that had developed stories like the ME guys.
bewitching, enchanting
Tyson Kidd is one lucky guy.
I'm about 4 books into the Essential Sandman Volume One and I must admit to you guys, I'm not into this at all.
I am the Universe -- all things encompassing, all life embracing.
That is not the Renee Young photoshoot part two.Everyone probably going to get ready for this in July:
Tyson Kidd is one lucky guy.
Everyone probably going to get ready for this in July:
I can't fathom WWE going under but it's fun to dream about it.
4 issues? Sandman really hits it's stride on the third story I believe. So that would be like in the late teens early 20's. The first 6 issues really didn't do much for me but they actually wind up setting interesting groundwork. It's really one to keep reading and let the universe establish around you.I'm about 4 books into the Essential Sandman Volume One and I must admit to you guys, I'm not into this at all.
I could write a full page of why I think the WWE is in cost cutting mode.
I ll just say this. Things are and will get more serious than any of us think.
The product needs to get more raw. ( I know it cant) Going public was the worst thing ever that could happen to this product.
Isn't this about the dumbest shit you've seen?
It's hilarious, but Eric Young becoming champion was an immediate turn off. Immediately the next week ratings tanked.
I agree. He got to be out of the house while that was being shot.
Well when you make the equivalent of Santino your world champion what the hell do you expect
How so? They've been at their most successful and transparent since going public.
They could have been cutting costs for years. So much pyro for mid card guys for no reason, pyro to start the shows, keeping guys employed that they never use, paying guys like Khali $1M per year, losing money on WWE Studios for years just to have a movie division, bringing back old guys for lots of money who can't provide any ratings or buy rates, licensing out expensive songs for single events, and on and on.
Isn't this about the dumbest shit you've seen?
Having to answer to shareholders means WWE will be PG for ever. And it bothers me.
Having to answer to shareholders means WWE will be PG for ever. And it bothers me.
Am I reading this gif right? Hogan is down and out so his tag partner, Macho Man, elbow drops him to reinvigorate him with a lethal dose of Macho Madness and Hulkamania? If so that is most certainly the greatest thing I've ever seen.
I agree. He got to be out of the house while that was being shot.
I'm about 4 books into the Essential Sandman Volume One and I must admit to you guys, I'm not into this at all.
Those sort of things are are problem when they constantly insist on doing gimmick PPV's and these loads of gimmick themed matches. Blood isn't always necessary, but a little here and there would put more to the match/feud itself. Even so the shows in 2002-2004 were still putting up big ratings, unlike today. And Smackdown was always PG but had the booking behind it, as well as more charismatic talent.Yep because the product was so much more better when it was non PG during the glory days of 2002-2004. The pg rating gets them more sponsors plus that is not the problem. Its the writing and Vince and Dunn. NXT is a great show and its pg.
did you read the Death story yet? And the one immediately after, Doll House. That stuff changed me, changed me. Profound stuff.
Got 81 bucks free in Microsoft bucks and a free medium sized Dominoes pizza today.
Today is good.
I just read the one with Cain and Abel. Those first couple issues are not interesting in the least. Old dudes in England holding a pre-Prometheus Space Jockey captive for 70 years?
It picks up on book 8, or whatever #8 is. I honestly can't remember the Cain and Abel ones at ALL, so it makes me wonder what you might be reading.
#8 is "The Sound of Her Wings"
Got 81 bucks free in Microsoft bucks and a free medium sized Dominoes pizza today.
Today is good.
Dominos still calls its product "pizza"?
Sadman gets really good after he recovers his gear or whatever. That's when Neil Gaiman gets out of the superhero mentality into pure artform mode. And it's one of the best works of fiction it exists imo.
I don't remember now, but I remember there was the arc about him going after his stuff, then a short story with Death (which is what sunny is refering to, I guess), then it starts Dollhouse and there to greatness.