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June Wrasslin' |OT| Layin' the law, once again, prepare for war. C! Z! W!

Titty. Fucking. Master.

Seems I'm getting some mileage out of this one still.



What was the last TNA title change on a PPV. They seem pretty insistent on making them happen on TV. When Lashley debuted I imagined it was only a matter of time before he was champ.
Man I need to get back to Kings Island soon. Though my pussy Daniel Bryan loving ass can't get on the Invertigo again. Maybe if I ate vegan like the god-king Danny I wouldn't have this problem though.


Going on a 1400 cal limit, I can get to my goal weight (160-165) by the end of August it looks like. That's not including exercise. I'm counting on you cunts to fat shame me to make sure I stay on track.

Currently in the fridge for the start of things: A bunch of red kale, radishes, radicchio, celery, broccoli, sweet peppers, some pre-diced red onions since they were cheap, green onions, carrots, and mint for fun. Would have gone with cauliflower, but all the ones at the store looked terrible and were way expensive. I also have probably around 10 bags of frozen stuff at all times anyway. This batch should last me a couple of weeks.

Fuck, I didn't even realize I've gained and lost 30 pounds 4 times in the last 3 years. That seems worse on my body than the drinking. More like MyDepressionPal.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
In all my years of wrestling, I don't think I've ever seen a character, a wrestler, or a gimmick downgrade so quickly over the years like Abyss.

Gave him shit about looking like ManKane, but he was good in his early(but a few years in) TNA days. He was intimidating by playing to his strengths(booking him against smaller guys to keep the monster illusion), he had decent endurance for his size, rarely saw him gassed out, and he had an amazing moveset where every move was spectacular while still not feeling like 'lemme hit my 5 moves.' Every time he's changed looks, his character, his mannerisms, and his ability have gone downhill. It's not even like I'm saying from Abyss to Joseph Park.

This was prime Abyss in like 2005-2006. Wasn't perfect, but he had a ton of potential. Abyss in red, Abyss in white, Abyss in that Anarchy shirt, Abyss with the new mask, etc were all worse than this Abyss, substantially. It's too bad, I think he could have been huge in Japan as a monster heel if he went there when his work was worse in TNA. But he got to work with Hogan and Flair, and I imagine he's one of the few they pay decently, so I don't blame him for it.

And Abyss is a fucking awesome ring name. Maybe one of my favorites of all time.
I know it's hard to do, but you've got to clear the search bar:


and then type Saturday Night's Main Event.

First things first....


B.) I'm away from my comp and I'm using the PS4 version of the Network and for some inane reason it doesn't have apostrophes in its search engine. Legit searched the term, legit shook that I got nothing.
Search on the PS3 version of the app is also dreadful.

I don't get why they don't use the system level keyboard on it, instead of whatever monstrosity they force on you.


IIRC, didn't an episode or two of Clash of the Champions slip through the cracks a couple of days before they released all of them at once?


I was thinking about how cool it must have been to be a fan in the 80s in NYC/Boston/Philly and have a big WWF show every month to look forward to, often with their own storylines just for that market. Now you'll get maybe 2 shows per year, one of them a usually ultra long and boring TV taping, and the other a house show where nothing matters.
Was the coin toss for Bret/Luger a shoot toss? Because I thank all the wrestling gods that Luger won that toss. Not only did we get Bret/Owen, we DIDN'T get Crush/Luger.
For serious, who's paying for the ROH PPV or iPPV this Sunday night?

Me. $25 is a bit steep, but it should be a good show. Hopefully they can do more PPVs on weekends when New Japan aren't touring, so as to get some NJPW contracted talent on the shows.

Watching all these old Worldwides, I think I hate Duggan more than Stro hates Hayes. Fuck this fat, spot protecting, no talent piece of shit. Wish his face would get stuck like that.

Duggan's only bearable in Mid-South and, even then, he sort of turns into an asshole face, to the degree that it's hard not to sympathise with DiBiase, even though he's the heel of the feud.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Take away that flag and he's just a hobo with a wooden plank attack people.

And almost never puts anyone over. Despite the fact that he's a no-talent piece of shit that only got over because of the time period working so well with Patriotism. I'm kind of like, if I was a patriotic type, I'd be insulted to see some big derpy looking guy who uses a weapon waving my flag. Kind of an insult.
This Natalya/Kidd stuff is fucking AWFUL. Is that what watching Total Divas is like? Painful.

Aaaaaand, now there's a Mojo Rawley match. Fuck.

this is gonna bomb harder in front of paying adults and their little children than Adam Rose and Paige.

This. What an embarrassing gimmick. I wish NXT management would rein in some of these more outlandish gimmicks that are clearly going to go down like a wet fart in church once these guys get on RAW.
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