Guys, should I make an OT thread for the ROH PPV to try to get more people on board?
My predictions for ROH Best in the World In 3 hours:
Steen puts Young over on his way out of the company. I hope Steen actually got a WWE contract and that he will be successful. This match should be pretty fun, but also feature an emotional speech by Steen at the end.
It will be weird and/or interesting to see these two guys work a submission match. I see Alexander going over, as Roddy puts over the next crop of talent. However, expect to see Alexander get beat down by The Decade afterwards.
This could be the match of the show. While Kaz and Daniels are newbies, I fully expect ReDRagon to retain their belts here. I wouldn't be opposed to a Kaz and Daniels victory, but it would feel a little strange after ReDRagon just winning the belts back last month.
Matt Hardy is going to TNA, which likely means him and Bennett will take the loss here. I'm okay with it, but I'm also a bit bored of The Briscoes. Either way, this should be an entertaining match with a lot of brawling.
Both of these guys can work, and this could be Taven's big coming out party...provided he has listened to fans and critics alike when it comes to changing up his look a bit. Still, Lethal should retain as he continues building heat for his heel run. I think he's been great at it so far.
Six man mayhem to decide the number one contender for the TV Title. I'd be really surprised if anyone not named ACH wins this, although perhaps someone like Caprice Coleman could use it more.
Elgin FTW here. He has been way overdue for an ROH World Title run. Is it too late? Did ROH miss the boat and not pull the trigger when he was at his hottest? We'll see after the reaction he gets tonight.
There are also expected to be a couple of surprises at this show. Two TV matches are expected to be recorded before the PPV starts, but there just MAY be a surprise appearance by someone. I guess we'll see.