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June Wrasslin' |OT| Layin' the law, once again, prepare for war. C! Z! W!


You have gotta be kidding me?

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Fave Five Looks in Professional Wrestling history. NOT counting entrance attires. That would be part of fave five entrances. And Vader would decimate anyways.

  1. "Ravishing" Rick Rude (Late WWF/Early WCW)
  2. Vampiro (WCW and TNA. Not that Juggalo or EARLY Vampiro bullshit. That TNA picture was the best I could find. It's from when he was feuding with Raven and NOT wearing leather corsets)
  3. Minoru Suzuki(NJPW/AJPW. Black and White. Towels cheating as entrance attire but idgaf)
  4. Diesel (WWF. Black and silver. Post-mullet.)
  5. Fujita "JR" Hayato (MPro. Though everyone in Japan is trying to rip off his look now so idk)

Subject to change, of course. Except the first two. I love their looks 5ever

PInk Tape

I was near the guy who started it. He was very loud and opinionated ( I think he was buzzed but I can't be sure). Does not like DBry in any way shape or form and said the match he had at WM with HHH was garbage

Just catching up on Payback now, Paul Heyman was a god damn psychic predicting the Blackhawks losing haha (yes cheap heat I know but still)


lol at King pondering the possibility of Sheamus' chest beating move working with Sheamus doing it from the outside of the ring
I was near the guy who started it. He was very loud and opinionated ( I think he was buzzed but I can't be sure). Does not like DBry in any way shape or form and said the match he had at WM with HHH was garbage


Oh, you mean that WrestleMania that Bryan main evented?


PInk Tape

Oh, you mean that WrestleMania that Bryan main evented?


Yep. He was so adamant on Bryan dropping the titles too.

Steph got a lot of heat in that segment; it died after a while. At the beginning though, I could barely hear what she was saying. She got more of a reaction than Evolution and The Shield did.


----- ------
Just catching up on Payback now, Paul Heyman was a god damn psychic predicting the Blackhawks losing haha (yes cheap heat I know but still)


lol at King pondering the possibility of Sheamus' chest beating move working with Sheamus doing it from the outside of the ring

Bo also predicted that loss
You know it. He also started the "Lets go Hawks!" chant during the Rybaxel/Rhodes brothers match.
I promise that not all Hawks fans are like him. I'm not at least.

Don't take it personally, Crayjay, but I'm glad the Hawks last tonight if only for that guy.

Sorry, Chicago has joined the shit town list for wrasslin crowds.

Dragonzord, Pitchfork gave the new Fucked Up a 7. I'm not sure I can like them anymore with a score that low.

PInk Tape

Sorry, Chicago has joined the shit town list for wrasslin crowds.

I thought we've been on the shit list since that Raw when they were doing that stupid Punk protest crap. I'm not saying I disagree with you in any way but I just though we already were.

Honestly, I would of loved to be in that New Orleans crowd. They know how to be fun and not be shits.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
His twitter and podcast have really exposed J.R. as a creepy crotchety asshole.

It's funny because he comes off as wanting it to be 'us vs them', not wanting the fans into the business side of things. Yet A) that's how he got his start in wrestling. B) That's exactly what he's encouraging with his podcast.

I don't use the term all that often, but Jim Ross is a dipshit. He's a self-hating smark who doesn't know he's a self-hating smark. Him outside of the commentary booth has really soured me on the guy. It's extra funny because a guy like Nash who is basically the bane of the internet just shrugs off the quad jokes. Russo comes off as a little 'know-it-all' but he doesn't come off as that bitter either. But a guy like JR who was the prize of the internet is like FUCKING INTERNET KIDS
I can't decide what's worse. A crowd that does nothing during a show or a crowd that focuses on things unrelated to the show.

I would say the latter. Dead crowds can be a result of bad shows, which are pretty regular for WWE. Off the top of my head I can't think of a crowd that was dead for something that was spectacular. I guess Jake the Snake's Old School RAW appearance? But that simply could be because this generation isn't familiar with him.


Just finally caught up with the Last Man Standing match...I don't really have anything against Cena winning even though Wyatt could've benefited more, but the way Cena wins Last Man Standing matches really bug me. He wins more based on technicality than the whole purpose of a Last Man Standing match which is to knock your opponent out.

PInk Tape

Don't take it personally, Crayjay, but I'm glad the Hawks last tonight if only for that guy.

Oh no, I get it. He and other people derailed this PPV into some dumb hockey support group thing. I just don't understand why he just didn't go 17 miles south to see the damn game instead of doing the crap he did. If we're being honest, I'm happy they lost too because that guy is probably super pissed right now and those other idiots too.
Just finally caught up with the Last Man Standing match...I don't really have anything against Cena winning even though Wyatt could've benefited more, but the way Cena wins Last Man Standing matches really bug me. He wins more based on technicality than the whole purpose of a Last Man Standing match which is to knock your opponent out.

Man, has Cena actually ever won a Last Man Standing match legit? You know without having to have tied his opponent to the floor/bury them under chairs/trap them instead a blown out speak cabinet?
Man, has Cena actually ever won a Last Man Standing match legit? You know without having to have tied his opponent to the floor/bury them under chairs/trap them instead a blown out speak cabinet?

How dare you challenge Cena's reputation as a man. Why don't you ask the lives he's touched with his charity. Or better yet, ask the historians, who will be the first to tell you this is the most dominant run in professional wrestling history. Bray should be honored and humbled that Cena didn't drag his ass back to the ring for the ten second tan.
Just finally caught up with the Last Man Standing match...I don't really have anything against Cena winning even though Wyatt could've benefited more, but the way Cena wins Last Man Standing matches really bug me. He wins more based on technicality than the whole purpose of a Last Man Standing match which is to knock your opponent out.

I wanna say the last time he made someone dizzy was Edge at TLC. And then he looked ticked off on doing it.

Cena should just stick to I quit matches

PInk Tape

I really liked the last man standing match; it had cool spots and some surprises (Harper superplexing one of the Usos through a table!). Even though I knew it was the end when Cena and Bray went towards the pyro control table.

I will admit the pyro that shot out scared the hell out of me. I wasn't expecting it.
Wow, I was in my WWE Network account settings reviewing some info, when I inadvertently set my account to auto-renew and now they're making it a pain in the arse to change it back. What a joke.
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