I'm starting a Shenmue 3 kickstarter. "I have no experience or talent in making games, nor do I hold the rights to Shenmue, but with your help (and money) I know we can make Shenmue 3 a reality."
I never even played Shenmue, I don't understand the big deal.
Dude's chanting AllRedEverything on Total Divas. I didn't know Bionic and Cure met up at Axxess.
Is this our new stable? The 4EVER ZIPPERS?
Is this our new stable? The 4EVER ZIPPERS?
These look like well groomed and respectable gentlemen.
Unlike the sewer rats that call themselves DB fans.
I'm trying to work out whether I like this the same amount as MrWonderfulElbowDance.gif, or slightly more. Some awesome work.
Surge + Hardee's Monster Burger + Nostalgia = YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW.Fuck Mt Dew
Is Eva marie the kind of woman to let you not hoverhand her?
Yup, the hundreds of thousands of sewer rats that convinced a CEO to change plans on one of their biggest shows of the year. Sewer rats with taste.
Is Eva marie the kind of woman to let you not hoverhand her?
wow I just caught that
so was she pissing her self or just the shadows/lightning?
Well Mick Foley sure didn't hover hand https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sMU53atNyQs
Also stop saying Eva Marie can't wrestle your hurting her feelings
Alright guys what's the verdict here:
Hey, you. Fuck you.
Hey man all I know is her nipples got real hard after the slap.
Could be something else.
i dont think thats how things work
Hey man all I know is her nipples got real hard after the slap.
Could be something else.
i dont think thats how things work
She was really into the beating Hunter gave Daniel Bryan a few months back.
Always living life on the edge there, eh friend?I'd bury my nose in it to find out, friend.
G-Man, I've read enough hentai to know how the womanly parts work
After watching how she acted during that beat down segment with DB handcuffed?
I think that's definitely how things work for her
After watching how she acted during that beat down segment with DB handcuffed?
I think that's definitely how things work for her
"You have wanted to strip me since I beat your husband." - Daniel Bryan
Uh, you guys talking about Stephanie REALLY need to hear her dish on Howard Stern about sex with Triple H.
Ignore the title, it's the Howard Stern interview:
I was making fun of this girl going "oh too bad, should have been faster" and she goes and makes me look like a silly horse.
Dave Bautista @DaveBautista
6 guys go 2 war and beat the shit out of each other and what do the genius smarks walk away with?"Batista wore blue!What a loser!" #dipshits
There is only one true WrassleGAF stable.
oh he mad
Speaking of HHH, dood looked fantastic last night. I hope I can look like that when I'm in my 40s.