You have a friend in Beef.
Good point, remember who Hurricane's best tag team partner was? it was Kane.
So much so he won a tag team ladder match without even needing the Hamburglar Helms who was probably off shoving chicken mcnuggets up his ass
Btw if you all thought the ratings for Raw were bad, holy shit tonight it's going to be even worse for SD. I'm predicting sub 1.0, some tna shit.
I like that last one.WWE Money in the Bank 2016 |OT| Fuck You WWE got your money
WWE Money in the Bank 2016 |OT| Hey, it's full of shredded newspaper!
WWE Money in the Bank 2016 |OT| Ratings in the Tank
This almost upsets me as much as that BS Observer awards stuff that put Kane in some variety of "worst" category for like a decade, lousy haters.I try to make sure people talk about Kane everyday. I actually decided The Lapsed Fan was thw worst podcast ever because they spent ten minutes talking about Kane being shitty. Luckily I don't twitter or I'd send them some dirty emails disrespecting Kane. l
The power of June has been consumed by BROTHER NERO
Oh the masks aren't even going to be a standard part of the Authors of Pain's entrance gear? Ehhhhhh
I like their knee/spinout slam thing. Then again I love all tag moves that aren't totally ridiculous, and even most of the ones that are.
Hey Tye Dillinger can do a decent promo.
We'll see, I wouldn't be surprised if most people(other than kids) just go cold turkey ubtil the split.It's not gonna go below 1.0. People just watch it by habit. But Meltzer straight-up said they don't mean anything since they're lame-duck.
I bet Katie Vick under one of those "worst" things. THAT'S NOT HIS FAULT!I like that last one.
This almost upsets me as much as that BS Observer awards stuff that put Kane in some variety of "worst" category for like a decade, lousy haters.
This actually makes some sense.
....... He wouldve been doa. I was listening to something and they said if Glen couldn't get over with Kane they were going to get rid of him after Mania 14. So good guy Glen made it work 😀Imagine if Kane debuted without a mask or lost it within even a year.
I think you may have got me to watch some indy shit, all of those champions look great especially Willow. I'm in love ������ she's thick ������
I watched that episode like two days agoI'd say The Rock & Ken Shamrock on That 70's Show.
One of those things doesn't happen
Carmella's finisher being a Get Smart reference is weird. I even had to look that up and I watched a ton of that show as a kid. Does anyone even still remember that movie with Steve Carrell and that one big dude enough to get it?
1. Parks and RecreationFave Five TV Sitcoms -- go!
No one dares credit the stupid to lord Haitch.I bet Katie Vick under one of those "worst" things. THAT'S NOT HIS FAULT!
Imagine Kane in 2016
I mean...if you can't even imagine a scenario where the show could make you happy...Maybe that's not all on them..
Maybe what you're looking for has become too narrow...
A lot of fans have this relationship with the WWE that's like a bad marriage. Good years followed by shitty years,and now the well's so tainted,their wife could make them breakfast in bed and they'd think "great, now i gotta do the fucking dishes."
"Honey, I was thinking we could try 69ing tonight."
"Oh great, 50/50 booking."
Always checking for a nice ass, it's my game. Next up, my neighbour I just met. 😰😰lol Blue. Stay thirsty friend.
Blue watching Willow footage while listening to Dookie Booty
The beginning of Raw? I didn't see it so is this what he's talking about?Jeez Meltzer still has to whine about the Del Rio being out at the start of the show for the tribute thing in his correction segment on the latest Observer audio. I hope he doesn't turn it into a recurring cry like Wade Kellar does when he brings up Cena saying "I hope we entertained you."
Listening to that podcast at 2 am in the morning is enough to make you not want to go to bed man. Knowing that she took the same route that he did to the catwalk is disturbing and makes you feel for her even more.listened to the over the edge 99 lapsed fan last night.
fucking hell that chapter from martha's book going through the entire night in excruciating detail... christ. hard to listen to.
So Donna better looking red or blonde?
Always checking for a nice ass, it's my game. Next up, my neighbour I just met. ����
My theme should be ass man.
1. Parks and Recreation
2. Always Sunny in Philadelphia
3. Seinfeld/Curb Your Enthusiasm (for me Curb is like a Seinfeld spin-off about George)
4. That 70s Show
5. Friends
You could have saved a lot of space by saying "Typical IWC!" if you were planning to just generally complain that "wrestling fans" (whoever that is) aren't satisfied by anything (and thus you can just dismiss any gripe they have).
I don't think its unreasonable to think that it would be nice if something unpredictable happened instead of every PPV being exactly what you would expect outside of the 3 big ones.
So, what would you enjoy then? Is there anything they could possibly do to please you? I'm honestly asking.
And Tanya Roberts
I'm pretty sure he answered that before your follow-up reply, or are the bounds of the question restricted to "what would you enjoy if you can't change any booking?" (Actually a pretty interesting question to be fair)
I'm pretty sure he answered that before your follow-up reply, or are the bounds of the question restricted to "what would you enjoy if you can't change any booking?" (Actually a pretty interesting question to be fair)
His answer was that the WWE never makes him happy.
One of those things doesn't happenWhat would make you happy? What could they do that you would find interesting?It's too bad that its pretty much guaranteed that nothing interesting is gonna happen at MITB.
They're hyping it up on the card alone so Ambrose is getting the case, Cena's going over, Roman's going over, and Ambrose will just tease a cash-in without actually doing anything and that's it. Despite all the "BEST MITB EVER" I don't even remember anything on the card.
How can you not love this man?
So Cena speaks Mandarin....who knew?
and he can actually find a suit that fits.
Those pinstripes though.
I'm not saying every booking decision I like should happen but I'm saying if you never pull the trigger on giving fans what they want and never surprise them it makes these events stale.Gotchya. Think I did Misinterpret it. My bad, Angry Grimace.
I think Styles will win, but he might win by Heelish tendencies, so,y'know, the burial will continue.
Which ever uce has her is a lucky guy.Nothing wrong seeing a little thickness. That's why I miss Naoyummy.
Data, Don't forget Shannon Elizabeth!!!!