That's kind of like saying you're the best Bella or the Best Uso, though.
Nah, COD2 and COD4's single player modes are legit. Fuck everything after that, though
That's kind of like saying you're the best Bella or the Best Uso, though.
Street Fighter V is a bad example because at launch it was pretty barren of a lot of content in general (most of which was in SF4), like even a one-match "vs AI" mode. Overwatch would have been a better example.
who gives a fuuuuuuuuuuuck
as long as they got vs mode and training mode we're good
who the fuck even wants to fight a fighting game CPU, they do dumb robot shit. go play arcade mode of street fighter II if you want to fight a fighting game CPU that can seemingly read your every movement. then proceed to throw your arcade stick out the window with rage.
I agree it's kinda lame that it has less content than SF4, but when the content they get rid of was useless anyways I'm not complaining
who gives a fuuuuuuuuuuuck
as long as they got vs mode and training mode we're good
who the fuck even wants to fight a fighting game CPU, they do dumb robot shit. go play arcade mode of street fighter II if you want to fight a fighting game CPU that can seemingly read your every movement. then proceed to throw your arcade stick out the window with rage.
I agree it's kinda lame that it has less content than SF4, but when the content they get rid of was useless anyways I'm not complaining
More like a misfireNot even having an AI option in versus mode is pretty pathetic though. Also, I have a really hard time giving Street Fighter a pass when Mortal Kombat and Injustice end up putting out decent multiplayer fighters that also have a fuckload of single player content in them. MK9, Injustice, and MKX were more overall fun games than MvC3, SF4, or SFV.
And that's a shoot.
Single player in a fighter isn't useless. Some of us don't have other people to play with and getting pounded online isn't conducive to actually learning the characters. Is training mode enough when every game in the series has included single player?
Mortal Kombat (9) and X, as well as Injustice, prove that you can make a fighter and have a fun single experience without compromise. That shit is great.
I finished that Hino vs. KAI match, and my opinion of KAI remained unchanged by the end. Switching the title from Hino to KAI on a flash pin after a Hino Fuck You Bomb seemed didn't fit with the rest of the match, and KAI is too goofy and wacky to be a believable champ especially after Hino.
Single player in a fighter isn't useless. Some of us don't have other people to play with and getting pounded online isn't conducive to actually learning the characters. Is training mode enough when every game in the series has included single player?
Not even having an AI option in versus mode is pretty pathetic though. Also, I have a really hard time giving Street Fighter a pass when Mortal Kombat and Injustice end up putting out decent multiplayer fighters that also have a fuckload of single player content in them. MK9, Injustice, and MKX were more overall fun games than MvC3, SF4, or SFV.
And that's a shoot.
and the capcom fighters absolutely shit on those garbage NR fighters. ewwwwwwwwwwwww. Mahvel shits on everything. ewwwwwwwwwww
The single player in MKX disappointed me. The story was shorter and worse, and the living towers were no replacement for the challenge tower. On it's own the single player for MKX seems good, but coming off MK9 and Injustice it was disappointing.Mortal Kombat (9) and X, as well as Injustice, prove that you can make a fighter and have a fun single experience without compromise. That shit is great.
Marvel 3, it's the Smash Melee of Capcom fighters.
training mode is exactly how you learn the character, though. what good is a CPU punching you randomly while you're trying to learn the character? by fighting a CPU, which has CPU tendencies, you're not actually learning the character.
Begging you to click this
This has to be seen to be believed. There's so much ridiculous shit to comment on I don't even know where to begin
I couldn't have said it better myself, friend.
Thus making it one of the greatest games of all time, by association.
Man, TNA was so good and so promising at some point
Speaking of Marvel, Captain Avengers: Civil War was a 4/10 movie.
It gets the 4 because of some decent action sequences. Everything else was mediocre to bad. I especially appreciated that they made it half an hour too long because they had to shoehorn Spider-Man and Ant-Man in for no reason.
Melee was overrated and nobody gives a fuck about Marvel vs Capcom anymore.
That shit is old news. They're like Hogan and Flair, clinging to old glory.
That's kind of like saying you're the best Bella or the Best Uso, though.
but Melee is more like if Bret never got the concussion, strokes, and never aged. In fact, got better with age. Melee is the best fighting game going, infinitely deep, and it will still be around when all the other fighting games of today die out.
Scorpio was the man but they had no business giving him an 80's gimmick. He still made it work though.Well, you know.
Sabu had an interview recently and mentioned a tryout he had in the mid 90's with the WWF. Vince wanted to make him the Sultan. He got into ECW and Heyman's checks were never popping up. No wonder everybody wanted to leave. Although he does regret choosing ECW over WWF, he wouldn't have been himself and I am curious how his career would've panned out since. I mean, they got Scorpio and had him as the 90's Brodus Clay.
That kind of sounds false to me.
Still gets the viewers at tournaments. It's the HHH of gaming. Where SF V is Rome ReignsMelee was overrated and nobody gives a fuck about Marvel vs Capcom anymore.
That shit is old news. They're like Hogan and Flair, clinging to old glory.
Still gets the viewers at tournaments. It's the HHH of gaming. Where SF V is Rome Reigns
I think I'd like Melee more if the top-tier stuff wasn't the same few people constantly playing the same two or three characters.
I mean, what's your goal here? Why do you want to learn a character? Do you want to play people online or in real life?
Melee is basically sumo wrasslin. that counts.
I don't think you have been paying attention to viewer and registration numbersStill gets the viewers at tournaments. It's the HHH of gaming. Where SF V is Rome Reigns
All fighting games are washed up.Marvel 3 had the lowest viewer numbers at EVO last year and one of the lowest pools of entrants. Marvel is done. It's washed up. Old news.
Begging you to click this
This has to be seen to be believed. There's so much ridiculous shit to comment on I don't even know where to begin
To beat the game. Like I said, not everyone has people to play with. So if there is no way to do that, what's the point?
Playing SSB with no items is less fun.
All fighting games are washed up.
Ok the exhibition matches get decent viewers. I know the entrants are very low. But as a viewer, the matches are more excitable to watch than V.I don't think you have been paying attention to viewer and registration numbers
To beat the game? Like... the barebones single player
Playing SSB with no items is less fun.
I definitely lucked out in the girlfriend department. For my birthday she got me an autographed Ox Baker photo, framed, one of his shirts, and more. That's some good taste. Now I have a "The Great Heart Puncher" shirt, and I couldn't be happier.
I definitely lucked out in the girlfriend department. For my birthday she got me an autographed Ox Baker photo, framed, one of his shirts, and more. That's some good taste. Now I have a "The Great Heart Puncher" shirt, and I couldn't be happier.
Obviously, since that's what I've been talking about the whole time.
The fat man has conquered the fat bastard.This just killed me and caught me completely off gaurd
alright pal
they showhorned literally the best parts of the movie. no reason? pls
it's true that no one gives a fuck about marvel anymore
but Melee is more like if Bret never got the concussion, strokes, and never aged. In fact, got better with age. Melee is the best fighting game going, infinitely deep, and it will still be around when all the other fighting games of today die out.
It's been a while, but I recall the single player being like 20 minutes long and super easy. Is that what you're talking about?
Or that other mode where you have to win 30 in a row to unlock colors?
If it's the latter... by just playing that over and over, you're getting the CPU training you desire. And "getting better" at the game. So what's the problem again?
I just don't see the point of playing a fighting game if you aren't going to test your skills against real people, whether that's online or in real life. Even the fighting games with "fully fleshed out single player modes"... it's ultimately a pretty short and shallow experience. You're done in like 5 hours and that's that. Single player has its place, but if you aren't going to actually train and play against real people, why get so worked up about the game? You obviously aren't spending much time digging deep into the mechanics and stuff... and that's fine.
Of course he'd say money as the first thing.GOLDBERG: Hell yeah, it was successful. I got paid and I put smiles on people's faces, so I don't think you can say that it wasnt a success by any stretch of the imagination. At the end of the day, leaving WrestleMania, having my hand raised, beating Brock Lesnar... I'd say it was a pretty successful tenure.
Of course he'd say money as the first thing.
GOLDBERG: The Georgia Dome was my home field, brother. There's no question about it. I played my first football game there as an Atlanta Falcon. I paid a lot of fines out on the field in the NFL. It meant a lot to me to be able to wrestle there, to bring in as many fans for a WCW Monday Nitro as the Falcons did. The Georgia Dome is what made me.