Dude played in 14 games ever. Did he get hit in the head a lot or something?
Hulk Hogan picked up and slammed 800 lb Andre the Giant in front of 500,000 people at Wrestlemania 3.
Dude played in 14 games ever. Did he get hit in the head a lot or something?
Hulk Hogan picked up and slammed 800 lb Andre the Giant in front of 500,000 people at Wrestlemania 3.
Abdominal injury, which is why he adopted the spear to get his revenge on life for hurting him.Dude played in 14 games ever. Did he get hit in the head a lot or something?
Taz talks about the camera work from the latest episode of Raw, why it gave him a headache, and what inspired Paul Heyman to adopt a similar style of camera work back in ECW:
Dude has put on some weight.
Go home, your drunk.
I'm saying that it should be there because it was a feature in every other entry in the series. In the genre, even. You don't personally have to see the point of playing solo, because not every game is made for you personally. But, by removing this one feature I would actually use, they've made it not for me. That's all.
Of course he'd say money as the first thing.
In melee sure, but Smash 4 the items may as well be final smashes and the same goes for the stage hazards. All are way too strong and tons of instakill shit is in there. That sorta junk is why I dont play smash a lot.
I'm just trying to understand your (and seemingly many others) viewpoint. I was amazed at the negative backlash over a lack of single player in a fighting game, because I always viewed that mode as an afterthought that you'd play for maybe a couple of hours and then never again.
Its ok to really feel this way, but to always have it as your first answer gets pretty tiresome. Ive had to hear that shit for more than a decade he always answers "for the right price"
After a while it just sounds sleazy, and I was a huge mark for him.
It's a toy. It's for fun.
I leave it to tightrope walkers to care about balance.
TYL not everyone thinks the same. It isn't a big issue, man. I was just saying my piece.
I think I'd like Melee more if the top-tier stuff wasn't the same few people constantly playing the same two or three characters.
all good![]()
TYL not everyone thinks the same. It isn't a big issue, man. I was just saying my piece.
Goldberg was a meathead that got into wrestling because he thought it would be easy money, his look got him pushed to the moon, and people who continue to prop that era up as the best era ever will still go "oh fuck dude Goldberg" because he was prominent in that era. So he's bought into his own hype and believes that he deserves so giant payday for being over in an era where EVERYONE was over. Fuck his dumb bald ass, I hope he never comes back.
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This has to be seen to be believed. There's so much ridiculous shit to comment on I don't even know where to begin
Come on now. We're told in this very thread to not take wrestling so seriously, that it's only playfighting by carnies, and all that jazz.
I think you can not take video games so seriously too.
I was looking or reading something and basically before he got in he was like," Yeah I want to be a big deal when I do this thing. Not a one and done deal."Its ok to really feel this way, but to always have it as your first answer gets pretty tiresome. Ive had to hear that shit for more than a decade he always answers "for the right price"
After a while it just sounds sleazy, and I was a huge mark for him.
What is he 55?
He aint coming back, that ship sailed.
ok but depth and balance are nice things to have
when you don't have those you have shitty games
and shitty games ain't cool
wwe has no depth and balance. why is why it's absolute garbage.
I'll check it out sometime.
I watched Daichi Hashimoto vs. Jun Akiyama from some random AJPW show. It's your typical, simple AJPW style match but Hashimoto shows great fire and nice striking. There is definitely something there and I am curious to see how he will develop in the future.
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This has to be seen to be believed. There's so much ridiculous shit to comment on I don't even know where to begin
I wouldn't bother with KAI vs. Hino.
On the other hand, get yourself some Daisuke Sekimoto vs. Kento Miyahara for the Triple Crown, which left me so pumped that I have to take a little break before I watch anything else today. That delivered on the potential the match-up had, though don't show Vader this match because there's a fighting spirit sequence during the match that could drive him nuts. In the context of the match, it's a great sequence, but isolated in gif form, it looks like a bunch of no-selling.
It's gonna be The Rock and Stone cold stone cold, at WrestleMania 17. This is big.
So I cashed in my miitomo coin things to get that Zelda Picross game on 3DS. Holy shit, does Midna talk too much in the tutorial. Nintendo needs to have a setting in the NX that is "I can figure this shit out myself" mode. Forced/non-skippable anything in a game ever needs to go die.
I think I watched it last year for the first time in forever and watching every kick out, it put me into hysterics. I love a ppv where you know the results but still get worked up watching it.I was fortunate enough to see WM17 live, didn't really come across on the DVD but the crowd was on the verge of rioting at the end of the Rock/Austin match w/ all the close counts.
God I love it when this thread talks good wrestling.
I'm selling something on eBay and I got a message about it on my phone, so I went to the site to check it, and the question was just another guy who was selling the same item who wanted to tell me he was also selling one.
....okay? Thanks?
I just never get enough time, that's my true demon. Despite cutting out most WWE content, which is usually what saps peoples' time, i just ain't got enough.We would welcome you on the AJPW bandwagon, friend. They might be burning through match-ups for Kento Miyahara, but I'll take it if Korakuen is as hot as it seemed for Miyahara vs. Sekimoto.
Eddie don't want any problems with Benoit. That man is too legit.
Fanatic, I'm glad you picked Radicalz because I did too. You can't deny the skills in that damn group. Every man should've been world champion especially The Ice Man, he's the best.
I should've put, "world champion somewhere" lol. Saturn was the weak link no doubt but there's no denying his skill set. Sucks that it all ended sadly.Perry Saturn world champ?
I should've put, "world champion somewhere" lol. Saturn was the weak link no doubt but there's no denying his skill set. Sucks that it all ended sadly.
I'd still like to know why he decided to call it quits because he could still go, unless he had some secret injuries I don't know about. But when Vince started bringing in Rey, Chavo, Kidman, and Ultimo Dragon just imagine the matches Dean could've put on for a different crowd. He can hang with anyone, big or small. He definitely deserved more. I wish the rumour of him and Benoit doing an Eddie tribute match came true in 2007.I was disappointed that Malenko never got time to shine in WWF they could have built the Cruiserweight division around him as a dominant champion.
I didn't appreciate him as much as a kid other than the vicious rings of saturn and his death valley driver. I thought he died a few years back after not hearing about him in forever. I was listening to a podcast and they said around 99-2002 he doesn't remember anything that happens because he was so high and I guess you could say that's a good thing. Only because of a fucking mop.I always liked him, and I could even see him as an IC-level champ. I'm just glad they found him after he went missing.
Friendlies, what is your favourite awful wrestling game?
We would welcome you on the AJPW bandwagon, friend. They might be burning through match-ups for Kento Miyahara, but I'll take it if Korakuen is as hot as it seemed for Miyahara vs. Sekimoto.
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This has to be seen to be believed. There's so much ridiculous shit to comment on I don't even know where to begin
Wrestlemania isn't awful.What constitutes awful? I liked Raw on Genesis a lot, but it was a minor upgrade to Royal Rumble, which was a minor upgrade to Super Wrestlemania.
Maybe Wrestlemania the Arcade Game.
What the fuck? There are no words. It's sad this is how far the Hardys have fallen.