God damn it, Sin Cara.[/QUOTE]
And this just pushed me over, that's our beloved botching machine in action, give Sin Cara another push.
Maybe the sheer aura of Cena's presence is what finally had him crumple to his knees.
They are really trying to act like this Cena/Ryback rivalry is a big deal.
Thank Vince that shit is finally over. Now onto Bryan vs. Cena.
Not gonna happen just because everone wants it, and because they probably want Cena to hold the belt for a while.
It's happening because they planned it to happen. Meltzer confirmed it was still a go last he heard on last nights Observer Radio.
Can Bryan break the Cena glass ceiling?
strobogo said:I can't believe I enjoyed a Miz and Divas match. In a row, no less.
God damn it, Sin Cara.
And here comes the time Cena destroy the entire wwe roster only with one move...
I noticed a nice subtle moment from Del Rio as he turned heel during the match. AJ's title belt was on the ground when he threw Ziggler back into the ring while Ricardo was yelling "He's fine! He's fine!" Del Rio then kicked away the title in front of AJ before he entered back into the ring.
I noticed a nice subtle moment from Del Rio as he turned heel during the match. AJ's title belt was on the ground when he threw Ziggler back into the ring while Ricardo was yelling "He's fine! He's fine!" Del Rio then kicked away the title in front of AJ before he entered back into the ring.
The talk of the town after WWE Payback has certainly been the disturbing display put on by Alberto Del Rio in his match against (now former) World Heavyweight Champion Dolph Ziggler, leading to Del Rio picking up the title. Ziggler had returned from being sidelined due to a concussion, and although Del Rio had been touted as the good guy for the longest time, he showed up to Chicago with malcontent and went so far as to kick a man while he’s down - literally. This double turn seeing Alberto becoming rudo again and Ziggler the underdog babyface was definitely not predictable to many, especially this here laceapair.
But what is interesting to this gear blog is how this turn could’ve been seen a mile away just by looking at the wrestlers’ gears.
The first noticeable item on Del Rio is the wrist tape. As an arrogant heel in the beginning of his WWE career, he sported white wrist tape (and his white scarf) to showcase the purity and class he had as this elite aristocrat. Later in his first heel run, he switched to black tape (and a black scarf) to enforce the evil and power he possessed. When he turned face, he switched back to the white tape to represent the goodness he had as the people’s hero, etc - now look what he’s wearing. He showcased power in this match and a wicked elegance when attacking Ziggler - it made sense why he was attacking Ziggler’s head but it was just plain wrong morally.
His trunk colors raise a bunch of flags as well. Red demonstrates a sign of danger but also links back to survival - Del Rio presenting himself as a threat to Ziggler and how he will survive against the “Show Off.” The gold filling detail establishes his good health and power. The green highlighting/outlining that gold is reinforcing Del Rio’s stability of his health and endurance in this match, unlike Ziggler’s poor health and poor endurance.
As for the former world champion, Dolph’s trunks have two interesting factors to them. For one, they’re one of his signature colors: silver. In general, silver can represent intelligence, security and reliability - but in the case of tonight, this silver presents a maturity and modesty from Dolph. He didn’t whine and complain - he couldn’t, really - after losing the title, and he didn’t have the opportunity to normally show off during his match…however he didn’t look for the opportunity either.
Another aspect of his trunks is the statement on the back reading: “OVER it…” written in pink. It could mean anything, but looking at Ziggler’s use of wrestling-related jargon, he could be referring to being over, or being known and responded to by the fans. He could be over being World Heavyweight Champion. He could be over being #HEEL as we’re starting to see. He could be over being overlooked. Whatever one you choose to pick, it’s eye-catching and thought-provoking. It’s also worth noting that it’s written in a light pink, which promotes feelings of acceptance and calm - as Ziggler is accepting being over with the fans.
That's some straight up heeling there. It also felt like a double turn for Ricardo and AJ, as well, to a lesser extent.
How can face Ziggler even work? AJ just went full crazy and Big E's stealing burgers and eating kielbasa
How can face Ziggler even work? AJ just went full crazy and Big E's stealing burgers and eating kielbasa
Ziggler doesn't need to change his character, his show off gimmick can work as a confident face as well. Except that he's no longer showing off because he thinks so highly of himself, but instead he shows off because he loves to entertain the crowd.
Ziggler doesn't need to change his character, his show off gimmick can work as a confident face as well. Except that he's no longer showing off because he thinks so highly of himself, but instead he shows off because he loves to entertain the crowd.
Nah, nuts to the "doing it FOR THE FANS" nonsense. It always feels insincere. Show off because you're the best in your eyes. A man with that much confidence is easy to root for and a believable character.
Just do like they did with Mr. Perfect. Act the exact same but do it to heels instead of faces.
Del Rio's heel turn is pretty subtle for the WWE crowd. Sheamus kicks people's heads in week after week, in a much more heelish way and he still gets cheered.
As Dragonzord illustrated, it worked for Michaels.