Neo Member
Sailorswayze has ruined my life. I'm reading Supernatural and WWE crossover fanfiction at 3AM because of her dumb followers. GODDAMMIT.
You brought this onto yourself.
Sailorswayze has ruined my life. I'm reading Supernatural and WWE crossover fanfiction at 3AM because of her dumb followers. GODDAMMIT.
You brought this onto yourself.
I never thought I would have to post this in WrestleGAF, but...
The opinions, views and fan-fictions expressed by Shark Johnson are the opinions of him and him only, and do not reflect the opinions or views of any of WrestleGAF or the opinions or views of any other individual on NeoGAF.
Because of the f word, eh? Yeah, I figured that MIGHT cause an issue an edited it out.
Actually I didn't even notice that. I was mainly referring to you posting fan-fiction in the first place.
I vividly remember all 8 of her posts.
Rumor for one of the MitB matches is an all former winner match with:
Del Rio and Cena already have titles so they're not going to do it
edit: forgot MIZ
The WWE production of the Legends of Mid South Wrestling DVD which comes out on September 10 has some amazing matches that will be featured including and heres a partial list:
Ted DiBiase vs. Paul Ordnorff
Andre, Dusty Rhodes & JYD vs The Wild Samoans and Ernie Ladd (All WWE HOFers)
Jim Duggan vs. DiBiase Coal Miners Glove, Tuxedo, Loser Leaves Town Match
Wrestling 2 mentoring Magnum TA storyline
JYD Tarred and Feathered storyline
JYD vs. Hacksaw Butch Reed (Ghetto Street Fight)
Rock n Roll vs. Midnight Express (a series of bouts..all tremendous)
HBK vs. DiBiase (Shawns rookie year)
Rick Steiner vs. Nick Patrick (Steiner was a rookie and Nick became a great referee)
Ric Flair vs. DiBiase NWA Title Bout (amazing)
A UWF match featuring the Bladerunners, Sting & Rock aka Ultimate Warrior
Terry Gordy vs. Duggan UWF Title (A legit Slobber Knocker)
DiBiase & Dr. Death vs. Freebirds in a Lumberjack match (Birds loved the heat!)
Gordy vs Doc UWF Title Bout (A Classic..lead to the formation of an extraordinary team)
Doc Vs. Bubba Rogers aka Big Bossman UWF Title (1 of my favorite matches I ever called)
One Man Gang vs. Big Bubba Rogers UWF Title (Textbook, Super Heavyweight bout)
There will also be some major DVD Blu Ray exclusives. I will have more on those soon.
Fuck that, if we don't get RVD, Christian and Jericho in the same match there's no point... maybe throw Kofi in there just to see what kind of shenanigans RVD and Kofi pull.
Guys, I post on this local area video game group for my Facebook and some guys talking about how he's getting an Xbone because they never got hacked(False) and how their updates never bricked systems(because 360s didn't need updates to brick)
So... these people DO exist.
Oh my,
I think we're getting Steph vs AJ at SummerSlam.
Hey man, that was the foundation of four star matches and great feuds, never forget that!He was awesome until he started having match after match with Orton and he used that awful "ONE MORE MATCH" chant. The happiness of him winning the Big Gold Belt wore off extremely quickly.
One day i'll complete one of those puzzlesThe Street Pass Puzzle Swap music is so good guys
Oh blast it Aiii, now my mood level has dropped.
I'm definitely looking forward to this one. A lot of love from guys like Jim Ross seems to have gone into this and the matches picked all fall toward being important and representative of the time and voted upon favourites.
Now the only U.S. promotions left that I want to see such work done is Championship Wrestling From Florida and Pacific Championship Wrestling. Though that last one I know is doubtful since Don Coss and Roddy Piper don't want to lose any rights to the footage.
JR listed some of the matches on the Mid-South compilation;
Hot damn, some great matches there. The Duggan vs DiBiase feud, Rock & Roll vs Midnight Express, DiBiase's face turn against Flair, Gordy vs Hacksaw, Gordy vs Dr. Death, etc.
Fuck that, if we don't get RVD, Christian and Jericho in the same match there's no point...
Oh my,
I think we're getting Steph vs AJ at SummerSlam.
Just what nobody wants, more McMahon crap crammed into the product
Stephanie could be on the show for all three hours and I doubt many would object.
Stephanie could be on the show for all three hours and I doubt many would object.
WWE bring back this guy
Paige vs AJ has to be a match they're thinking about right? I doubt it will happen soon but sometime next year?
Like they mentioned on the LAW, with the exception of Sheamus, all of the faces and heels in WWE all make sense and nobody's currently trying to be something they're not.
Except that asshole Sheamus.
Thing is, who else are they gonna pair AJ with after Kaitlyn?
It's not like anybody cares about any of the other women unless they start building them up? Not even counting Cameron, Alicia Fox and Aksana. Layla isn't very good in the ring, but is at least somewhat interesting.
Only leaves Natalya really. At least people care about Stephanie.
If they bring up Paige in the fall and build her up as a challenger at WrestleMania, that would be good. But until then they need stuff for AJ to do and put her against women people care about at least.
Is Jack Swagger released or is he just on hiatus while he has his trial/jailing?
Was it a green screen the first time?
Did you see the horrible "we're breaking kayfabe for the real world" vid?
If not here it is:
What has happened with WWE since Mania that has caused them to turn their product around so drastically? They have more good things going now than they have had at one time in years. Daniel Bryan, Punk, Mark Henry, The Shield, Zeb + Cesaro, AJ as Divas Champ, The Family, NXT....I can't remember the last time WWE had that many good things going all at once.