Spirit of Jazz
About how Bo Dallas is dope but his brother is some out of shape slob who gets injured all the time
I still can't comprehend how that was meant to be a genuine face promo.
About how Bo Dallas is dope but his brother is some out of shape slob who gets injured all the time
I still can't comprehend how that was meant to be a genuine face promo.
The weird thing with Bo is they skipped the massively over for 2-3 years part of the Cena Cycle and went straight into face who the fans hate.
I wonder if Taeler Hendrix is okay with her boyfriend posting personal pictures of her on a forum.
http://i.imgur.com/68Mc2uY.jpg (NSFW)
The weird thing with Bo is they skipped the massively over for 2-3 years part of the Cena Cycle and went straight into face who the fans hate.
It wasn't.
You realise they are turning him heel by being overly obnoxious, right?
She'd need to clean up her house first, damn
I would happily pin her with a small package.
I would happily pin her with a small package.
I'm about 40 minutes into Die Hard 5. This is awful. Aggressively boring. A 20 minute car chase seen 15 minutes into the movie? One that McClane should have died at least twice in, yet literally doesn't even have a scratch on him despite two massive, spinning, glass shattering, car destroying wrecks. The dudes who wrecked in basically a tank where in far worse shape. John does about 10 flips in a jeep and is totally cool.
I can get the son calling him John, but calling his dad "McClane" is so weird. Also "Damn you, John. DAMN YOU!" *5 minutes later* "Damn you, McClain. DAMN YOU!" made me lol. Why is Riddley Scott with them? How did this asshole find himself in that much trouble on his first day in Russia? Time to let Die Hard die. This shit sucks. It's painful that a Die Hard movie is this bad. It doesn't even LOOK like a DH movie. The lighting is way off and weird. I don't even know if I'm going to finish this.
You are a god among men. Hot damn.
One year later, I still love this Brock Lesnar video package:
One year later, I still love this Brock Lesnar video package:
Have you guys never seen an in shape girl in their underwear? That shit gets posted all the time. She looks like a normal girl who goes to the gym. There are legit model level women folk in pro wrestling.
No, she's hot for sure, but some of the posts are acting like they are the most amazing pictures when literally every day there are hotter pictures and gifs in this very thread.
Guys, PG era Gaf has a Dark Theme. Look for the icon up top to the right. It is amazing.
Guys, John DiMaggio looks like Sheamus
It's a shameful thing..
Mr. Luchador said:Is Kendo KaShin's entire deal he's an MMO guy in a Pro Wrestling world? Why is he considered such an important Puro guy?