That same old paradox - is that sharing hurting business or increasing awareness of the product? Is that a 'lost sale' or a person who was never going to buy it anyway having access to your content?
I have little time for people who get all their wrestling content from a shared source, but at the same time I'm not entirely sure they'd part with their money to buy it regardless. I know a few people who have went on to really invest time and money into a promotion after getting their hands on a tape/digital copy of a show.
If I could ballpark it (I've estimated it before, and the stats usually stay within reliable change) I'd say around 10% of people who pirate it would likely consider buying the show if it was A: as easy as downloading and B: done right. Not like the music industry's 'herp derp every single one is a lost sale' deal, but if you take into account thousands of illegal downloads for say, an iPPV, it's a bit of a mess.