Glad I didn't order the ROH iPPV last night - it seems iPPVs just aren't 'there' yet and I'm going to have to be a lot more selective in those which I buy.
ROH - innovated iPPVs but a whole bunch of problems with GFL caused them to set up their own service. There were, understandably, some teething problems, but eventually they had a run of 2-3 great iPPVs, before more problems set in and the iPPV's fucking up became somewhat of a running joke. The fans last night were using the hastage #BuffeRingOfHonor.
WWNLive - after just one show with GFL, Gabe & co. set up WWNLive and, despite a particularly bullish attitude from Gabe towards other companies iPPV problems, WWNLive has been far from perfect. It all seems to depend on the building and the volume of people watching the show - if you're watching SHINE (which is always in The Orpheum in Ybor City) there are likely to be next to no problems with the show, but an EVOLVE show running a building in Flordia for the first time? It's gonna fuck up. The last 3 WWNLive shows I bought were upgraded free to VOD because the stream fucked up.
SMVOD - the volume of iPPVs SMV put out is less than ROH and a LOT less than WWNLive, yet they seem to be doing well so far. Three CHIKARA iPPVs without a problem, one AIW iPPV that went off perfectly (and, hopefully, another next weekend) plus some smaller shows here and there that were well received. Whether they have to deal with the same volume of viewers as ROH or WWNLive is up in the air, but so far SMVOD's iPPV service has coped admirably.
As it stands, I'm ordering anything AIW or CHIKARA, ordering SHINE and ordering a few EVOLVE/DGUSA shows here and there if the card's look good - I'm done watching ROH live, they've had a ridiculous number of chances and, despite being backed by a nationwide broadcaster, they can't seem to get it right. Very hard to forgive such repeated incompetence.
More iPPV talk? I'M JUMPIN IN YO
Disclaimer: I know most of the people at GFL and have worked with them for years, so take my opinion with a grain of salt on this.
For the most part, anyone that doesn't use GFL anymore is more due to money, than the quality of work that they do, which is for the most part phenomenal. As they're the ones who innovated the concept and do the most shows by far, they have a solid reputation. Most people set up their own service so that they can take all the profits, instead of share it with the broadcasters.
The only issues I remember ROH having with GFL were during the Florida Mania weekend, which for the most part were due to the fact that a goddamn storm hates wrestling apparently
When it comes to other companies, I mostly patently refuse to discuss them. As someone who would technically be considered 'a competitor' to them, I think it's in bad taste to discuss their work in any negative light. It's a shame that most people do not feel the same way.
In a general sense, my main problem is; when there -is- a problem, what does the company do? Stream cuts out? Do you get VOD? A DVD? No response whatsoever?
Some companies have great customer service, and others just ignore everything and sweep it under the rug. It's very insulting to see someone having problems not being helped whatsoever, or in the case of some things, blatantly lied to.
For example: One of the companies, in their infinite wisdom, put it out there that iPPVs would now work on XBox 360. This is false, as iPPVs are Flash based and can't run in any form on the 360's browser, which doesn't support it. It got picked up by media, and other companies thought it was true and ran with it, thus getting the blowback when they had a show and people couldn't use it. They gave refunds, VODs, etc etc etc.
Is it the company's fault that they didn't check? Absolutely. But I'd also lay a hell of a lot of blame on the dumb son of a bitch who saw that their on demand player worked on 360 (because it has HTML5 rollback code, something from 2008 which is built into Longtail's JWPlayer), then got stupid and claimed it worked for everything.
And that's my tech rant. I can't really move too much today (or yesterday) thanks to Friday, so my best maneuver is to yell at people over the internet!