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June Wrasslin' |OT| Welcome to the Family, Disregard my Brother

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Mankind vs Rocky Maivia.
Wonder if anyone could have guessed back then how long those dudes would stick around.
lol forgot Rocky's titantron had footage of him playing football. OH GOD HIS PROMOS WERE SO GREEN.

Shamrock's promo voice is bad. dat music tho

They should bring back In Your House. The stage setup was so cool and so 90s.


Yeah...I can't imagine anyone will a crap about the heel one either since it's practically made up of jobbers except two of them.

Also, lol at
Christian & The Usos beating The Shield
this Friday on Smackdown.

Yeah, that match. Need to see what happened there.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Heat on Rocky
John Cena really is Rock. If Rock never transitioned from Rocky Maivia to The Rock.

Brown shirt Mankind is best Mankind. I think King on commentary here and the present day King are two completely different people. The only excuse for it. Beating the hell out of Mankind as a face is never good though. Just makes you look like a dick because Mankind makes it look like you're committing manslaughter on him.


I'm watching Django Unchained. First time. I can only imagine the raging hard ons Tarantino got while writing that script.

Wrestling related, I think brown shirt Mankind was the best as well. He was basically Cactus Jack, but weirder. I think one of the original concepts for the character was that he was supposed to be Cactus Jack, but Vince didn't want such a hardcore guy, so it drove him crazy and he became Mankind. Now, that's some Russoiffic stuff there and seems pretty out of place for a gimmick in that time period. But then again, Goldust was created around the same time, so who knows.

But brown shirt Mankind was Foley with gas left in his tank and standing out immensely in what was still a very tame product.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Who are these terrible rapping honkies coming out with the Nation? Oh my god this is the worst.

Ahmed comin'


Yeah...I can't imagine anyone will a crap about the heel one either since it's practically made up of jobbers except two of them.

Also, lol at
Christian & The Usos beating The Shield
this Friday on Smackdown.
Cesaro. Hes gett in Swaggers push now.

E: quotes wrong smackdown spoiler and too lazy to fix it on mobile . But my mitb guess is cesaro

Data West

coaches in the WNBA

JR: "Ahmed Johnson, a former gang member--"
King: "WHAT?!"

Ahmed's wicked over.

JR: "You'd know as much as anybody King, Big Johnson's hard to handle"
So Smackdown....

What in the ever living fuck are they doing with Bryan? Is he still being the chickenshit by costing Kane the match? Having him on commentary does not sound well in my opinion.

It seems to me that they're really playing up the fluke win over Orton and make Bryan be like Curtis Axel but winning cleanly. And he's the guy winning the Money in the Bank? I'm starting to doubt it now.


Regarding SmackDown:

They should have a story that the mid-card and tag titles are cursed, causing whoever holds them to instantly become jobbers in non-title matches. This then causes them to try to give the belt away.


a kinder, gentler sort of Scrooge
if you could go back in time, would you warn WCW and Booker T of their fates?

Booker T yes. It wouldn't have done much and would have been horrible money wise, but I can't help but think how much he could have built for himself with the last year and a half of ECW roster where he could have been "it", then a much fresher start in WWE.
That said, he really didn't have a bad fate. Sure G.I. Bro was awful, far too many burials early on in WWE, but where the guy is now with Hall of Fame, his own wrestling school? The guy is doing okay with plenty of happy moments.

WCW? It depends on just how far back. If before Eric Bischoff, sure. I could warn them about the horrible spending, the terrible waste, the environment that made talented and dedicated wrestlers just not care any more, and so much more. Perhaps they wouldn't have gotten as big, but a solid number two without so many problems TNA has.
With Bischoff? No, not at all. No matter what it was always going to spend and waste too much, trying to burn and salt the land until WWE was dead. So giving them some warnings? It would have just lasted longer with WWE perhaps going out of business, then WCW collapsing and decreasing to a point where even modern British television wrestling would look down on it with pity.

Now if I really could go back in time and fix things, it would be the 70s for British wrestling, getting those promoters to put more into the industry and build it into something bigger rather than coasting along just happy it's so popular until it fades away.

Perhaps giving warnings to Pro Wrestling USA. Just imagine if that had actually managed to not have so much infighting, internal politics, feuding between promoters, and a clear grasp of what it meant to actually go for television and PPV/closed circuit like WWE did.
I'm totally starting to remember why I stopped watching WWE in 2002.

Why are Bischoff & Austin having a burping contest?

*edit, lol, that has to be one of the most telegraphed spots in all of wrestling - every time someone tries to do a double axe-handle off the top, Scotty catches them in an overhead belly-to-belly.
Bischoff almost got his wish. Vince was dangerously close to going bankrupt in summer 1997, a lot closer than I think most people realize. This lead to them having to start making the In Your House PPVs full $30, three-hour shows. Michael Cole said that there was a point right after he got there in October 1997 that he almost starting job hunting again immediately because he had heard they were only a few weeks away from not being able to make payroll. Vince basically took all the cash he had left and invested it into Mike Tyson and WM14. Had WM14 failed, that would have pretty much been it and they were going to wrap it up. WM14 was a wild success, and two weeks later, Raw finally beat Nitro again in the ratings for the first time since June 10, 1996.

Also, while doing some digging, the August 2, 1999 edition of Raw did an 8.85 rating with regular competition from Nitro that night, which did a 3.2. That is fucking insane. If I recall, that was the night Jesse Ventura (who was Minnesota governor at the time) was at the show and announced as the referee for the Summerslam main event.
I'm totally starting to remember why I stopped watching WWE in 2002.

Why are Bischoff & Austin having a burping contest?

*edit, lol, that has to be one of the most telegraphed spots in all of wrestling - every time someone tries to do a double axe-handle off the top, Scotty catches them in an overhead belly-to-belly.

Wrestlers never scout their opponents. Fools.

Jamie OD

I think having an all top tier face MITB and a all mid tier heel MITB is a pretty neat idea.

Here's hoping someone from the Smackdown side gets elevated nicely.
come onnnnnn Cesaro

I love the idea of one MITB match being all faces and the other being all heels. It should be fun to see who the Philly crowd will support in both matches.


No, the most telegraphed spot in wrestling history was when idiots in WCW would try to powerbomb Billy Kidman.

Facebuster EVERY TIME.

Except Vampiro. Dude opened a match by powerbombing Kidman. The very first move. And one of them had 3 separate powerbombs in it, I think. Maybe just 2. But still. Vampiro was somehow mostly immune to the facebuster reversal.

Jamie OD

I don't think I was watching WWE at this time...who the fuck are Rodney Mack & Chris Nowinski?

Nowinski was a runner up on the original Tough Enough. He graduated from Harvard and that was the only notable thing about him until he suffered a concussion in the 2003 Royal Rumble when Edge & Mysterio botched a Double Missle Dropkick and one of them landed on his face. Nowinski eventually retired due to head trauma and went on to study them. He is the reason why concussions have become as big a deal as they are now.

Rodney Mack was some guy Teddy Long brought in to set up the White Boy Challenge, where he would challenge any white wrestler to last 5 minutes with Mack. He went through low card guys like Spike Dudley then lost to Goldberg and that was the end of his push. I think Mack is or was in a relationship with Jazz.


Actually, Nowinski is basically like the proto-Sandow. I always felt like he could have been a really solid mid card guy for life if he hadn't repeatedly scrambled his brains. Sandow takes more from Nowinski than The Genius, I think. But he was so clumsy and injury prone. Edge and Rey crushed his face, but he somehow managed to find a way to land on his head on every move. I'm pretty sure he got a concussion hitting his head on the super thin office styled ceiling.

He just couldn't bump properly without banging his head off of something.

Rodney Mack was the lightest skinned militant black dude you've ever seen in wrestling. He also sucked, but had a White Boy Challenge for a while where he'd beat up a white guy in 3 or 5 minutes. Teddy Long was his manager and still uses his theme music 10 years later. He didn't last very long. He dropped Al Snow on his head and I'm pretty sure was replaced with D'Lo. Or something.


a kinder, gentler sort of Scrooge
Nowinski's work on head trauma along with others really has been great and worthwhile. Part of the reason WWE is so good at dealing with concussions now is because of the work he's been a part of. Also a good documentary came out of it. http://www.chrisnowinski.com/

Rodney Mack? Well, he doesn't offend anyone when he shows up to cheer his wife Jazz at WSU events. That's something right?


Its either
Wade(last chance)
is too succesful currently to win MITB.
Cena won last year, and Kane's won before and he's been a long time vet. I am trying to remember back to each guy who's won the briefcase and later cashes in, and remained a face. CM Punk in his first cash in on Edge is probably the only one who remained one, but it was an awful, awful WHC run. On top of needing help and getting chickenshit wins, he broke JBL's nose on a botched GTS.

If in fact they're doing a WHC MitB, it should have Sandow or Rhodes winning. Been through a lot of shit lately, and Rhodes needs to get something to prop him up a bit - helps he can talk.

Wade also, but ... he's had some bad luck. Seemed to be heading upwards to the main event in his feud with Orton, then he broke his arm and missed a ton of time. His return has been since spoiled by constantly jobbing to Miz and losing to Bo Dallas.

Yeah...I can't imagine anyone will a crap about the heel one either since it's practically made up of jobbers except two of them.

Also, lol at
Christian & The Usos beating The Shield
this Friday on Smackdown.
I think I'm fine with it. Uso's need a win or two to at least spice up the feud. Hell No lost virtually every match. It made the feud fairly predictable and lackluster as each RAW/Smackdown/PPV we've had some mix match in here, but the Shield always came out on top. It will inevitably lead to the Shield going over, but helping out the Uso's and possibly setting them up as one of the better face teams isn't a bad thing. They have no one else except Tensai and Clay.

Christian and Ambrose for the US title would be nice, too.

Too many black bars!


a kinder, gentler sort of Scrooge
In dark mode, it's nice grey bars.

Thank you everyone who actually does use spoilers. It really is appreciated by those of us who care about such things.


Looking back, 2002-2006ish was a pretty bizarre time period for WWE. They went through so much talent, had a ton of new people (many of which were total duds), and a lot of odd gimmicks. Such a crazy transitional period. Maybe even bigger and more intense than the New Generation era.

They lost Hogan, Rock, Austin, Goldberg, Angle, Eddie, Hall, Nash, Jericho, Christian, Steiner. But they gained Bork, Cena, Orton, Brotista, WGTT, and Punk.

Almost everyone from 2005 is gone. The only guys left from the Raw roster are Cena, HHH, Jericho, Kane, and Big Shoe. Smackdown has Taker, Christian, Rey (ish), Regal (ish), Booker (ish), and JBL (ish). The turn over in those 4 years was pretty crazy.


Watch it be
Swagger. Or worse: Fandango.

No way.

Swagger fucked himself with the weed and Ziggler kick. If he isn't let go by WM30 it'll be a miracle for him. And they won't do that with Curtis just yet because he's too concussion prone.

All my money is on Rhodes.

Cersaro is too new, Ambrose has to move on from the US title, Shadow is forever stuck with Sheamus, and Wade will never get back to the WHC picture, which totally sucks but it's true. It's damn true.

Cody is a solid wrestler, decent on the mic, good-looking, and is established. Plus his daddy is KILLING IT working on NXT. That must count for something.


So not worth it
It's probably gonna be
Sandow. He's been with the company a while now, he's entertaining, got a high profile feud but has been losing a lot. Had him pegged to win the WHC somewhere around WrestleMania at least, so I'm surprised he hasn't yet. Rhodes is never getting that push and I'm not sure he ever will get to that level. Wade has had his last chance I think. Ambrose should win as he's the most talented there, but it isn't his time yet, so probably not. The only other person I can imagine having a shot would be Cesaro, they obviously think Zeb is good enough to be in the main event given Swaggers push, and they do like Cesaro in the ring.

So yeah, I'm going with Sandow or Cesaro for this one.
Cena won last year, and Kane's won before and he's been a long time vet. I am trying to remember back to each guy who's won the briefcase and later cashes in, and remained a face. CM Punk in his first cash in on Edge is probably the only one who remained one, but it was an awful, awful WHC run. On top of needing help and getting chickenshit wins, he broke JBL's nose on a botched GTS.

If in fact they're doing a WHC MitB, it should have Sandow or Rhodes winning. Been through a lot of shit lately, and Rhodes needs to get something to prop him up a bit - helps he can talk.

Wade also, but ... he's had some bad luck. Seemed to be heading upwards to the main event in his feud with Orton, then he broke his arm and missed a ton of time. His return has been since spoiled by constantly jobbing to Miz and losing to Bo Dallas.

Too many black bars!

Didn't RVD say face with his ONS cash in on Cena? Or at least face in that arena although was the ending Edge in a biker helmet screwing Cena?
So Smackdown....

]What in the ever living fuck are they doing with Bryan? Is he still being the chickenshit by costing Kane the match? Having him on commentary does not sound well in my opinion.

It seems to me that they're really playing up the fluke win over Orton and make Bryan be like Curtis Axel but winning cleanly. And he's the guy winning the Money in the Bank? I'm starting to doubt it now.[/spoiler]

I think they just having Bryan being an annoying but loveable jerk until he makes Orton snap and turn heel. I think the turn was originally going to happen when he got injured (the commentary was really pushing that Orton was pulling heel tactics, like when he was skimming the cat and Orton kicked his gut they called it a low blow) however their plans obviously needed to change when they had to stop the match.

Also I wouldn't call costing Kane a match chicking shit or him getting clean wins making him anything like Axel. Let's just see how it plays out on Friday.

The Smackdown mitb seems like a really weird decision given the current heel champ and it kind of sucks that there are no high fliers this year. On top of that I don't get why they'd have the Shield lose a match like this given they just proved how over wins that are built up over time can be.


I wonder if Cesaro and Swagger will work together at any point? Either way, I'm expecting Zeb to be awesome during the match if hes ringside.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
MITB winner's gotta be
Cesaro. I don't know why Aiii thinks they'll give it to Sandow, he feels listless and lost when solo as compared to his tag work with Cordie Roats. They need to stick together, perfect pairing and they both likely won't main event for a long, long time.
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