My understanding is that fox chynaed himself Ohriner, who refers to himself as "The Big O", will be facing off in this week's TNA gutcheck match against Ryan Howe. Adam first caught the eye of the TNA Staff when he attended a gut check in Fayetteville. With an affinity for the spotlight and his love for being on camera, Adam went into wrestling school with no prior training or background in the sport. Two years later Adam's dreams will either come true or be put in check by the judges of TNA Gut Check.
- TMZ is reporting the following:
"WWE superstar CM Punk has obtained a restraining order against his estranged mother -- claiming she constantly hits him up for money and then threatens to kill herself if he doesn't come through ... TMZ has learned.
Punk -- real name Phillip Brooks -- claims in legal docs filed in Illinois that he's tried to break off his relationship with his mother for more than a year "due to repeated financial demands and years of abusive, harassing and threatening behavior."
In the document, Punk says he's made an effort to help his mom -- who he claims suffers from bipolar disorder -- giving her more than $100,000. But Punk says her "abusive/threatening behavior" escalated when he cut her off.
That's when Punk's mom allegedly unleashed a torrent of nasty emails -- telling the wrestler, "You don't give a s**t about us. You just care about your money and money hungry/fame hungry friends. You would sell us for a nickel."
Punk also says his mother threatened to release potentially embarrassing information about her son's past. Punk suggests the information has to do with arrests when he was in high school.
In the docs, Punk says his mother has threatened to commit suicide on at least 4 occasions in 2012.
Punk says, "I wish for the harassment to stop and am requesting the assistance of the court in this regards."
The judge in the case granted the temporary restraining order back on June 10 -- but the wrestler is due back in court today where he will likely try to extend the protection order for several years."
It ain't over. Jake will be back on. It's hard work for people. Not everyone is perfect. He wants it. He'll be back.
About as good a chance of AR Fox getting a contract.
So, I'm not up on AR. Why wont he get a shot? I know he got arrested for weed but was that it?
more like AR Cox.
My understanding is that fox chynaed himself
AR Fox:
has basically appeared in gay porn....don't remember the site, but it's clearly him. Obviously, WWE will never hire a wrestler who has done porn.
Didn't Candice Michelle do some shit before joining WWE? Or am I confusing her with someone else?
Didn't Candice Michelle do some shit before joining WWE? Or am I confusing her with someone else?
Didn't Candice Michelle do some shit before joining WWE? Or am I confusing her with someone else?
Ha that's great for Big O. Zack Ryder's show helped everyone on it except Zack Ryder
I like how the WWE is all face wrestlers and the WHC is all heel wrestlers. I think both matches have the right wrestlers. I'm really pumped they placed all of those guys into the WHC match. I think Cesaro might get the win.
I really hope Fandango does a leg drop from the ladder.
I will definitely purchase (watch somewhere) MITB!
No, the man needs a long reign as a non-jobbing IC champion first. Something about Sandow just screams IC Champ In Waiting. In a good way.
I knew I was right goddammit![]()
ay? Yeah? Nudge nudge wink wink.BIONIC-ARRRMMM!!
Ha that's great for Big O. Zack Ryder's show helped everyone on it except Zack Ryder
ay? Yeah? Nudge nudge wink wink.
Turned it on now, and see Arn Anderson, Brian Pillman, and surfer Sting. Fantastic.You got it, Ill throw some dubya on after mitb.
Turned it on now, and see Arn Anderson, Brian Pillman, and surfer Sting. Fantastic.
Giant-Hogan rooftop coming on in a bit, lol.
Turned it on now, and see Arn Anderson, Brian Pillman, and surfer Sting. Fantastic.
Giant-Hogan rooftop coming on in a bit, lol.
You got it, Ill throw some dubya on after mitb.
Did this AR Fox guy do straight or gay porn?
First of all, I'd like to apologize to you all for the radio silence on my end. While I've addressed my personal situation a few times in interviews, I am very aware that I should have done a better job keeping you guys updated. There is no good answer for that beyond the fact I was highly embarrassed to admit I was badly struggling personally and it wasn't something I was comfortable dealing with in public. That's not a good excuse - nor, frankly, is there any good excuse - but that is the truth. I appreciate the notes of support that I've gotten from folks over time and, in general, can only apologize and hope you at least somewhat understand the desire to not play out my personal economics on a public stage. Still, I owed you guys better communication than that and I am very sorry that I didn't handle it better.
Second, I'm happy to say that with the help of more friends than I can mention (but, very specifically, Nic, Blake, Ben, Mark, Chris, Zain, Lou and Nigel), the epic odyssey of WRP has finally wrapped up. Starting today and over the next few weeks - with help from some of our friends and supporters in the online wrestling community - we'll be releasing preview matches that should give you a taste of what we did over those few crazy days in Los Angeles. Whatever your opinion of me - and, lord knows, I've earned it - I think you'll appreciate the great work our talented roster and crew put in for your wrestling entertainment. I really can't say enough about this group of men and women and - to the guys in the locker room especially - I give you all my love, respect, awe and deepest apology for the delay.
Additionally, with each preview match, we'll be updating you with the latest on our official release plans from Image (who we can't thank enough for their continued support) and - most importantly - the financial renumeration of our backers, the wrestling fans. I feel like this is the right thing to do and - in light of some recent positive personal developments - I should finally be in a position to do so over the course of this coming fall. We will still be honoring any of your earned Kickstarter prizes, but I feel like returning your money is the only way to truly make things right going forward.
I don't intend on hanging around and bugging you guys after this is all over - I think it's fair to say that I've already overstayed my welcome as it is - so I'd prefer to walk off into the sunset knowing we're as right with each other as humanly possible. I set out to do this project with very genuine and true intentions and I would like to exit in the same way. I recognize that I owe you guys, the boys who worked for me and the business that much. It's the right way to say goodbye.
Thanks again for your patience and continued support.
Jeff Katz
Didn't Candice Michelle do some shit before joining WWE? Or am I confusing her with someone else?
I thought Mickie James did some stuff?
i used to work at Wendy's. Why does her working at Arby's matter?
I really don't know much about AR Fox one way or the other beyond his recent Chile Lucha Libre match and I wasn't really impressed by what I saw.
Is there a match out there that people can point to that shows why he should be in WWE, based purely on what he can do in the ring?
PWG ASW9 - Night 1 and 2.
He's your standard indy high flyer but god damn, he has no remorse for his body. Even Chuck Taylor was going off on commentary on him.
Speaking of which, we need more Chucky T.
Didn't Omega do some gay porn as well?
I think he's done a fetish wrestling video but not actual porn.
From my understanding so has Devitt
He has that look about him, no?
Do you guys think Big O could legit kill Daniel Bryan?