When people talk about his strength, they're talking about how Big E has broken almost every record within the WWE for lifts. I think his deadlift record is 545lbs, which beats guys like Mark Henry, Cena, and Lesnar IIRC.
Shit, I did a 300lb deadlift after not having lifted anything for a year.
I just watched the WWE 2K14 trailer.
I'm shook.
545 lbs is pretty light.
His actual record is a 799 lbs raw deadlift.
I just watched the WWE 2K14 trailer.
I'm shook.
man those are some terribad graphics
new publisher
new name
same old shit
Sucks about Jake, when him and DDP do indie shows do they actually wrestle or just make an appearance?
I'm hoping DDP comes to PCW sometime and I can see it happening
By the way I'm back to Jeff classic and feel much cleaner for it
wheres mason ryan
I just watched the WWE 2K14 trailer.
I'm shook.
Killing it is probably pushing it. He's had a few fun squashes, though.
Q1: Raw scored a 1.82 rating for Take One on Bryan-Orton.
Q2: Raw slipped to a 1.74 rating for Sheamus & Christian vs. Rhodes Scholars and Kaitlyn vs. Aksana.
Q3: Raw hit a show-low 1.63 rating for videos, non-action segments, and two commercial breaks.
Q4: Raw rebounded to a 1.82 rating for the first-half of Del Rio vs. Jericho.
H2 - Q5: Raw increased to a 2.01 rating for the conclusion of Del Rio vs. Jericho, which included peak viewership of the night, and the video game cover reveal.
Q6: Raw dropped to a 1.76 rating for Ryback vs. Great Khali.
Q7: Raw jumped back to a 1.89 rating for John Cena's speech.
Q8: Raw stayed at a 1.89 rating for the first-half of C.M. Punk and Paul Heyman's promo exchange.
H3 - Q9: Raw jumped to a 2.01 rating for the second-half of Punk-Heyman. This was peak viewership of the third hour.
Q10: Raw dropped to a 1.75 rating for Punk wrestling Darren Young. However, the audience grew throughout the match and there was a very long commercial break at the end of the quarter-hour.
Q11: Raw rebounded to a 1.90 rating for the WWE Title MITB match announcement and Mark Henry's speech.
Q12: Raw dropped to a near-show-low 1.65 rating for the first-half of Orton vs. Bryan against the Stanley Cup conclusion.
OVER: Raw finished with a 1.84 rating for the conclusion of Orton-Bryan
man those are some terribad graphics
new publisher
new name
same old shit
Mason Ryan has had like 3 squash matches on NXT so far but he looks bigger and more competent in the ring since he last was on TV. He's no technical wrestler but he may be better than the Great Khali in the ring now
this version was far into development before the switch to 2k. hopefully they switch things up for next gen.
Raw Quarter Breakdown for the m18-49 demo:
Basically The Chicago Blackouts scoring 2 goals like in a minute led people to change the channel from Raw but people tuned back in and stayed to watch the match when the game was over.
does she wrestle?
New diva Jo Jo helps to sing Tons of Funk's entrance on WWE Main Event:
Truth Martini presents 'A Night of Hoopla!';
Lol, well, that was random/weird/awkward. It does feature Seleziya Sparx & Scarlett Bordeaux, though.
New diva Jo Jo helps to sing Tons of Funk's entrance on WWE Main Event:
Hey, look at that, June is almost over.
TNA announcer Taz wrote an interesting comment earlier today on Twitter:
"Couple of big wrestling shows in my "hometown" of Brooklyn! #RedHookNearBarclay"
WWE will tape RAW for the first time at the Barclays Center on July 15th, the day after the Money in the Bank pay-per-view.
His contract with TNA will expire in less than two weeks and as early as this coming weekend. TNA will have a show in Brooklyn on July 5th, but Taz did not specifically reference that date or venue. All tweets have since been removed.
The first great thing that would happen to TNA in a long time. If he comes back to WWE keep him away from the announce booth.
I wonder what her stand does.
There are so many things I want right now:
New big HDTV
New stupid PC
New stupid monitor to go with it
A new laptop even though I much prefer PC nowadays
Pro Tools 11
A really tasteful pre-made noose because I'm not very good at tying knots.
Took me 3 years, but I got all of these besides whatever ProTools is. Finished the list off with a MacbookAir last week. I'm set until 4k tvs. Shits niceeee.
Protools is a music making program used by real musicians. It's like $1K. Where did you get your noose?
I don't even really play games on PC, either. I just want a stupidly powerful once. So I have it. You know, just so I'll have it .