Hopefully my next avatar. Can someone avatarize that face for me?

Hopefully my next avatar. Can someone avatarize that face for me?
Baraka's in the game?
Baraka's in the game?
I just looked at the face only. lol you're right!!!Don't you see the pink? That's clearly Mileena.
Hopefully my next avatar. Can someone avatarize that face for me?
"RVD is back for his first Raw, and boy is he vintage RVDing all over Christian!"
*light go out, operating room beeps*
"oh my gawd, is that?"
"aahhh" -king
"its Taz! He's here to settle that old ECW fued! Vintage belly to belly throw! RVD bounced all the way across the ring!"
Just watched the latest NXT.
Is Emma a tweener? She keeps borderlining on it. Either way, I'm still in love with her... and her character.
Is Bo a face or a heel? Or is he a heel who thinks he's a face? Because I want to punch him in that smiling mouth.
Also Leo Krueger is off to a great start with his return. His new titantron creeps me out in the right way, and I enjoyed his interaction with Bo. Could be a fun feud, and the crowd is behind him.
You guys should watch NXT.
Maybe Taz is just coming back for commentary to replace JBL or something.
JBL signed a long-term deal when he came back for good. He's going nowhere. Taz would likely be put back on Smackdown to work with Josh Mathews. They worked well together on Velocity.
Taz sucks at commentary in TNA and I never liked him when he was doing it with WWE before he left, either. He always sounds like a fucking idiot.
It took me a while, but I think what makes him look so completely wrong in this picture (aside from regular WWE ' 13 shit graphics-issues) is that his teeth are way more crooked in real life.
Since when did The Truth became The Scene?
545 lbs is pretty light.
His actual record is a 799 lbs raw deadlift.
And that record can't touch The World's Strongest Man. Henry deadlifted 815 in high school, and 903.9 raw as the record, and that's still the world record under drug testing conditions.
Yes I'm excited for the SUMMER OF PAIN. Pay yo fuckin bills.
EDIT: double excited for deadlifts later now. 5/3/1 is testing my patience in terms of ramping up, but I know I have 405 in me right now. I'm just forcing myself to stick with the plan. 365 for 3+ today.
But I can eat what I want and don't spend hours lifting useless items, so I am good.
Same here. Work smarter. Understanding of exercise and nutrition has come a long way in even the past ten years.
You can deadlift heavy items without exercising?
This sounds like a infomercial.
Most likely, the only reason Bryan didnt get fined heavily or fired is because Vince McMahon wasnt there and because Levesque, who was in charge, had great sympathy for Danielsons position, mentality and where he was coming from because of his own experience in being insistent on finishing what was planned when badly hurt (the famous HHH & Austin vs. Benoit & Jericho match from 2001 in San Jose on Raw where HHH tore his quad a few minutes before the planned finish of a match where the finish was of utmost importance given the direction). One person noted that Danielson completely freaked out and went way overboard, calling everyone motherf***ers, yelling not just at HHH but also at Sampson (who as noted was 100% not clued in to anything), John Laurinaitis and Hayes, who happened to be there. He also continued backstage, making the point that he should have been able to decide if he was hurt enough to continue, and that in 13 years of wrestling all over the world, he had never had a match stopped.
Sounds like a goddamn psychopath. Isn't it amazing that in 2013 guys can still be such marks for themselves?
John Cena ‏@JohnCena 58m
Thanks @WWEUniverse 4 #elevenyearsstrong here is a pic of me 18 years ago #nevergiveup #RTimeIsNow http://via.me/-cy7oui8
The American dream, Dusty Rhodes, it was staring us in the face all along.