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June Wrasslin' |OT| Welcome to the Family, Disregard my Brother


So not worth it
Maybe you're watching a different WWE than I am, but WWE is pushing Bryan.

Unless beating up The Shield for three minutes as the crowd goes wild, giving him two matches on Raw. Making him look insanely strong and letting him lead insanely loud YES-chants is WWE hating on him.

Because if so, really, I hope they start hating Cesaro and Sandow soon too.
Hearing the rumors about the show having a ton of rewrites, I wonder what changed under Vince's command?

I'm starting to become convinced that Bryan was booked to look much stronger than intended and Vinnie Mac had to step in and have him only win by DQ via table just to make his pet Ryback look good.

No doubt Bryan was the star, but i think there would've been more to this. I course I base this off nothing but that's just my gut feeling.


You guys know that Daniel will probably get a new shirt based on something stupid like that missing link remark.

I hope he get's a cool one like his "Sooner or Later, Everyone Taps" shirt.


Axel hitting his swinging neckbreaker onto the chair would've been a nice finisher to end the match had Ryback interfered a bit sooner. I don't get it. The constant countout/no decision results they've been booking on Axel is absurd. I hope for his sake they're going to pull out something remarkable for Payback, otherwise all these matches he's getting put in make no sense. I had thought Jericho would be fighting him, not Punk, at one point and it still may happen. He wins, and perhaps has a rematch at MitB. But right now it seems like there's no direction.

Everything else on the show sans Bryan/Ryback seemed like a giant repeat of the last three weeks. Nothing really to develop stories, guys like Sheamus beating one of the Rhodes Scholar members for the 20th time, random Diva match, etc. - even Cesaro jobbing on Superstars.
While constantly having to be obsessed or worked up about something still is annoying, I'm loving D-Bry's 'push' or refocus or whatever you want to call it. He's getting to show how good he is big time and its great.

The past few weeks he's been let loose in the ring and hasn't disappointed. The crowd are fully behind him, soooo good.

I dunno what it is about this time of year and wrestling (no stupid ass WM bs to push) but I love it.

On the other hand cool dad Jericho is reaching new lows, now he's randomly angry at a guy who hasn't even been around for months and wants to do REPEAT FUEDS TO PROVE THINGS WE'VE ALREADY SORTED. F**k they've even had the match in Chicago last time and they still need to mention this coming venue like its a different variable this time when its not. >_>

I lol'ed when Miz attacked Fandangooo because for a moment I honestly forgot what interchangeable feud he's attached to this week and thought Jericho or Wade then Wade came out anyway lol. So stupid.

Weird how all the segments blended into each other. People interrupting other segments because they had a match next or someone making the save 'oh I'm up next anyway' lets just go now style.

Oh well, this D-Bry stuff must be building to something, better be a good payoff.


Bryan has been amazing recently. Well, he's always quality, but it seems that he's gotten even better since the Shield feud started.

Not only are they making him the focus of all the matches he's in, the commentators are also talking him up more than ever. I mean, he had two great matches tonight and was involved in three backstage segments. They must have some end goal in mind for Bryan since they're going all out.

Also, I'm glad the WWE is finally pushing a few different storylines at once. Jericho/Punk, McMahons/HHH/Axel, Bryan/Kane/Shield and Ryback/Cena have gotten a lot of attention these past few weeks. Some have been hit or miss, but at least they're building them up.
Curtis Angle might as well retire, there's not much left for him to achieve at this point.

Already main event'ed Raw against HHH and the WWE Champion John Cena 3 weeks in a row and won them all.

Maybe just show up next year at WM to defeat The Undertaker by countout, but I mean other than that, geez Vince is right about Genesis.

"This kid is good."


For being the Champ the show focused very little on Cena. Even his current feud has been more about the Ryback which is a good thing.

Hey, so I wonder if people will jump ship when D. Bry becomes the new Rey Mysterio. You know the invincible little guy.

Sometimes I think the losses actually help with sympathy around here. No one likes dominance, well maybe if it's a heel.
Weird how all the segments blended into each other. People interrupting other segments because they had a match next or someone making the save 'oh I'm up next anyway' lets just go now style.

I really like when they do that. It makes the show feel more spontaneous and interconnected instead of planning everything around the commercials to the point that it feels too clean. I've been dying for a change in format with Raw and for them to get away from this unbelievably sterile TV presentation.


I really like when they do that. It makes the show feel more spontaneous and interconnected instead of planning everything around the commercials to the point that it feels too clean. I've been dying for a change in format with Raw and for them to get away from this unbelievably sterile TV presentation.

You can thank WWE APP!


So not worth it
For being the Champ the show focused very little on Cena. Even his current feud has been more about the Ryback which is a good thing.

Hey, so I wonder if people will jump ship when D. Bry becomes the new Rey Mysterio. You know the invincible little guy.

Sometimes I think the losses actually help with sympathy around here. No one likes dominance, well maybe if it's a heel.

That's not why people "jump ship"

People jump ship when acts get stale and boring. Dominance in current era WWE often coincides with bad booking, same shit endings and predictability. Which is what people sour on.


For being the Champ the show focused very little on Cena. Even his current feud has been more about the Ryback which is a good thing.

Hey, so I wonder if people will jump ship when D. Bry becomes the new Rey Mysterio. You know the invincible little guy.

Sometimes I think the losses actually help with sympathy around here. No one likes dominance, well maybe if it's a heel.

If Jericho ever had a Cena/HHH-like push, I'd be such a mark


That's not why people "jump ship"

People jump ship when acts get stale and boring. Dominance in current era WWE often coincides with bad booking, same shit endings and predictability. Which is what people sour on.

All I'm saying is when D. Bry get's so called stale, you shouldn't back stab the guy. He earned his way to the top.

Enjoy the journey, cause you might not like the destination.


So not worth it
All I'm saying is when D. Bry get's so called stale, you shouldn't back stab the guy. He earned his way to the top.

Enjoy the journey, cause you might not like the destination.

You've known me here long enough to know I'm just about the most positive guy in this here thread.


Hearing the rumors about the show having a ton of rewrites, I wonder what changed under Vince's command?

I'm starting to become convinced that Bryan was booked to look much stronger than intended and Vinnie Mac had to step in and have him only win by DQ via table just to make his pet Ryback look good.

No doubt Bryan was the star, but i think there would've been more to this. I course I base this off nothing but that's just my gut feeling.

I'm thinking it was the middle section of the show that was rewritten. The first hour had The Shield vs Hell No/Orton, and the Bryan/Orton/Kane promo as well as the Bryan/Ryback promo, and then the third hour had the weird Jericho/Heyman promo and Ryback vs Bryan, which were all too long and focused to be a last minute rewrite, it was a continuing story throughout the night.

The middle stretch of the show with more or less random matches screamed filler rewrites, though.
I call shotgun to whenever the D. Brine hatefest begins if they turn him into Rey Mysterio.

Nothing against D. Brine, but nobody gets special treatment. That went out the window after I stopped being an RVD mark, and HBK retired.


I call shotgun to whenever the D. Brine hatefest begins if they turn him into Rey Mysterio.

Nothing against D. Brine, but nobody gets special treatment. That went out the window after I stopped being an RVD mark, and HBK retired.

I've been on the D. Brine hype train since 2006. It's a fun ride. I'm not leaving till the wheels fall off.


Bryan can't be Rey Mysterio, though. The big problem with Mysterio is he can't look believable against bigger guys, you have him throwing his whole 25 pounds at like, the Big Show and then the Big Show pretends to be hurt by his low impact high flying. You can't buy it.

But Bryan, 5'8 or not, I can buy that his vicious kicks to the legs of big guys bring them down, and his submissions wear them down into a Bryan victory. He's still an underdog because of his size, but I can believe it when he would win.


His submission ability also separates him fairly big. Rey's problem for me became not really the booking, but his belly splashes, and how they were suppose to injure bigger guys. Bryan's No Lock can be locked on anybody and he makes it look punishing when applied.


Sounds like Raw was decent for the first time in a while. Have it DVR'd, may have to check it out tonight.

On a side note, I stopped by a friends house on Sunday, and he was watching the TNA PPV. I stuck around for a few matches, and I could not believe it. It actually was decent.


Sounds like Raw was decent for the first time in a while. Have it DVR'd, may have to check it out tonight.

On a side note, I stopped by a friends house on Sunday, and he was watching the TNA PPV. I stuck around for a few matches, and I could not believe it. It actually was decent.

I know, I don't know anyone who has ever ordered a TNA ppv either. Pretty amazing.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
So I hear Raw gave people a glimpse of Big E's actual asshole - truth or lies?

Mr. Sam

You're all seriously misremembering how Rey Mysterio was ever booked. But no, I can see people turning on Bryan for no rational reason, so he could be another Rey Mysterio.


So apparently you can buy NXT taping tickets online.....I did not know this. June's ringside area is sold out though. All that is left is GA bleachers. Tempted to go.


So not worth it
TNA PPV's are normally decent if you disregard the screwjob endings they love to book to every main event ever.


Speaking of high risk moves...

Miguel's Leg Drop Victim-Possible Brain Damage

As you'll recall ... Miguel took a flying, theatrical leap across the stage and landed with thunderous force on Khyati Shah's head.

Vip Bhola, Shah's lawyer, says, "Some of the difficulties she's experiencing are cognitive in nature and lead to suspicion of a neurological head injury."

Bhola says BMA responded to the accident with a pathetic gesture -- an ice pack designed to soothe a bruised elbow. The attorney insists his client should have been rushed to the hospital.

Bhola tells us his client is waiting for test results from a neurologist. When the results are in -- sometime next week -- Khyati will decide if a lawsuit is in the cards.

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/2013/06/04/miguel-leg-drop-victim-khyati-shah-brain-damage-lawsuit/#ixzz2VG2hcFiM


Jamie OD

What other factions should be in GWF? Create-A-Faction. Will Soulplaya be like the aloof dude in prison that doesn't join anyone and then gets annihilated by everyone?

Bootaaay's Puroresu Posse. We like head drops, we like broken English and we like deathmatches.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Bootaaay's Puroresu Posse. We like head drops, we like broken English and we like deathmatches.

Puro-sse. Maybe that doesn't roll of the tongue as well.


PPPP - Pure Puro Power Posse.


If I can be serious for a moment, Steve Austin has his podcast with Lance Storm up.

Listened to a bit coming it to work, will finish later.


What other factions should be in GWF? Create-A-Faction. Will Soulplaya be like the aloof dude in prison that doesn't join anyone and then gets annihilated by everyone?

Mr. Sandman's Nightmares, collecting the evil villain type characters of GWF. We often fail miserably and are typically used for comedy relief and big death-match situations.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Mr. Sandman's Nightmares, collecting the evil villain type characters of GWF. We often fail miserably and are typically used for comedy relief and big death-match situations.

Total Nonstop sAndman
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