Admit it, we have all had some sort of version of this fantasy

Admit it, we have all had some sort of version of this fantasy
Yeah, with Maxine. Who the heck would want to go dancing with Daniel Bryan?
Yeah, with Maxine. Who the heck would want to go dancing with Daniel Bryan?
Yeah, with Maxine. Who the heck would want to go dancing with Daniel Bryan?
My library has a really solid selection of movies/tv shows, but I don't like interacting with the librarians. I was about to get the Alien Quadrilogy for all the extras, but then I shirked at having to talk to people.
I'm a book.I'm a librarian.
My library has a really solid selection of movies/tv shows, but I don't like interacting with the librarians. I was about to get the Alien Quadrilogy for all the extras, but then I shirked at having to talk to people.
I'm a librarian.
Joseph Wambaugh is a pretty celebrated police story author.btw, I am halfway through Creasy book 2. I think I have found my favorite book genre. Now that Ive started watching The Shield, ive been wondering about some some cop dramas in books. Do you have any writer recommendations along David Morrel and AJ Quinnel?
btw, I am halfway through Creasy book 2. I think I have found my favorite book genre. Now that Ive started watching The Shield, ive been wondering about some some cop dramas in books. Do you have any writer recommendations along David Morrel and AJ Quinnel?
Is Raw ever going to get a General Manager?
Team Brickie is best.
I'm majorly upset over this baby living out my life dreams and reflecting my actual emotions if I were in the same situation.
Why attach a name to all that fuckery? Just let that widdowed old fatty think she is important.
Well yeah that's what I meant.Could he get him over? Absolutely. Will he? Hell no. Not with the WWE's "brilliant" booking team running things.
I can also tell from those photos that the baby shit it's pants.
Keyser is taking a sharp left turn towards #HEEL. I hope he doesn't careen off a cliff in to the ban pit..yes I do :evilface
I know you are, but what am I?
Vickie looked right at us from the bus when entering the arena in Rotterdam, but she didn't wave back at us.
I am gonna blame the jetlag, but I was very dissapointed.
My library has a really solid selection of movies/tv shows, but I don't like interacting with the librarians. I was about to get the Alien Quadrilogy for all the extras, but then I shirked at having to talk to people.
Tornadoes comin, feels real bad
This is the last day of it and it's super dangerous
If I die, I demand a tournament to decide whether Disco Inferno quote or Batista quote ends up on my headstone
Don't let me down GAF!
Embrace the librarians in your arms and hug them. They'll appreciate the human interaction and so will you.
CM Punk got legit shook:
Last night's Evolve show was as good as I've seen from them total show wise. Definitely worth picking up.
I'd rather listen to Matthews and a dog licking its balls than listen to Cole and Lawler.His commentary has been not good lately, always trying to start arguments that lead to nothing about anything. it is just awkward.
I'd rather listen to Matthews and a dog licking its balls than listen to Cole and Lawler.