Daniel Bryan just took out the shield... I don't really know how to feel.
my friends so boring
fucking leaving at 10 fucking pm.
my friends so boring
fucking leaving at 10 fucking pm.
Matt Jackson hit a trio of northern lights suplexes on Johnny Gargano....that was awesome.
lol edited cuz
all my friends went home.
One of them is a girl I want to bang
One of them is a girl's sister who wants to bang me
one is a cute girl who I'd also bang
one is a lesbian who I get along wit the most GO FIGURE
Matt Jackson hit a trio of northern lights suplexes on Johnny Gargano....that was awesome.
Yo man
I know that move from Wrestlemania 2000
lol edited cuz
all my friends went home.
One of them is a girl I want to bang
One of them is a girl's sister who wants to bang me
one is a cute girl who I'd also bang
one is a lesbian who I get along wit the most GO FIGURE
Yet you don't invite any of these friends to this thread to talk to bean breath?
I don't know if it's awesome or weird that Trina Michaels is a wrestling valet now. I used to fap to her when she was in porn.
Maybe I should fap to her ightnow
google tells me no
Also hope for the best for Mechashiva, hope he'll be ok as well.
Yet you don't invite any of these friends to this thread to talk to bean breath?
I don't know if it's awesome or weird that Trina Michaels is a wrestling valet now. I used to fap to her when she was in porn.
Is Cena ok?
Look at this mark, he pops for a Superman movie but makes fun of Cena?
Omfg at Nakamura vs Lasombra
I'm legit shook! That's all I can say!
I hope you're okay too, mechashiva.
Why the FUCK was my CAW named "Vircon"
I can't even remember the last time I even had this gmae on.
Did someone say LA SOMBRA?
Match will air next sunday
Did someone say LA SOMBRA?
Match will air next sunday
WOW! I never expected that. I guess they want to make the intercontinental championship intercontinental
holy shittttttttttttttt
Hey panda tell us again about that time Rock came back and revitalized the company
It was a really fun show and I'd certainly recommend checking out the VOD for it.Also there last night, it really was great. It's worth checking out just for the brutal Eita vs. TT chop battle and a very good 6-way Fray! match.
There really wasn't a bad match on the card though, just felt like those two matches were my favorites from last night.
I got a picture with her during intermission, she was really nice and easy to talk to. I didn't even realize it was the same Trina Michaels until someone who saw my picture pointed it outI don't know if it's awesome or weird that Trina Michaels is a wrestling valet now. I used to fap to her when she was in porn.
CHAOS crumbles.
Naito will finish them off.
Jeff Albertson said:There is another show tonight where I'm sure the Steiners will drop the belts but if Doug Williams retains it means he'll defend In August against Darr in an ironman match, good booking really as you need someone experienced in with Darr if he's going to go an hour
WrassleGAF would've bitched SO HARD if that was Cena single-handedly destroying The Shield. Hopefully this will give WWE a clue as to when it is and isn't appropriate to use superman booking.
NICE! Williams vs Darr seems like it could be a freaking awesome matchup, although, as you said, it's good that Doug will be there to properly pace the match. It's easy to forget that Noam's just 19 years old.
How huge was Johnny Moss in person? The guy always looks HUGE whenever I've seen him on wXw DVDs from Germany.
- Thursday's TNA Impact Wrestling, in the new 9pm timeslot, scored a 0.83 cable TV rating while averaging 1.06 million viewers.
WrassleGAF would've bitched SO HARD if that was Cena single-handedly destroying The Shield. Hopefully this will give WWE a clue as to when it is and isn't appropriate to use superman booking.
If Cena was able to pull off that set of moves that quickly and precisely I don't think WrassleGAF would have been mad, I think it would have been more like a Baxter-eating-an-entire-cheese-wheel thing.