Probably worth mentioning I went to a Mick Foley comedy show yesterday. I've heard a lot of people say that it's still entertaining for audience members who aren't into wrestling, which is kind of true in that he's a good storyteller, but I'd strongly recommend against bringing friends who aren't into pro graps as he does use a bit of wrestling jargon and all/most of his stories are wrestling focused.
At the end of the set he did some Q+A and brought up Nattie Neidhart and Diana Hart to participate as well. No real highlights from that, my friend asked Nattie what was up with the farting gimmick and whether it was a rib. Her response was basically "I get asked about that all the time and almost never about my time as Divas' champion, so even if people tell me I should be doing something else I was happy to be doing something people found somewhat memorable." Mick added that at least she had the balls to do it, because even if it was bad it would have been worse if she'd half-assed it.
I didn't use the opportunity to ask Mick about Boy Meets World, which I sort of already regret.
A friend of mine is opening for Mick Foley on one of his Florida dates, if I'm in town, I plan on going.